General cleaning. How to clear your mind of clutter.

This article was written at the dawn of my first steps in psychology and psychotherapy. Now I don’t agree with a lot of things, but she’s a very good kick in the ass to do something

How to let something new into your life?

  • If you're stuck in life
  • Routine, monotony have eaten up all your time
  • My head is a mess
  • It’s unclear what to do and where to go
  • No ideas, no inspiration and creativity

A very common problem in modern society.
Now there is a lot of information, a very fast and stormy life process.

The problem is that you, both physically and mentally, have closed your flow . Continuous flow of vital energy.

Conscious and unconscious blocks on the path of this flow - constant thoughts, emotions, unnecessary things block the free flow.

Nothing should delay the free flow of energy in the human body and soul.

Those. everything must flow - money, information, things.

You can't delay anything. If you start saving money, you get stuck. Store a huge amount of information - the flow decreases . Keep a lot of unnecessary thoughts - the flow weakens . It's like a pipe through which water flows. You put all sorts of stones there and everything starts to get clogged until the water completely dries up!

There is no point in dividing emotions, money, thoughts, information - the essence is all one - energy.

The most common problem is overload.

We are full of information and other energy.

Information overload - TV, news, brands. Go to a large store and see how many people invent everything and buy unnecessary things, while keeping all this information in their heads!

Modern man knows a huge amount of completely stupid information! The brain is full!

This greatly interferes with the flow of new fresh information and new fresh ideas.

We become unique individuals when we calmly pass a flow of information through ourselves, taking some part of it for ourselves. That's all. There is no need to store completely unnecessary terabytes, thinking that they will be needed someday!

It's like breathing in and out. If you inhale too much and do not exhale, then you die.

Based on all this, I will draw a small conclusion

The physical world is a reflection of your inner one and vice versa!

All the junk that is around you is pulling you back . Whether you know it or not, whether you think about it or not! There is a huge amount of unnecessary things and information around us.

Any person, in essence, does not need everything that surrounds him. And the degree of your attachment to these things determines your conservatism, inertia of mind and, in general, your readiness for change and bringing fresh air into life!

The fact is that until you quit your old job, you won’t work in a new one. If you want to quickly buy new shoes, throw away your old ones. And so on.

And in this case, you need to take a BULLDOZER and take everything to hell! Necessarily! Mercilessly!

Once again, consider the idea that I want to convey:

The nature of involuntary negative thoughts

ANTs appear spontaneously and may seem foreign, as if they were coming from someone else - an angry, hapless doppelganger pervert. They are also called “contrasting” ideas, since they strongly deviate from the subject’s usual style of thinking (or rather, they differ from what he considers normal). It is not surprising that in the religious paradigm, involuntary negative thoughts are associated with the machinations of spirits or demons who whisper various dirty tricks into a person’s ear. Psychologist Lee Bayer called this phenomenon “the demon of the mind,” inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s story “The Demon of Contradiction” (or, in another translation, “The Demon of Perversity”). Such fantasies are absolutely opposite to what we consider pleasant, right and worthy, or are so absurd that they do not even fit into the moral system.

Not all obsessions are sharply contrasting - some of them seem quite “harmless” and, on the contrary, are associated with the desire to do everything right. This includes, for example, maddening thoughts about the (not) turned off iron, the desire to achieve perfect order when arranging things on shelves, torment over the decision made (what if it could have been better?), the inability to complete the work and calm down. However, it is precisely the bright, unpleasantly striking contrasting thoughts that very quickly become obsessive.

At first glance, it would be logical to explain their appearance by stress, the action of any substances or other temporary physiological disturbances.

Marijuana can also instantly evoke negative images. However, they also occur when a person is completely calm, balanced and sober.

Our brain constantly invents new options for interacting with reality - and even “completes” it within the framework of subjective perception. This applies to complex cognitive behavior in general (including the formation of values) and individual functions, for example, pattern recognition.

One of the main objects of our selective attention is faces and eyes. We see them in trash cans and manhole covers thanks to thousands of years of evolution, during which our ancestors honed the ability to discern prey, predator or fellow tribesman in the semi-darkness. A mistake could cost a life, so the visual cortex, just in case, records everything that is remotely similar to faces, completes the picture and helpfully throws these images into everyday and PAS-induced hallucinations. The same thing happens in the area of ​​abstract ideas: the higher parts of the brain generate different options for the development of events - including quite bizarre and strange ones.

Why is this happening? To achieve our goals, we need an optimal behavioral strategy. This is what the prefrontal cortex does: It ranks thoughts as “good” and “bad” and suppresses impulses that might lead to socially unacceptable outcomes. But in order to separate the wheat from the chaff, it is necessary to develop evaluation criteria. And since everything is learned in comparison, our brain “sketches” different scenarios (even fictional ones) and, seeing the overall picture, makes its verdict, deciding what should be considered “normal” and what not so much.

Anxiety disorder specialists Sally Winston and Martin Seif call frightening fantasies "worry voices." He constantly asks: “What if it happens?” Sometimes such predictions actually come true and turn out to be useful, but in most cases it is just an indicator that the function is working properly.

This experience is recorded in the structures of the brain, and frequent repetitions of the “thought-fear” scenario make the reaction automatic. It is launched by the amygdala, the amygdala responsible for emotional experiences and the generation of fear in particular. If the visual cortex is tuned to see the face of a predator even on a manhole cover, then the amygdala is activated at any hint of danger. This protective mechanism protects us from serious troubles associated with threats to health and life. But in the case of obsessive contrasting thoughts, false positives occur: a sad outcome is extremely unlikely, and sometimes the scenario generated by our consciousness is completely fantastic.

Dangerous thoughts make you want to fight them, but the more persistently a person does this, the stronger the neural connection becomes. Regular repetition of an action, including a mental one, strengthens the synapses, and an ever wider path is trodden in our head. In the case of bad ideas, the brain learns to return to them again and again, developing them and making them voluminous and convex.

Until you get rid of the old, you will not get the new.

This is an axiom.

This has been confirmed in my life many, many times!

Warning. Don’t think that everything I’ll tell you about next is somehow unrelated to real life and won’t affect it in any way! These are not small things at all!

Especially if you are engaged in elaboration - poking around in your head, destroying old beliefs, thoughts, resolving conflicts. Yes, you’re just somehow improving spiritually. You must understand that the real, manifest, physical world is very, very important. This is where we live!
And you cannot separate the spiritual world from the physical and set priorities! And focusing ONLY on spirituality and intelligence is stupid!

Life change

Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of bad thoughts that come through all channels of information perception. They seem to become part of a person’s soul. In this case, there is only one thing left - to change the old way of life. It's difficult, but effective. Until a person gets rid of the old, he will not receive the new.

Changing your lifestyle and hobbies can turn your thoughts in a completely different direction. In addition, it energizes and fills the mind with positive emotions. There is less time for negative ones, and less desire too. After all, when a person is happy, he does not want to waste time on negativity.

It is also recommended to start reading books. Especially those that are dedicated to personal growth. After all, such literature always influences life, and on all its aspects without exception.

Naturally, you need to play sports. Exercise is what promotes the production of endorphins, better known as the feel-good hormones.

Part 2 Throwing away clothes and things.

You will immediately understand how bad things are for you.

Immediately after reading or watching the video, open your closet with clothes. And dump ALL your things on the floor. All!

And do it right away! Now! Otherwise why are you reading this? Why are you wasting your time? Do at least something good in your life!

And we leave all the things that you are not ashamed to wear to work/birthday or just on the street. If you have even the slightest doubt or think that it would be useful in the garden/as a doormat/pajamas/to be worn at home - throw it away! Throw it away mercilessly!

I’ll tell you in advance - you will experience enormous resistance from within.

If you resist very strongly and really don’t want to throw away junk, then in life you are also clinging to your old beliefs, thoughts, and the old. Moreover, you need to throw it all away!

Where do these thoughts come from?

We can be bombarded with thousands of negative thoughts a day. When I say negative, I mean thoughts that are not productive, creative, or humane. These are thoughts about the death of oneself or someone else, in one form or another.

Negative thoughts can be so powerful that we are forced to make an effort to redirect them in a positive direction, or even a monumental effort to eliminate them completely. If we don't do this, their negative flow can darken and ruin our lives. Sometimes these negative currents are so strong that they create overwhelming feelings of vulnerability, self-hatred, fear, etc., and often under their pressure we act in ways that we would never have considered right before.

So, if negative thoughts do not serve us, crush us, and direct us to negative experiences, we need to understand what is the reason for their appearance, why do they fall asleep? Why can't we be bombarded with positive thoughts instead? I mean, what do you do about it?!? Why do negative currents prevail in our heads, and not those that would call for upward aspirations, encourage kindness and love?

How to throw it away?

Stuff all this stuff into a bag or bags so that it is not visible.

Next - give it to the homeless, give it to your neighbors at their dacha, give it to someone who needs it ! This is very cool - since you seem to a good deed for someone

Or just throw it away. Take it to the trash.

It is very important!

Feeling like you are holding something in your head?

Do it one-two-three.

You count to yourself in your head - one-two-three and begin the action. Those. despite all thoughts and feelings.


Some more recommendations for those struggling with negativity:

  1. You need to understand that thoughts are not reality. They must be perceived separately from reality.
  2. Remembering the past, very often we relive those events and emotions in which something could have been changed. But this is unrealistic. What is done is done.
  3. It is also worth meeting other people - this will help take your mind off unnecessary thoughts.
  4. You need to listen to positive music.
  5. Religious people should also turn to God using prayers. Because sincere appeal will become a defense in the fight against the negativity living in us.

Do the same with the rest of the things in your environment.

Old tape recorders, players, postcards, phones, headphones, wires, chargers, shampoos, scissors, discs, cassettes, books, toys, notebooks, watches, jewelry...

Leave only what you like and really need in life.

And throw away your notes from the institute.

How can you throw them away when you have wasted so much time? Very simple. Understand that information becomes outdated in 3-4 years and most likely it is already outdated. And no one needs all this! Now there is an enormous amount of information on the Internet and in libraries.

You think it's valuable. There really is no value.

You will immediately understand how ready you are for change.

People say they want to change, but at the same time they cling to the old and wonder why nothing changes? You need to turn this switch in your head.

Click and that's it . You will now think in a new way.

And the point is not to throw things away. It's about starting to think differently . Stop clinging to the old. Let the energy flow through.

I recommend using IKEA boxes or shoe boxes for the remaining junk.

Collect all your junk there and clean out your entire surroundings . Put the boxes away. You will know where everything is, but it can be hidden further. So that around you there is always only what you really need!

Visual space should not be distracting! Minimalism !
Remove visual clutter!

Psychological advice

Fear of death - why it occurs and how to get rid of it

Living for more than two weeks in a swarm of obsessive thoughts is dangerous. We definitely need to start driving them away.

Release your anger

Helpful tips:

  1. Try to throw out negative emotions: write and burn, scream into a pillow, cry, break plates.
  2. Completely immerse yourself, “live” a bad thought. Work through every negative emotion, experience all possible scenarios. The brain is probably looking for a way out of a difficult situation.
  3. Realize that the government, boss and wife are not to blame for bad thoughts. Take responsibility for your life.
  4. You can drive away bad thoughts by focusing on the present. You shouldn't live in the past.
  5. Often the reasons for a depressed state are the meaninglessness of existence, lack of mission and goals in life. It will be very useful to sit down and figure out what you would like to live for, what kind of life you can dream of and how to achieve it.
  6. Listen to music and sing. However, you should not include heavy rock and metal, so as not to achieve the opposite effect. Classics have a positive effect on the psyche; singing can relieve suppressed emotions.
  7. Keep a gratitude journal. Every day, write down any little thing for which you can say thank you to the world and those around you.
  8. Accept the situation if it cannot be changed.
  9. Switch to proper nutrition. Eating heavy food at night can result in poor sleep and worries about what it can mean. There are natural antidepressant products. These include banana, chocolate, honey, vegetables and others.
  10. Try to avoid negative information. Don't communicate with people who complain all the time, stop watching the news.
  11. Start every day with positive thoughts and attitudes.
  12. It’s easy to remove negative thoughts if you develop the habit of looking for positive aspects in everything.

Now that it is clear how important it is to get bad thoughts out of your head, there should be no problems with motivation. To rid your mind of negativity and life from many problems, you should engage in the formation of healthy thinking

Part 3 Information cleansing

Take your phone and delete all unnecessary contacts!

In reality, the number of contacts you constantly call is ten times smaller ! Remove dead souls!

Can you call any person on the list and ask why you are keeping him there? Right now?

If not, then you don't need it. That's for sure.

Or transfer all supposedly necessary contacts to a notepad . Delete.

When you remove people, thank them for being in your life)

The power of faith is the salvation of the soul

Sincere faith can save a person from negative thoughts and depression. Anyone who sincerely prays to the Lord and heavenly intercessors gets rid of inner anger. The Savior sees everything and only those who often turn to him, ask for healing and forgiveness, receive what they want when it is especially bad and difficult for them. Therefore, whenever a believer feels the approach of despondency, he needs to pray or confess.

Bad thoughts usually have more power than good ones, because at the moment of understanding them within oneself, a person sincerely wishes harm to himself or others. At the moment of their visit, you should immediately ask God for protection from the evil one and sinful thoughts, since you cannot remain for long without his protection - anything can happen to a person.

Sincere faith can save a person from negative thoughts


  • Throwing away clothes
  • Throwing things away
  • Remove unnecessary people
  • Clean your computer (mailings, programs, files, desktop)
  • Throw away the TV!
  • Turn off social networks and other time substitutes!

Feeling like after a bath

It’s unpleasant for you, it’s hard for you.

But when you go out into the air, you feel incredible lightness! So much crap has gone now! And motivation appears to do something, to change. Energy and strength appear!

It's a feeling in the body! Not in the brain!

The stream is on! When you throw away 1 thing , you realize that you can create 10 new things that are several times better than this one!

You will begin to be amazed and annoyed by the people around you who live in trash.

You will change everything you touch for the better. All! You will want to improve everything! Creation!

Lose things as joyfully as possible! Then they will come just as quickly and joyfully! The same goes for money, people, emotions!!!

Ps I apologize for the blunt writing and directive style.

Pps Start taking action now, and don’t sit there thinking “oh yeah, cool, I need to do something”

FUCKET. 100 questions and answers from people: (click!)

1. No energy, no strength, no motivation, laziness? How to quickly want something in life? 2. Problems in your relationship with your girlfriend? What to do? 3. I don’t allow myself to rest, self-flagellation, procrastination. 4. How to get rid of laziness in 2 hours? 5. How to quickly (on average 1-3 hours) get rid of fear, phobia, guilt, shame, pity? 6. Psychosomatics. Are illnesses treated with a psychologist and how effective is it? 7. Slavery, matriarchy, feminism. Why “Men are not the same anymore”, why are men not courageous, henpecked and how to get rid of it?

Ways to fight

#1 Allow thoughts to be

About 30 years ago, psychology professor Daniel Wegner conducted an interesting experiment. He divided student volunteers into 2 groups and asked one of them not to think about the polar bear. Every time an image appeared in the subjects' minds, they had to press the bell button. The results of the experiment revealed that the bear appeared in the minds of the students several times a minute.

Based on experience, the professor concluded that the brain is incapable of controlling the thought process. He proved that the ban only causes an obsession in a person and, in fact, simply confirmed that the forbidden fruit is sweet.

You can read more about the experiment on Wikipedia.

By transferring the results of his experiment to our situation, we can understand why thoughts do not disappear so easily. In a constant effort to get rid of them, we only remind the brain of their existence, again causing a wave of feelings.

Therefore, at a moment of anxiety, you do not need to stop and drown out your thoughts. No matter how scary it may be, you must try to observe them and accept your condition. Over time, you will readjust and the mental images will not cause as much fear as they did before.

A thought is just an impulse; emotions do all the “dirty” work. And if you replace the emotion of excitement with the emotion of calm, then you can deceive your consciousness.

In general, the highest level of deception is to love your illness, according to Sinelnikov’s book of the same name. For the body it will be simply an explosion.

At first it is incomprehensible and illogical to him, but then you feel better. Of course, there will be no love, but anxiety will gradually go away and emptiness will be established in the soul.

“Love” will, as it were, suppress emotions and temporarily create a neutral atmosphere.

#2 This is not from you

If you are reading this article, then a part of your consciousness understands that some, excuse me, bullshit is happening. Something just acts on your brain and overpowers your consciousness. But this shouldn’t be, these thoughts are disgusting and you have no right to have such power.

Therefore, obsessive thoughts are like an external enemy. Depths of the subconscious, energy waves, “demons”, etc. Let them fly, let them exist. The main thing to know is that this is not your inner essence.

Such an idea will help you treat yourself more loyally, and again calm your emotions. You seem to throw off responsibility from yourself and begin to fight not with yourself, but with an external enemy.

#3 Diary

If you don't have enough money for a psychologist, you can keep a diary. Not even to lead, but simply to pour out your condition at once. They are not afraid to express all their feelings, experiences, and most terrible forecasts on paper.

It’s like you’re communicating with a friend, you’re not afraid to look fear in the face. You do not hide from disturbing thoughts, do not hide your experiences from yourself, but formulate them on paper and calmly realize the state of things.

With these small actions you show your consciousness that you have not given up and are still ready to fight. You prove to yourself that you are not driven into a corner and can analyze the situation with a sober mind.

To completely relieve your soul, you can mock this leaf: tear it, burn it, soak it in water, etc. Everything here is limited only by imagination.

#4 Release your emotions

Seclude yourself, lie down, completely immerse yourself in despondency. Allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself, to feel the injustice of your situation. Instead of constantly holding back and feeling resentment, it is better to get rid of it immediately.

Cry once, but with complete dedication, hit a punching bag, scream into a pillow. Don’t be shy to express your emotions, because as we have already found out, they are to blame for everything.

#5 Obsession

You can try to hide from your thoughts by working, meeting with friends, or constantly fussing around the house. But this is only temporary relief, then the thoughts will come flooding back with renewed vigor.

It’s better to find an idea, an obsession, a hobby for yourself and at the same time use other methods. When you can remove bad thoughts for good, you will have something to do and keep your head busy.

Otherwise, there will be nothing to do, the head will be empty and the brain will again fill it with mental “nonsense”. The result will be a vicious circle: you will cleanse yourself, but your thoughts will return to what is pure.

To find your hobby, you can try:

Individual characteristics of meditating people

Sometimes meditation is carried out accompanied by appropriate music, with the reading of mantras, which leads to good results. After all, even science has proven the ability of music to influence a person’s mood. Moreover, you can remember your favorite song in moments of grief or despair. Certain smells also bring a sense of peace. It’s not for nothing that in Tibet they use fragrant sticks for burning with lotus or roses. However, one must carefully study a particular scent before using it in meditation. After all, all substances have their purpose.

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