Description of socionic types and intertype relationships.

Looking at a large company of people, you can observe a variety of characters in it. Some are chatting vyingly, gesticulating generously.

Others sit silently and distantly. Psychologists explain such different behavior by the peculiarities of human adaptation to the outside world .

The way a person interacts with others is dictated by the soul itself. And it's hard to argue with her.

How to communicate with a phlegmatic person? Find out about this from our article.

Who is it?

What does introvert mean and what is the meaning of the word introversion in psychology?

Soul scientists call the product of human interaction with the outside world psychic energy .

Simply put, how a person manages his energy is his psychological type.

Psychologists have combined all methods of interaction into two categories. “extrovert” and “introvert” were born .

Both concepts are absolute opposites, but are inextricably linked. To understand who introverts are, you should also study the concept of extroversion.

The theory in a few words:

  1. Introvert . Whether it is a man or a woman, a person whose energy is focused on his inner world. Outwardly passive, he experiences most of his emotions within himself. When communicating with other people, he spends his own energy.
  2. Extrovert .
    A person whose energy is focused on the outside world. The character’s activity is high, he strives to receive information from communication. When interacting with others, this person receives energy.

P - business logic

He assesses the prospects of new ventures and enterprises well. He will advise you on how to set up an unusually daring business, and what needs to be done for its success. However, he himself is not distinguished by businesslike and entrepreneurial spirit. He hesitates in business activity, thinks for a long time before deciding on something. Therefore, he is either too cautious and inactive, or, on the contrary, he suddenly takes risks, hoping for luck. In a particular work, he is either thorough and clarifies everything, or he is in a hurry to finish it and proceed to the next work. The raw result does not bother him: if necessary, he will later go back and redo it. In the area of ​​interest to him, he wants to know how people act, what technologies they use. Based on this information, he decides how to act himself. But the acquired labor skills are quickly lost.

Types of introversion and their definition

Psychologists have divided the concept of introversion into several types. By analyzing each of the categories, we can identify the main features of any representative of the psychotype.

Four types of introversion:

  1. Social . Representatives of the type are quite sociable characters. However, they choose their circle extremely carefully. A social introvert is not reserved and is very active among loved ones. However, in large companies he quickly loses strength, so he tries to avoid noisy gatherings.
  2. Thinking . This introvert still avoids crowds. But when you find yourself in such a company, you don’t get lost, but simply become locked in your thoughts. The type is focused on their own experiences. Key traits are empathy and trusting intuition.
  3. An anxious or introverted sociopath .
    This type does not like to be in society. He is exhausted by conversations and audiences. An anxious introvert tries with all his might to remain alone or with one or two close friends. Constant anxiety and negative communication experiences give rise to nervousness. A character can experience suffering only by remembering the negative experience. This is extremely deep introversion.
  4. Discreet . This type of introversion manifests itself in slow preparation for communication. The type is ready to communicate and even strives for it. But before starting a conversation or meeting, he must think everything over and prepare mentally. This is the most maneuverable psychotype.

Based on the nature of their interaction with the outside world, introverts are divided into eight categories.


This psychotype is guided by logic . Harmony and balance are extremely important to him. Conservative, meticulous in his work. The sensory-logical type is self-confident.

Calm, rarely shows emotions . Keeps a distance from others. Balanced, it is difficult to anger him. It flares up only if his dignity is hurt. In other situations, he is peaceful and loyal.


This type loves rules and established boundaries .

Tries to systematize his life in accordance with moral standards.

Disciplined and ambitious. Demanding not only of himself, but also of those around him. Thanks to his diligence, he achieves high positions.

Emotions rarely get the better of him, but he is sensitive to his own experiences. People around them are not allowed to know about them. Not conflicting , but consistent, so he can respond to aggression with aggression. Does not like change of scenery and innovations.


Mobile and dynamic consciousness . This psychotype enjoys observing the changeability of the world. He is able to adapt to change and makes long-term plans.

He is diligent in his work only when he feels the promise of his undertaking. He prefers not to do useless things. Looks for the deep meaning in everything, which it follows.

Emotionally stable, but allows outbursts of feelings . Outwardly calm, he can break out unexpectedly even for himself. In his statements he is sharp and straightforward.


The task of this character is to get to the bottom of it . This is an intellectual who is interested in absolutely everything. Meticulous analyst and responsible implementer. When making decisions, he relies on intuition, which practically does not let him down.

Tactful in communication. He does not show strong emotions and does not tolerate rudeness or rudeness . A logical-intuitive introvert does not get close to people. The privacy of his own experiences is extremely important to him.


Relies entirely on his feelings.

Attached to comfort and pleasure. Rarely goes against his own feelings .

In communication he is tactful and careful. Conflicts are resolved before they arise. Dislikes pressure, responsibilities and inconvenience. He is pleasant and open, but he chooses his social circle carefully.

Ethical-sensory type

What does this mean? Consistent and correct type . Sees the meaning of life in following the rules. Aesthete and moralist. Don't try to look into the future. Lives by sensations here and now. Practical and materialist. He doesn’t like to dream and doesn’t know how.

L - structural logic

Able to express his thoughts logically and convincingly. Builds diagrams and concepts, clearly separates the main from the secondary. Having developed a general system, he specifies it and brings it closer to practice. Pure theorizing, philosophizing, and reasoning divorced from life are not for him. The correctness of a system is determined by its internal logical consistency. The formal framework of the system is easily modified. Prefers compact, extremely condensed information, although he can expand it to the required volume. Well sees the possibilities of systems, formal models and concepts. Gives an objective, often impartial assessment of their potential. The particular knows how to connect with the whole.

How to recognize?

When getting to know a person, it is extremely important to determine which psychotype he belongs to.

This information will help in further communication. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether the object of attention is a girl or a guy. Both sexes of the same type have similar behavior patterns.

How to recognize an introvert:

  1. A person is silent in company, but conducts a lively conversation, remaining alone with the interlocutor.
  2. When entering a room, he tries to avoid attention, quietly “seeping” into his place.
  3. Takes on complex tasks that he wishes to do alone. But he gets lost in teamwork.
  4. He hangs out in public, does not want to attract attention to himself.
  5. He is a man of few words. He may express his opinion in a few words, but they will be filled with great meaning.
  6. On topics that interest him, he becomes animated and talks a lot. Finding himself in a circle of like-minded people, an introvert does not waste energy, but replenishes his bucket. Why sometimes it seems that he may be an extrovert.
  7. Everything is going according to plan for him. Inconsistency with the schedule and routine unsettles him.
  8. He is much more willing to respond to messages on social networks than to a call. You can't ask an introvert for his phone number.
  9. Without elaboration, introversion turns into real social phobia. These people are antisocial and need the help of a psychologist.

F - force sensory

He evaluates relationships between people by the degree of their ease and ease. Strives for simple, democratic relations. Difficult, tense relationships take away his strength and make him passive. A soft and gentle person, he does not have penetrating power. Experiences an urgent need for independence, territorial independence. He does not know how to subjugate people, he does not defend his everyday interests well. In critical situations, he is indecisive and slow. Although he maintains composure, he needs a hint on what and how to do. Ignores violence and forceful pressure. Very balanced and self-possessed. Nothing can be achieved from him by coercion.

How to get into his world?

Why is it difficult to communicate with introverts? How to communicate with them correctly? Introverts give the impression of being closed personalities . It will be extremely difficult to approach such a character. To penetrate his inner world and find a common language, simple tips will come in handy.

How to get along with an introvert:

  1. Warn about your arrival. Give the introvert the opportunity to prepare for communication. He will be collected, which will benefit both interlocutors.
  2. Do not hurry. Don't demand an immediate answer from him.
    But don’t interrupt if he starts talking. Slowness is just a way to collect your thoughts, and not an attempt to annoy you.
  3. Don't hurt him. If you say something sarcastic to an extrovert, he will certainly retort. The introvert will be surprised at first, and then withdraw into himself. Bringing a resentful character out of his shell will be difficult.
  4. If the introvert speaks out, be sure to express your opinion regarding what was said. It is important for him to receive feedback. Then your efforts will not be wasted.
  5. You should not expect decisive proactive steps from him. It is better to “push” an introvert to a decision.
  6. To “open up” your interlocutor, start the conversation with topics that are interesting to him . Take an interest in his affairs and plans. Rest assured, the story will not take much time. “Introduced” is short and concise.
  7. Leave him alone more often . If you are around an introvert 24/7, he will become exhausted. This person needs a little recharging that happens alone.
  8. Don't drag him to clubs and parties . For your sake, a loving introvert will attend noisy events, but they are unlikely to give him pleasure.

I - intuition of possibilities

Seeks to improve or supplement any theory or development. Alternative ideas do not escape his attention. He persistently fills in the missing links of the system that interests him. Has the ability to generate ideas and brainstorm. Thinks very independently. Having understood the problem, he puts forward fundamentally new solutions. Ideas come to him intuitively - by guess. For him, logic is just a way of formatting intuitively received information. Able to understand a confusing, unclear problem. Intuitively finds hidden relationships. The lack of facts will be replaced by imagination. Penetrates deeper into the object of study.

Is it difficult to be different?

Is it good or bad to be an introvert? The modern world, a universe of extroverts .

Crowded meetings, huge concert halls and even cafes mix people into a boiling mass.

It is difficult for introverts to find their secluded corner in this assortment of people. However, the answer to the question of whether it is good to be an introvert is a resounding “yes”.

Advantages of a closed temperament

None of the spirits of psychotypes are good or bad. Each temperament has its own unique qualities. Introverts can boast both pros and cons of their personality.

This psychotype copes well with complex tasks. Where an extrovert acts without thinking, an introvert weighs everything and makes the right decision.

  1. Self-education , study and advanced training for this character is a real pleasure.
  2. In a comfortable environment, he will become a real storehouse of ideas. The perception of “turning inward” differs from the generally accepted one. Hence the creativity .
  3. You won't find a better friend. These are the most sensitive and responsible people. If an introvert is entrusted with his experiences, he will take care of them like helpless kittens.
  4. Punctuality , responsibility, kept promises, trump card of introversion.

Disadvantages of Representatives

Of course, there are not only advantages to introversion. The psychotype is also fraught with difficulties, primarily annoying the bearer of the temperament.

Disadvantages of a closed character and problems:

  • difficulties in communication,
  • experiencing self-failures,
  • constantly replaying negative experiences in your thoughts,
  • difficulties in finding a partner,
  • touchiness,
  • inability to adapt quickly.

T - intuition of time

Feels dependent on the passage of time. Arrives to meetings and events on time. Takes pride in being punctual and organized. He knows how to calculate his strength so that the planned work is completed exactly by the appointed time. However, he usually starts work late, so he speeds up the pace towards the end, which causes the volume or quality of work to suffer. Looks for work methods that save time. He really doesn't like it when time is wasted uselessly. Warns about his busyness, about the presence of many things that cannot be postponed. Fate rules over him, which he cannot change. He only succeeds in those things that he starts on time. He quickly forgets past failures, but the future is not good either.

How to make friends with yourself?

What to do if you are an introvert? How to live as an introvert?

Those who discover signs of introversion should calm down and stop perceiving their character as something inconvenient.

A person comes into the world with a ready-made set of qualities. Everyone's task is to find the key to their own heart .

First, stop trying to “break” yourself. You will not be able to change your psychotype. An introvert can only be advised to choose a “comfortable” type for himself and strive to fit it. For example, an anxious individual may well transform into a social type .

Planning will help you understand your own soul. By sketching out a plan for the day on a piece of paper, an introvert will protect himself as much as possible from unexpected events.

The same applies to the need to make a speech or have an important conversation. You can sketch it out in a notebook, thereby preparing for the situation.

Familiarity is especially difficult for a closed psychotype. Some introverts literally experience panic when it comes to the intrusion of a “stranger” into their lives.

Finding a soul mate is difficult for such individuals. To meet your loved one, it is advised not to pretend to be an extrovert. Look for those who will understand you, but do not pretend to be an overly sociable joker.

In fact, there are many introverts in society. Perhaps to see them you just need to take off your mask and accept yourself.

S - sensory sensations

In everyday life he is modest and agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. However, effective care for his health and comfort lifts the structure and puts him in an optimistic mood. When his everyday and material problems are solved, his energy increases and he begins to solve those problems that were postponed until better times. Strives to dress harmoniously, without pretentiousness and artificial decorations. However, he does not find his style right away. Feels uncomfortable if dressed in a non-functional way that is inappropriate for the situation. When he is surrounded by discomfort for a long time, this leads to the accumulation of negative emotions. Over time, his patience may burst, and the boiling water may spill out.

How to become one?

They don't become extroverts or introverts. Psychological personality type, innate predisposition to a specific type of interaction with the world.

However, none of the psychotypes is considered a “sentence”. Working on oneself will help a person show his strengths.

It is also impossible to stop being an introvert . A closed-type person can present himself as an extrovert, but he will not be able to become one. However, psychologists are confident that regular communication and working through one’s experiences will help an introvert “open up.”

Communication style

LII behaves with strangers very reservedly, aloofly, and maintains a distant psychological distance. Doesn't take the first initiative to get to know each other. His speech is very clear and logical. The material is presented very coherently. There is a tendency to emphasize the most significant words with intonation and stress. First, he usually expresses an abstract position, and then gives a concrete example that illustrates or reinforces this idea. The reverse order is also possible: first a number of examples are given, and then a general conclusion follows. The logic of his speech, especially when he defends any ideas during an argument, is very tough and categorical. He always cuts off unnecessary details; he is only interested in general patterns. During a conversation or speech, he shows emotionality, which is difficult to suspect in him at first. As emotions become aroused, they become strong and dramatic. The eyes flash with a fanatical brilliance. Nevertheless, he tries to behave in an emphatically correct manner. He maintains a conversation only when he is interested in it. He does not express his opinion on issues of indifference to him; he prefers to remain silent.


Your strengths are your analytical mind, structural thinking, and the ability to grasp the patterns of any phenomenon. You are committed to objectivity and fairness; when evaluating people, you are guided by their contribution to the common cause, and not by personal sympathies. In the business you are engaged in, you always highlight the main thing, discarding unnecessary, unimportant details. You also know how to present material in a strictly logical manner and convey the main idea to your audience.

Having analyzed the idea, establishing its importance and prospects, you become its active supporter. Your creative intuition feeds it constantly with new and new outbreaks.

You are also endowed with the ability to carefully treat specific people. You know how to notice a person in action and help reveal his abilities, instill confidence in his own strength.

The main problem in your life is the inability to actively defend your interests and weak self-confidence in specific life matters. You are characterized by indecision, you do not have an immediate reaction to changing situations. Slowness and lack of dynamism can harm you. Try to boldly present your rights if you are confident in their validity.

Take up those sports that develop determination and speed of reaction - tennis, alpine skiing, motoring, boxing. Be sure to alternate mental work with physical work. You are recommended to exercise concentration, as well as activities that develop this quality, such as picking mushrooms, berries, and fishing. You need moral support for your endeavors. There should be people around you who are determined and optimistic, who would push you from time to time and help you overcome pessimism and lack of faith in your abilities.

Your other problem is the inability to communicate with people, a distant psychological distance, which is perceived by others as dryness, callousness, and aloofness. Sometimes you deliberately condemn yourself to loneliness. Don't be gloomy and gloomy. Smile more often, be friendly, but don’t go too far - it’s difficult for you to refuse people. Carefully choose the circle of contacts you need to avoid overwork and unnecessary ethical problems. Try not to lose established emotional connections. You can help a lot of people with your prudence and understanding. Please note that not everyone can analyze events and abstract from emotions as successfully as you.

Try to cultivate the norms of generally accepted ethics in yourself and follow them every day. Consider other people's interests. Try to delve deeper into everyone's problems if you want them to cooperate with you. Remember that a person is offended by a superficial, inattentive attitude towards him.

Working conditions

The optimal mode for an analyst is a calm mode of work that allows him to think through logical questions. At the same time, the work should be interesting for him (it is best to give him the opportunity to satisfy his own curiosity). It is best for him to work independently of others, at his own pace. At the same time, status, the desire to stand out, succeed, and make a career are secondary for the analyst. Emotional appeals that his participation in it is absolutely necessary can motivate him to work. At the same time, it is advisable to enthusiastically explain to him that a huge amount of work has already been done, but without his participation the matter may reach a dead end. The analyst himself cares little about convenience in the workplace and at home, but comfort increases his productivity and mood. Therefore, if you solve all the problems of arrangement for him, he will be very grateful to you. He also does not know how to achieve and ask for something for himself personally, and pays little attention to his health. This may be a smart, promising, but completely “impenetrable” specialist. And if you periodically take care of him in these matters (and he really needs this!), he will be grateful to you.

general description

  1. Possesses developed logic and ability to analyze. Able to clearly separate the main from the secondary. Structures, classifications, concepts are his style. Objective and harsh in judgments and fundamental assessments. He ignores rules or instructions that do not suit him.
  2. Having understood the problem, he puts forward fundamentally new solutions. We are tolerant of other points of view and lifestyles. His behavior is often incomprehensible to others, since he makes many decisions intuitively - by guess. Often has some kind of hobby in which he is constantly improving. He supports the conversation only when it concerns topics that are significant to him.
  3. Poor understanding of people's feelings. Stubborn and inflexible in relationships. Secretive, does not like uninvited guests very much, does not know how to keep them busy. Cautious in communication, often keeps his distance. The more a person sympathizes internally, the less he demonstrates his interest externally. He persistently maintains the system of relationships to which he is accustomed.
  4. In everyday life he is modest and agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. Everyday household chores weigh him down. Despite stubbornness, penetration abilities are poorly developed. He doesn't know how to subjugate people. In critical situations he is quite indecisive. You can't get anything from him by coercion.

Key Features

  1. Successfully solves strategic problems.
  2. Can adequately prove himself as a frontal leader.
  3. In establishing business contacts, he focuses on objective criteria and assesses the partner’s potential capabilities from these positions.
  4. Business activity is characterized by forethought with a focus on analyzing one’s own capabilities.
  5. The system of interaction with subordinates is built on a collegial basis.
  6. Collaborative type of behavior with elements of a compromise type.
  7. Achieves major results by taking into account objective opportunities. He cannot affect people emotionally.
  8. The management style is consistent with generally accepted ethical and professional standards of conduct.
  9. Motives - success within the framework of ethical ideas
  10. the goal is profit within the limits of the law.
  11. Attitude to the law: cannot work according to laws that protect bureaucratic orders and regulate the hierarchical structure of powers.
  12. Strategy: complete freedom of management, consistent with objective necessity. Cannot act as a leader in solving ethical problems.
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