How to restore your brain after a mental disorder

Eckhart Tolle, one of the most famous enlightened spiritual teachers in the Western world, has repeatedly noted that we create and maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity. Perhaps this explains why we often hold on to our pain far longer than its ability to serve us.

We replay past mistakes over and over again in our heads, allowing feelings of shame and regret to shape our actions in the present moment. We cling to feelings of confusion and worry about the future, as if this fixation somehow gives us strength. We hold stress in our minds and bodies, potentially creating health problems for ourselves, and accept this state of tension as normal.

There will never be a time when life will be simple and at the same time develop the way you want. But there will always be time to practice taking it for granted. Every moment you live is a chance to let go of your problems and begin to live in peace. Here are a few ways to get started - they apply to all sorts of areas of your life - work, relationships, etc.:

How to get rid of unnecessary things from your head

Develop a new skill.

Instead of whining about what you can't do and how you can't do something. Every time you do something, you by definition think less. This does not mean that you become an idiot; rather, unnecessary mental processes disappear when you are busy with something, and therefore it is worth adopting.

Change your perception.

See any failures as a chance to adjust something in your behavior and, as a result, achieve what you want. Learn to disidentify with your problems and look at them from the outside. In this case, the “pain” will disappear, but you will definitely learn something new.

Cry it out.

According to Dr. William Frey II, a biochemist at Ramsey Medical Center in Minneapolis, crying out negative emotions releases harmful substances that accumulate in the body due to stress. Cry to your heart's content, gentlemen.

Channel your frustration in a constructive way by turning it into immediate positive action.

Make a few calls about new positions or visit a charity and ask about volunteer opportunities. The message is similar to the first point - less snot, more action.

Use meditation or yoga to bring yourself back to the present moment

(Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future...) All your problems exist only in the past or future. Once you narrow your perception to the present moment, you will see that all problems seem to dissipate.

Make a list of your accomplishments—even small ones—and add to it daily.

This will force you to let go of the negative emotions associated with disappointment from something and instead create space for self-satisfaction.

Visualize a box in your head labeled “Expectations.”

Every time you start obsessing about how something should be or should have been, imagine putting the thoughts that arise in that box. At the same time, you will increase your ability to distinguish reality from your ideas about it.

Keep yourself physically active.

Exercise reduces stress hormones and releases endorphins, chemicals that improve your mental state.

Focus all your energy on what you can truly control.

Instead of focusing on what is beyond your control.

Express your feelings through creative activities such as blogging or drawing.

Add this item to your to-do list, and cross it off when you're done. This will be a visual reminder that you have actively made the decision to release these feelings.

How to recover from binge drinking at home

Of course, turning to a narcologist in such a situation would be the best solution, but there are times when this cannot be done. You can alleviate the condition of the house if the binge was short-lived and you adhere to certain rules:

  • Drink plenty of water and simple drinks.
  • Monitor blood pressure and take antihypertensive medications as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Adequate sleep of at least 8-9 hours.
  • Walks in the fresh air, feasible physical activity.
  • 7-10 days after you start to break out of the binge, take a contrast shower.
  • Avoid heavy foods, include high-fiber foods in your diet, and organize smaller meals.
  • Before going to bed, drink soothing infusions of valerian, motherwort, and mint.

Additionally, you need to have a consultation and prescription from a doctor so that recovery at home is as effective and harmless to health as possible.

Let go of anger and bitterness

Feel them fully.

If you suppress your negative emotions, they can leak out and spill out on the people who are nearby at that moment - and these will not necessarily be those who provoked the anger. Before you can let go of any emotion, you must fully process it through yourself. It should be noted that this is not so easy to do - your ego will in every possible way interfere with the passage of emotions through, because it clings to these emotions in order to thereby declare itself. But you may realize the role your ego plays in all your problems.

Give yourself a break.

Refrain from contact with the person who angered you for one day. Ideally, work through the emotions you have. This can defuse the hostility and give you time to plan a rational response.

Remind yourself that anger hurts you more than the person who upset you.

The very realization that you are primarily influenced by your own emotions, and not by other people, will help to quickly dispel any negative emotions.

If possible, express your anger to the person who offended you.

Let him/her know how you feel and this will help you let go of your negativity and move on. Keep in mind that you cannot control and are not responsible for how a person reacts to what you say. You can only control how clearly and convincingly you express your thoughts and emotions.

Take responsibility.

Very often, when you are angry, all your attention is directed towards the bad things that the other person has done. You replay in your head those episodes in which he behaved wrong, and thereby only intensify negative emotions.

If you focus on what mental processes you are going through at such moments, you will clearly see

that you create negative experiences yourself.

And since you create them yourself, then the best thing to do in terms of saving energy and effectively resolving the situation is to take responsibility for your emotions and focus not on what someone did wrong to you, but on what you could have done in this or that situations so that similar episodes do not recur.

Put yourself in the shoes of the offender.

We all make mistakes, and the odds are that you could snap in some situation, just like your boyfriend, your husband, your girlfriend, your friend, and so on. Compassion is one of the best ways to dissolve any negative emotions.

Remind yourself that you only have three options in any situation:

Remove yourself from the situation, change the situation and accept it. Each of these actions, with a competent approach to a specific situation, helps to dissolve negative emotions. And each of them eliminates the retention of your bitterness - the sooner you release it, the better for you and your mental health.

Without fanaticism

There is “minimalism at its maximum”, when the idea of ​​“decluttering” becomes an obsession. It’s similar to the feeling when you want to throw an annoying melody out of your head, but you only become more immersed in it. It's probably a matter of passion. If you are new to decluttering, then when you get excited about the idea, you can get too carried away with it, and in all areas of your life at once: putting things in order, meditating every morning, starting running and eating right. Be patient and introduce habits gradually, otherwise one day you will simply say “burn it with fire.” And then everything will roll back.

Please take this seriously: at first, such enthusiasm overwhelms itself and sometimes you need to make a strong-willed effort to leave yourself. It was a kind of extreme: out of habit - doubts and stress, but then - a sweet feeling of pleasant fatigue. Of course, everyone decides for themselves how quickly to implement their plans, if it brings them joy, just watch your condition.

The saying “make a fool pray to God and he will bruise his whole forehead” was not invented in vain. In any matter moderation is needed. Excessive preoccupation with the process of “life optimization” is tiring and takes a lot of strength and energy. But a minimalist is a person who practices a reasonable and light approach to any topic.

Let go of past relationships

Determine what this experience taught you.

By understanding what you learned from the experience of a particular relationship, you will decide for yourself why you needed this relationship, and this will allow you to put an end to it.

Write down everything you want to express.

Even if you don’t do anything further with what you wrote (although I strongly recommend that you work through what you wrote!), you will still gain a deeper understanding of your feelings, and this will help you come to terms with reality as it is.

Remember both the good and the bad.

The past wasn't perfect, even if it doesn't seem that way to you now. Acknowledging this on a logical level will help reduce your feelings of loss.

Drop any romance that you associate with love.

Of course, you should feel bad and hurt if it seems to you that you have lost your “half”. But if you look at reality, throwing away any ideas about love and “romance”, you will realize that there are no unique people, and there cannot be. Accordingly, if you were able to find such an amazing love, it means that you can find another, and more than one, and understanding this will help you move on.

Remember who you were before the relationship.

Remember the person you were before you met your last love. That person was very cool, and now you have the opportunity to be that person again.

Throw the person out of your life at the level of your environment.

Remove/delete/archive all photos, messages, letters. There is no reason to keep something in your life that you no longer have, be it something “positive” or “negative.”

Post the following statement somewhere visible.

“Loving yourself means letting go.”

Replace your emotions with facts.

If you have the attitude “I won’t have love anymore!” in your head, don’t suppress these thoughts. Instead, turn your attention to other thoughts, like “I was good alone, and I will be fine in the future,” and notice which thoughts resonate with you more strongly.

Negative thoughts

Bad thoughts in a person’s head are one of the signs of an unstable mental state. This includes events that happened recently, or unfounded fears that haunt and disturb the soul. Unnecessary thoughts have one difference - they are intrusive. People try to think positive thoughts, but they fail.

Scientists have proven that thoughts are material. What a person fixes his attention on is what he is attracted to. This is the main reason why it is necessary not to take bad thoughts into your head. But, unfortunately, not everyone adheres to this rule.

Let go of stress

Engage in group activities.

If you're doing something with other people, being with those people tends to be enjoyable. In addition to this, communicating with people in this context helps to fit your problems into the overall picture of life more organically.

Take a quote from Eckhart Tolle:

“Worries seem necessary, but serve no useful purpose.” Ask yourself how your stress helps you in your life and how it hinders you, and write down your thoughts on paper. Just looking at the proportion of negative aspects of stress will be enough to, at a minimum, create the intention to get rid of stress.

Metaphorically release it.

Write down all your stresses for later processing, and then throw the paper into the fire.

Go to the sauna in your free time.

Research shows (this, this, this, this, this, this, and this) that saunas reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body, as well as lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Don't worry ;)

Imagine your life in ten years.

Then look twenty years into the future, and then thirty. This will help you realize that many of the things you worry about now don't really matter in the big picture.

Tidy up your desk.

Completing a small task can help you increase your sense of control and reduce your stress levels.

Take your stress practically.

Make two lists: one with the underlying causes of your stress, and one with actions to eliminate them. As you complete these tasks, watch how the energy you previously spent on stress is now transferred to other tasks.

Have a laugh.

Laughter relieves stress, improves your immune system, and even relieves pain. In the short term, you can just watch a funny video on YouTube, but don’t ignore effective techniques that will help you basically eliminate negativity from your life - then laughter will come to you on its own, and much more often.

It's a long list, but there's so much more to say! Can you think of anything else to add to this list? What areas of your life require you to learn to let go?

Kidney recovery after binge drinking

The kidneys suffer the most from the negative effects of binge alcoholism, because they remove alcohol breakdown products from the body.

The renal system pumps fluids containing organic and mineral elements through itself. Thanks to the filtration system of the kidneys, substances that are harmful and unnecessary for the body are eliminated from the body naturally. The remaining substances involved in the reabsorption process are returned to the blood.

One of the most dangerous products of ethanol breakdown is acetaldehyde, which reduces reabsorption within the kidneys. As a result, useful substances are removed from the body and their deficiency occurs. Due to the lack of necessary elements in the body, the recovery of the body will be more difficult and longer.

There are also generally accepted recommendations for restoring kidneys after binge drinking:

  • Taking hepatonephroprotectors. Glutargin is usually prescribed.
  • To improve glomerular filtration, you can take the anti-hangover drug DrinkOFF.
  • Moderate physical activity and weak coffee also help in kidney recovery.

Sports and coffee should be avoided during long-term drinking bouts.

Books about arrangement of space:

100 tips for the mayor: A book of recipes for a good city

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Ilya Varlamov

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100 tips for the mayor: A book of recipes for a good city

  • Hardcover RUB 1,490.

Interior design: How to start your own business

790 rub.0 rub.

Natalia Mitina

0 pcs.

Interior design: How to start your own business

  • Soft cover 790 rub.

Project “Children's Room”: Design tips for creating a modern children's room

990 rub.0 rub.

Yulia Parshikhina

0 pcs.

Project “Children's Room”: Design tips for creating a modern children's room

  • Hardcover 990 rub.

Action Triggers

What? Conveniently placed items where they are used: apple, yoga mat, face cream

The “call to action” tool is used by advertisers, but calls to action can also be placed in the home space. Surely you've probably placed a trash can in front of your front door so you don't forget to throw out the trash. Such calls can be thought out everywhere: cleaning supplies next to the cleaning area, trash cans next to the garbage, books next to the chair, a water bottle next to the work desk. Artists often prepare their canvases in advance so that their luminous whiteness calls out and is always ready for sudden inspiration.

Think through your day's scenarios in advance. The morning scenario could be: bed → bathroom → yoga mat → kitchen → wardrobe → hallway. Where is the place for a smartphone? Not before the wardrobe, otherwise the bustle of nightly messages or yesterday’s alerts will overwhelm you after waking up and the sharp need for dopamine will displace both yoga and a healthy breakfast from your daily plans.

Rest triggers

What? The position of the desktop relative to the routes of movement in the apartment

Position your workplace so that your back is “protected”: no doors, corridors, windows, or migration of household members from the refrigerator to the TV behind your back. Also, stability can be added by clear compositional planning of space: clear dominants and accents. Proper work with light will allow you to concentrate attention on the desired area.

Goal triggers

What? Dream reminders, mockups and associative images

Place items in your apartment that are associated with your dreams and goals. Maybe it's a model of a house you'll build, or a mock-up of a book you'll write. This will serve as a reminder and help you move towards your goal.

The influence of negative thoughts

In a depressed state, a person refuses the future, while creating events that turn into reality. Thoughts about bad things make him suspicious and unsure of himself. Constant stress and fears prevent you from developing.

Negative thoughts have a negative impact not only on your mental state, but also on your health. Constant tension has a bad effect on the condition of the body as a whole. After a certain period, such thoughts turn a person into a depressed, nervous, irritable person. This does not happen without consequences. Because very soon such a condition can turn into a pathology, which will be very difficult to combat. Due to worries, headaches appear, a hypertensive crisis, and a stomach ulcer develop. Scientists have determined that obsessive thoughts lead to the formation of cancer cells. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that everyone not take the bad into their heads.

A person is considered abnormal if he or she is depressed for more than two weeks. Then life loses its meaning, gray days begin. Monotony and daily routine affect your mood.

Look fear in the eyes

Certain anxiety has a source. It should be found in order to understand what needs to be done next. Especially often, negative situations from the past prevent us from living. At the same time, a person experiences guilt, constantly worrying.

How to get rid of unnecessary thoughts from your head? A person needs to look at things rationally and comprehend: can this happen in reality or is it just a wild imagination? In order to assess the situation, you need to write down all the negative thoughts on a piece of paper. This method will help you look your fears in the eye. Then you should begin to get rid of bad thoughts.

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