The psychologist told how to always stay positive

From this article you will learn what positivity is and how it benefits us. Most importantly, you will learn 21 strategies to become more positive. You don't have to use exactly all the strategies to increase your positivity rate. You'll choose the ones that give you the biggest boost in efficiency. You will also learn how to respond to negative people around you and stay positive during difficult times in your life.

To get the most out of the information below, take notes so you remember all the strategies listed. Then choose one or two and use them for two weeks. You must continually practice the methods you choose to see how they help you feel happy and positive. If it works, continue using it in the future until it becomes a habit.

Try to return to this material periodically over a six-month period, choosing a new strategy to apply. Some will work better for you than others, and that's okay. Just keep experimenting until you find the best combination that truly improves your sense of well-being and positivity.

Basic rules for developing positive thinking

So, psychologists identify 3 basic principles of positive thinking.

We look for the positives in any situation

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Look for this good stuff. Got fired? This means there is a new, even more interesting one ahead. And with it new acquaintances and a new creative path. Was the train delayed? This is a reason to finally read your favorite book, or buy gifts for those closest to you. Did your daughter put on a biker jacket, tractor-soled boots and dye her hair green? Be glad that your child is free from the instinct of herd dullness - this is undoubtedly a reason to become closer to each other and teach your child a sense of proportion.

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Avoiding toxic people

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As a rule, they become the source of our bad mood. Constant complaints from colleagues about a difficult life under the wing of a tyrant boss, “friends” gossiping about each other, relatives coming to visit only to gloat over our situation or, on the contrary, to borrow money - all these are factors that can simply be avoided . Friendship should bring only positive emotions. It is worth adding that we ourselves should forget how to complain.

Let's not sit idly by, let's act!

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Most people, when faced with difficulties and problems, simply try to forget about them. As a last resort, pour out your soul to your friends and, again, forget. But problems do not solve themselves, and a large number of them can be dealt with if you don’t sit with your hands folded.

Tired of a messy home? Give yourself at least ten minutes a day to clean. But every day. Do children make the lion's share of the mess? Come up with a game with your kids where prizes are awarded from mom and dad once a week for cleanliness and order in the house.

money flowing like a river? Don’t even have time to hold your salary in your hands? Plan your spending in advance by making lists of necessary purchases. And never take more money to the store than is required according to the list - this will protect you from spontaneous purchases that you can completely do without.

Life is motion . Any action aimed at changing the situation will have its positive results, or at least experience.
Which is also priceless.

Let go of the past

How to become cheerful and cheerful? Many people cannot accept their past. Mistakes made several years ago have left a feeling of guilt that haunts a person on a constant basis. Try to understand that the past cannot be changed. To live happily, you need to accept all your mistakes. In the future, you will try to avoid them and will no longer make rash actions. But it is impossible to change anything in your past. Therefore, stop mentally replaying situations in which you do an action differently. Watch any movie with a time travel theme. For example, "Butterfly Effect". The example of the main character clearly shows that no matter how you change events, the result will be the same. Understand that if you had not done what you did, you would not have become the person you are. Mistakes teach people and make them stronger, wiser, more experienced and nobler.

By lifting the mood of other people, we lift it ourselves

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When we are in a bad mood, we do not want to do good deeds. We don’t see the point in this and withdraw into our shell. But, as life shows, even a tiny kind deed can change depression to a smile when we make loved ones and complete strangers happy. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be the rescue of a drowned tractor, or Batman’s flight over a crime-ridden city. It could be just a note in a couple of tender lines that you stuffed into your daughter's pocket. Or a culinary surprise for a husband who has been dreaming of meat stew with a cheese crust in a pot for so long.

The desire to make someone happier simply inevitably makes us happy.

Don't beat yourself up

Problems that may haunt you today will soon be resolved. There is nothing eternal in this world. So don't beat yourself up. Do you want to become cheerful and cheerful? How to achieve the desired result with the least amount of effort? Stop beating yourself up. Just because you play out all sorts of situations in your head, life will not change. Many people are used to imagining the worst possible scenarios that the event could take before an important event. This is not worth doing. Let go of the problem. If you cannot influence the outcome of events in any way, then do not take them to heart. If you have the power to change something, then change it. A person who does not worry about trifles does not undermine his nervous system and, as a result, lives much happier than people who cannot bring their raging feelings under control and calm down in time.

Follow your thoughts and desires!

Thoughts are material: “If you peer into the abyss for too long, it begins to peer into you.”

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This has been proven for a long time. If you are very afraid of something, sooner or later it will happen. If you constantly live with negative thoughts, it becomes a way of life. And then it’s very difficult to cut this knot and force yourself to think positively.

First of all, you should drive away all negative thoughts. Categorically and mercilessly. Does not work? Abstract yourself. Doesn't work again? Distract yourself with physical work - it always helps. Don't attract negativity to yourself with bad thoughts. Think only about the good and set yourself up only for the positive.

Never say “IF it works out...” about something long-awaited. Say “WHEN”, affirming in your mind the fact that this long-awaited will definitely come true.

Find a hobby

To live happily, you need to be passionate about something. Not all people have hobbies and work as synonyms. Work should be something you love, but it doesn't have to be passion. For example, a person can happily work as a hairdresser, and in his free time he can breed dogs. Animals and caring for them will be a huge part of a girl’s life. Psychologists say that you need to smile more often. Cute doggies will help keep a lady's smile on her face.

How does a person live without a hobby? Boring. And if a person also has a job he doesn’t like, then life can become unbearable. You definitely need to find an outlet for yourself. Find an activity that inspires you and practice it as often as possible. And remember that watching TV and TV series, as well as sleeping, are not hobbies.

How to become a positive person?

  1. Don't accumulate negative emotions within yourself. Free your mind from grievances and unpleasant memories for joyful thoughts.
  2. Get rid of the habit of reproaching yourself for mistakes.
  3. Do not deny yourself what gives you pleasure - dance, sing, listen to music, engage in creativity or sports. The main thing is that all negative emotions have a way out. And not on loved ones, but through psychological release, and thanks to the hormones of happiness.
  4. Smile. Smile as soon as you wake up. Smile in response to someone's rudeness in public transport. Smile when you feel bad. Humor and smiles devalue the seriousness of problems; they are the best analgesic for sadness and depression. Thank fate for every moment of joy given, for every day you live and learn to think only positively. Share your smiles. Sincerely, from the heart, give smiles at work, at home, on the street. Let 50 people out of a hundred think that you are not all at home, but the other 50 will smile back at you. This therapy is guaranteed to help get rid of depression. In a photo studio, take pictures of the smiling, or better yet, laughing faces of each family member in the largest possible format. Hang pictures on the walls of your apartment. Walking past them, you will involuntarily smile.
  5. Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home . There are a great many ways to do this. The only walls that help are those of the house you want to return to.
  6. Find at least half an hour a day to indulge your weaknesses . Relaxation and relaxation alone with yourself and your favorite pastime is simply a must in an optimist’s daily routine.
  7. Experiment with your life. Change your hairstyles, clothing style, handbags and place of residence. Rearrange your furniture and travel. Movement and change of impressions are the best cure for depression.

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Play sports

How to become cheerful and cheerful? Useful advice that will help any girl become a better person is to immediately go in for sports. The modern pace of life does not leave many people time for the gym. But you can exercise not only in the gym, but also at home or in the yard. Exercising improves your body, eliminates extra pounds and cellulite, improves stamina and makes you happier. During sports, a person’s brain is filled with oxygen, and as a result, the person begins to think faster and better. It was not for nothing that our ancestors believed that a healthy mind lies in a healthy body. The outer shell is a direct reflection of a person’s inner world. If a person is happy, he will be beautiful, and if his face is distorted by grief and melancholy, no amount of cosmetics will make the person more attractive.

Forming positive thinking

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It has long been known that the smell can make you dizzy, plunge you into depression, lift your spirits, cure and, on the contrary, cause the manifestation of an illness. Smells, as provocateurs of emotions, can remind of certain events in life, calm or excite the blood:

  • It is useful to remember that the aromas of citrus fruits and ginger help fight depression and anxiety.
  • The scent of rosemary promotes concentration and stimulates brain activity.
  • Lavender, which has a calming effect, helps relieve anxiety, fear and irritability.
  • You can also get a boost of energy from the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
  • A well-known antidepressant is vanilla. The aroma of vanilla relaxes, improves mood and, by the way, for those who want to lose weight, it interrupts the desire to put something sweet in their mouth.

How do you cheer yourself up? Tell us in the comments!

Communicate more

Do you dream of becoming joyful and positive? How to achieve this? Talk to people more. Books are a good teacher, but direct interaction will teach you more. People are an endless source of knowledge. Learning from a person is much easier and faster than learning the basics of some science on your own. By communicating with people, you broaden your horizons and learn other points of view on problems that did not seem so obvious to you. The wider your social circle, the richer you are. Today you can make friends anywhere in the world. You can learn about many cultures from their native speakers without leaving home. Learn languages ​​and talk more with foreigners. This way you will be able to understand the world, which, it turns out, is not as simple as you thought about it.

What is happiness for a man

Men are much less likely to think about how to become a happy person and what this concept means. But this does not mean that it does not matter to them. A man is looking rather for the meaning of life, trying to reach the top, to accomplish the impossible. He is capable of sacrificing himself, breaking off relations with his beloved for the sake of a higher goal.

In the process of achieving goals, a man finds happiness

What is it?

First of all, you need to understand what happiness is for a particular man. If a woman needs to achieve harmony, then the process itself is important for a man. It is unacceptable for him to stop developing. The young man will be happy to build a house for his family, and when finished he will find another goal for himself.

The famous phrase that every man is a hunter confirms our words. To be happy, he needs not only to achieve the attention of his beloved, but to win her every day. This gives him an incentive to develop, play sports, and earn more money. It is in the process of achieving his goal that a man finds happiness.

Advice from psychologists on how to become a happy person

First of all, a man must determine his goal and think about how to achieve it. A good plan will help you successfully complete the task. What psychologists say about how to become a happy man:

  1. Learn to see the advantages and prospects in any situation.
  2. Remember your hobbies. In addition to your main job, you need to find time for your favorite pastime: fishing, hunting, woodcarving, sports, drawing, and so on.
  3. Study your character. Even the most unpleasant traits can easily turn into advantages.
  4. Fight bad habits. For example, endless tardiness often causes discord in relationships and dismissal from work.
  5. Build a house. Not having your own home makes an adult man feel insecure. He realizes that for many women this moment is key when choosing a partner.
  6. Keep your body in good condition. Play sports, eat right, consult doctors on time.
  7. Change your unloved job. It is impossible from a psychological point of view to become a happy person while doing something you don’t understand.
  8. If your salary does not allow you to satisfy all your needs, you need to learn to save and save.

This is not all that a man needs to be happy. Even the strongest person needs love and support. A beloved woman gives not only pleasure. Being around her makes your soul feel calm. It will be a great motivation to move forward and work on yourself.

Love yourself

A person who wants to become happy must love himself. A confident person who knows her strengths and accepts her shortcomings makes a good impression. If a person loves himself, then he will look good, speak well and be satisfied with his own life. A person who lives for himself and does not save money to meet his own needs is, according to statistics, more cheerful. And making others happier is easier for those who themselves experience true pleasure from every day.

How to become a cheerful and interesting girl? Don't skimp on yourself. Dress nicely, go to a beauty salon, eat from the formal service and do what you want. Don't prove anything to anyone and don't accuse anyone of anything. Plan for the future and don't cling to the past. Try to see something good in every day. Living in such a rhythm, it is very easy to understand that life is truly beautiful.

What is loneliness like?

There are two main categories of women who are trying to become happy without a man:

  1. Disappointed . They may desperately want to get married or at least have a close relationship with a man, but because of negative experiences they are afraid to trust someone . Most often, these fears are associated with the fact that previous relationships did not justify themselves, the woman was betrayed by her loved one, has negative examples of other couples, etc. Everything leads to the fact that she turns into a person who pushes away those who could really give them happiness .
  2. Free . These women stay single deliberately . The reasons may be different: the desire to first build a career and become financially independent, reluctance to listen to a man’s opinion and the ability to resolve all issues independently.

In general, happiness depends on the woman’s attitude towards herself and her life. After all, it often happens that a lady, exhausted by a long search for a worthy partner, still finds him, but continues to feel unhappy, feeling emptiness and lack of something important inside herself. This suggests the idea that you need to start with yourself, change internally, and not try to change others.

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