Captured by time... How to stop fussing and rushing?

What or who can limit your life? Only you yourself! Only your internal blocks, negative attitudes, thought patterns and fears are frames and limitations.

Well, what about time ? Does it depend on the individual?

Does life depend on the individual? Life is the time allotted for being in the body!

People are accustomed to perceiving the course of life as something beyond the control of the will. They think that time is a captivity from which one cannot escape. But not voluntary or is it captivity?

Are you rushing and fussing in vain, trying to “catch up” with time and make the most of it?

Read the article about how to get rid of haste and fuss, live relaxed, without fear that time is running out.

Recommendation #1

are afraid of being late are fussing, rushing, rushing and worrying about the passage of time . The limitation in the minds of all fussy people is the fear of not being on time, of wasting time. This is the fear that life will end.

Many people are afraid that their time is running out forever. That is why they are “captivated” by him.

A person who is afraid of the speed of time adapts to the events happening in life, while a person free from these internal limitations, on the contrary, adapts life to himself. He adjusts events to suit himself.

Hence, recommendation No. 1 on how to stop fussing and rushing - to become the master of your life , your time. Determine such an attitude for yourself and follow it.

Try affirmations:

  • I manage my time.
  • My time is up to me.
  • I do everything on time.
  • I'm not in a hurry, so I have time everywhere.

What does it mean to be the master of time? Example. If you determine the most convenient day and time for the meeting to take place, or in the case when it cannot take place at all without you, being late is excluded. The meeting time is up to you. You are the owner.

The wonderful thing is that there are no circumstances beyond a person’s control! Even if they seem so at first glance.

One more example. People who are always late for work love to complain about transportation problems; they assure that they do not in any way affect the frequency or accuracy of its arrival. But is this an excuse? There are many ways to not depend on transport: from leaving home 15 minutes earlier to purchasing a personal bicycle/car. You can do something more radical - move closer to work so you can walk there, or change your occupation (after all, people are rarely late for their favorite job, but you don’t want to come to your least favorite job at all!).

Causes of nervousness

This condition can be provoked by various factors. Most often, a person exaggerates the problem, overthinks himself and attaches importance to unimportant things. He just can't stop panicking. The causes of nervousness often lie in the following:

  • situations that pose a danger to life and health;
  • fear of defeat or failure;
  • fear of not meeting other people's expectations;
  • jitters before an important event or event;
  • conflict situations.

The feeling of moral discomfort in a stressful situation is not physiology, but psychology. It is associated with the psychological characteristics of the individual, as well as the properties of the nervous system. A predisposition to neuroses is not a natural reaction of the body, but the perception of what is happening by a specific person.

How to Stop Teasing Yourself. Mindset

Recommendation #2

Life needs to be planned. But plan not for someone else, but for yourself.

Don't plan what you don't want to do! Just don't do what you don't like.

Determine what you want to do during the day/week/month/year/life and do it. Distribute the order of tasks as you like and want.

Do you think: “If I don’t, no one else will do what I don’t want to do”? You are deeply mistaken. It's quite the opposite. It is precisely because you do something that no one else takes on it.

Learn to delegate authority if you are afraid to let things take their course and allow the situation to resolve without your participation.

Doing something you don’t like is wasting your time. But these are the classes that take place in bustle and haste. Because you don’t want to do them, they irritate and make you angry.

Only you decide what to spend your life on.

Those who plan their time wisely stop fussing:

  • doesn't take on too much
  • doesn't do someone else's work
  • does not want to do everything at once,
  • leaves time for rest,
  • does what he loves
  • appreciates what he does.

What is "slow motion"

“Slow movement”, or slow life, originated in 1986, when journalist Carlo Petrini opposed the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in Piazza di Spagna in Rome. As a sign of protest, he organized a banquet in the same square with eating traditional Italian pasta.

Despite the fact that McDonald's was finally opened, the Italian's efforts were not in vain: the letter M, the traditional golden arch, was made several times smaller. In addition, thanks to Petrini, a movement called “slow food” or “slow food” was formed. Its supporters oppose tasteless fast food and call for relaxation at least at the dinner table.

Now the “slow movement” has more than a dozen directions. In addition to “slow eating”, there is the same education, aging, science, medicine, fashion, reading, the city, money, television, travel and so on. Many organizations were opened within the movement. Among the most influential are the American Foundation “Extend the Moment”, the European Society for Time Dilation, the Japanese Club of Slowness, and the World Institute of Slowness.

The number of adherents of this culture is growing.

Recommendation #3

Businessmen and people who work for themselves manage their time boldly and confidently. Be honest, can you be successful while continuing to work “for your uncle”? Would you like to be a person who independently determines the amount of time allocated to work and personal schedule?

But even when working for someone else, receiving tasks from above, you can and should still manage time.

Being in the position of a “slave” (it doesn’t matter where you work - at home or at work) and not wanting to leave this role (because if you wanted to, you would have already left), you can do yourself a huge favor by follow recommendation #3.

Realize that when a person tries to get ahead of time (hurries and fusses), he wastes a lot of his vital energy. Haste takes away energy, and therefore time and life, thereby the moment of its end closer

Fearing life, many are in a hurry to say goodbye to it.

Don't waste your life's energy on fuss caused by fear! Spend it on pleasure and happiness. Enjoy what you do, if you decide to do it against your desires or following them.

Example. If you are a domestic “slave” who runs the household on her own, afraid that her husband will leave if he is “strained” with housework, and the children will consider her an “angry mother,” there are two options:

  • continue in the same spirit, but then don’t fuss and complain - you took on this responsibility yourself;
  • stop doing work for others, let them develop and be Adults.

How to join

There is no universal rule for “slowing down”. The tips below will help you understand in which direction you can work.

How to eat

  • Avoid fast food and processed foods like frozen lasagna and pizza. As a last resort, snack on fruits, vegetable salads, and nuts.
  • Don't eat on the go.
  • Love cooking. It's akin to meditation.
  • Prepare complete meals using fresh ingredients.
  • Make it a habit to have dinner with your family at a common table, rather than alone in front of the computer.

How to work

  • Work so that you have time for yourself and your family.
  • Learn to say no.
  • Quit if you've wanted to for a long time.
  • Set aside 10 minutes a day for meditation or 20 minutes for an afternoon nap. This improves productivity and concentration. This is what John Kennedy, Thomas Edison, Napoleon Bonaparte, and John Rockefeller did.
  • Insights come in a relaxed state. In the shower, on a walk, during meditation, while jogging, before bed. The brain goes into slow mode, releasing long alpha and theta waves.
  • Take weekends without feeling guilty.
  • Don't work on weekends or vacations.

How to relax

  • Walk. Walking improves your health, calms your mind, allows you to notice many details along the way and builds a relationship with the world.
  • Allow yourself to be idle. Remember that Charles Darwin worked 4 hours a day, and Albert Einstein lay in his office for hours and did nothing.
  • Don’t try to cram all the entertainment into one evening: a movie, a concert, and a book.
  • Take a walk in nature. A walk in the forest is the best antidepressant. Phytoncides contained in trees and plants increase the body's defense response, improve well-being, and lower blood pressure.
  • Do some crafts, gardening, or another relaxing hobby.

How to exercise

  • Don't squeeze yourself to the limit during training. Sport should fill you with energy, and not turn you into a disabled person.
  • Remember that fat is burned at a heart rate of 70-75% of maximum. This occurs when walking or jogging quickly. If the pulse is higher, then the body begins to consume carbohydrates.
  • Before you start mastering a difficult exercise, make sure your body is ready for it.
  • Try slow sports: yoga, qigong, Pilates. They are available to everyone.

How to have sex

  • Fast is not always good, but often bad. On average, sex lasts from 3 to 7 minutes, and a woman needs 10–20 minutes to warm up.
  • Try tantric sex. You don't have to become a religious adherent to do this.
  • If you are categorically against esoteric practices, then just don’t bother and enjoy the process.

How to drive a car

  • Use the machine only when absolutely necessary. Most places can be reached on foot or by public transport.
  • Do not hurry. At a speed of 80 km/h you will travel 4 km in 3 minutes. At a speed of 130 km/h - a minute less. What will you do with this minute?
  • If you get cut off, get over it. There is no need to catch up with the driver, yell at him through the open window and cut him off in response.

There is no general formula for slowing down for all occasions. You have to decide where to slow down. The only thing that can stop you is greed, habits and fear of falling behind. It takes courage to give up speed. However, now you know that procrastination is normal and even beneficial.

Method “by contradiction”

If you are one of those people who are more motivated by motivation “from something” rather than “to something”, take statistical data into account. People who are always in a hurry, living in constant bustle and anxiety:

  • get sick more often
  • more susceptible to stress
  • are not satisfied with their personal (and sexual) life,
  • irritable
  • conflicts,
  • pessimistic
  • are perceived by others as unreliable, unworthy of trust and respect.

If you want to live happily, slow down the pace of your activity. This is especially true for women. Modern girls are so accustomed to living at the pace of a world tailored for men that they have forgotten about their nature. But the feminine essence is passive . Femininity is slowness and fluidity, grace and peace, and not a race and the desire to win at any cost.

Article for girls “Effective time management like a woman.”

If you are late for something, allow yourself the “luxury” of not worrying about being late. Worries won't help.

The one who is in a hurry is late because he pushes the time, organizing the chaos of bustle around himself.

In addition, during a rush, the likelihood of making a mistake increases significantly.

Have you noticed that it always takes longer to do quality When doing things quickly, people often do things poorly and make many mistakes. Isn't it better to do less but do better? The choice is yours!

Why is it difficult to get rid of gambling addiction on your own?

People who are addicted to games cannot control their gaming behavior. The desire to constantly be at the computer is gradually crowding out all other activities and interests. It is quite difficult to get out of psychological addiction on your own. This is especially difficult for people who do not have family and friendly support.

With serious gambling addiction, mental disorders occur in the human brain. Dependent people become emotionally unstable, they often experience psychosis if they are separated from their favorite game. In such a state, it is difficult to pull yourself together and cope with the problem. Only a qualified psychologist can help in this situation.

How dangerous is cyclothymia, is treatment and prevention possible or not?

Cyclothymia, which lasts for years with constant alternations of periods of depression and euphoria, can end quite badly. The periods of intermission will become shorter and shorter, and both phases will become longer and more pronounced, gradually turning into a severe form of bipolar disorder with psychotic (psychopathological) manifestations. In addition, cyclothymia is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Weakening slightly in the first trimester, after childbirth it can develop into postpartum depression with the most dangerous and unpredictable consequences not only for the woman herself, but also for her child. It is completely impossible to recover from cyclothymia, but with the help of psychotherapy and drug treatment with psychotropic drugs, you can significantly reduce the manifestations of the disorder and increase the bright periods of mental health. In this case, the main goal of treatment is to stop the current episode and prevent relapses of cyclothymia. Drug treatment consists of the use of lithium carbonate, anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, valproate, etc.), antidepressants, tranquilizers and antipsychotics, as well as mood stabilizers (drugs that stabilize mood). Non-drug therapy includes not only psychotherapy, but also instrumental methods of influence, in particular phototherapy in the case of seasonal depression, as well as ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) for severe forms of depression and its resistance to intensive drug therapy. Psychotherapy for cyclothymia uses areas such as individual cognitive behavioral therapy. The task of a psychotherapist is to explain to the patient the causes of his illness and the processes occurring with him. The doctor must teach the patient the ability to overcome the symptoms of both stages, manage their emotions and remain balanced under any circumstances. For example, in the depression phase, the patient must be able to overcome suicidal thoughts and manifestations of auto-aggression (directed against himself), and in the hyperthymia phase, a person must learn to concentrate and not commit rash acts such as unnecessary purchases, unjustified litter and complaints against others. Prevention of worsening cyclothymia and its transition to clinical depression or bipolar disorder lies in early diagnosis and timely treatment. Diagnosis of cyclothymia consists of the following activities: • Collection of anamnesis and clinical examination with a professional assessment of symptoms and the connection between the occurrence of the disorder and the patient’s life circumstances (the presence of mental and physical injuries, nervous and mental overload, frequent and severe stress, infectious and endocrinological diseases). • Examination of the patient for the presence of psychopathology and determination of his psychological status - attitudes, motivation, cognitive characteristics, including attention, memory and thinking. • Instrumental and laboratory examination - electroencephalogram, neurotest, etc. Important for differentiating a purely mental disorder from psychopathology arising from organic lesions or endocrinological disorders. • Consultations with Ph.D. and MD, as well as consultations with the involvement of other specialists for symptoms that are difficult to treat, or doubts about the diagnosis. In conclusion, I would like to note that the choice of treatment method, prescription of drugs and their dosage are determined only by the attending physician. Moreover, it is especially important to follow his recommendations on the regimen of taking medications, their dosage and duration of treatment. Unauthorized and unauthorized by the doctor, stopping taking medications can lead to the most undesirable consequences, including withdrawal syndrome, exacerbation of the disorder and the return of the disease to “normal.”

It is also important to prevent psychomotor agitation by excluding drinks such as coffee, strong tea, alcohol and energy drinks from the diet. It is advisable to give up smoking, use even soft drugs, and also improve your sleep patterns. You need to sleep at least 8 hours and fall asleep at the same time. In addition, it is advisable to keep a “mood” diary, in which all changes in mood should be recorded. This is necessary to develop the ability to recognize early symptoms of the onset of the next episode and for the psychotherapist to make adjustments to the treatment regimen.

Learn to enjoy

Living here and now is not given to every person. Some individuals still need to learn this art. However, if you wish, you can master this technique, which is important for a happy, full, multifaceted life.

When doing something, be fully involved in the process. Don't let your thoughts wander due to worries about the future or regrets about the past. Set aside special time for reflection. When you are one hundred percent absorbed in what you are doing, you will be able to experience the taste of life.

Even small actions will bring a lot of pleasure. By passing this moment through all your senses, you will receive true pleasure. Thanks to this technique, you will become a more thoughtful, deeper person.

Learn to relax in the full sense of the word. Some people find it difficult to calm down. They cannot quietly remain idle. They definitely need something to occupy their time. It is this attitude that leads to haste and impatience. Excessive activity can keep the body under constant tension. Force yourself to calm down, focus on your breathing, or take a relaxing bath.

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