How to learn to live correctly? Secrets of a happy life

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

No one will tell you exactly how to live correctly, because this question affects moral, ethical and even religious principles, which everyone has their own. But 15 simple tips will help you reconsider your outlook on life and determine whether everything in it is as you would like. If there is a feeling of “wrongness”, a wrongly chosen path, or unhappiness stuck inside, these simple recommendations will help you take life back into your hands.

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An intense vacation will not let you get bored, will give you a lot of positive emotions, and will give you ideas for development. There is time for cinema, museums, theaters, nature trips, extreme sports on weekends or on vacation. Living correctly means enjoying every day.

How to live in peace with yourself?

So what can you do to make life better?

1. Find your purpose in life.

You are not an accident. Your existence has a purpose, and to find it, you need to turn to your purpose. Look for him.

2. Set short and long term goals.

Finishing a book this month is an example of a short-term goal. Starting your own business or maintaining a healthy body are long-term goals.

3. Distribute your goals over time.

Your goals should be limited in time. This is how willpower and self-discipline are developed.

4. Find good books to better understand yourself.

There are many self-help books that can help you change your life for the better.

5. Take one step at a time.

Don't try to do everything at once. One day is one thing. This way, you can achieve your goals without unnecessary stress.

6. Live every day as if it were your last.

Think that today could be your last day on earth. Show your best side, enjoy the moments with your loved ones and stop wasting time on unnecessary things.

7. Always weigh your decisions.

To avoid or at least minimize mistakes, carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

8. Keep a diary.

A diary will help you track your progress and remember joyful and remarkable moments in life. Over time, you will be grateful that you can return to these memories.

9. Turn your experiences into notes.

Use the lessons you learn from your experiences to inspire others. Blogging is one of the fastest ways to spread information these days.

10. Take time to slow down and enjoy life.

No matter how busy you are, remember the beauty around you and cherish the time you spend with your loved ones.

11. Take criticism as a challenge to improve.

How to live correctly? Don't let other people's harsh comments get you down. Use them as a source of inspiration.

12. Summarize the day before going to bed.

Take time at the end of the day to evaluate the actions you have taken. Identify the positive and negative points. This is actionable advice to make your life better.

13. Develop your talents.

Unused talents will disappear over time, so develop your abilities and use them for good.

14. Create a list of what you want to do.

List the goals that you dream of achieving in life. Every small victory will be a measure of your success.

15. Take risks.

Don't let the fear of failure stop you from doing great things. If you don't take risks, you won't be able to move forward.

16. Don't regret mistakes.

Mistakes are part of growing up. They help shape you into who you are, so don't regret making mistakes.

17. Learn to forgive.

Whenever someone hurts you, be willing to forgive so you don't harbor any grudges. This is a must-have to learn how to live correctly.

18. Challenge yourself, try more.

Don't settle for average success. Aim for higher goals so you can expand your capabilities.

19. Dedicate your life to God.

How to live correctly and act according to your conscience? If you believe that God is your creator, then there is nothing more meaningful than dedicating yourself to Him.

20. Spend time with God daily.

Quiet time with God will help you get to know Him more and understand His will better.

How can you live correctly in a family?

21. Put family, not career, and friends first.

Your job and friends are important, but family is more important. She will probably stay with you until the end.

22. Eat meals with your family as often as possible.

Sometimes the only time we can all get together is during meals. Give this time your maximum attention.

23. Visit your grandparents.

Most elderly people are lonely because their family members are busy with their jobs. Take time to visit your loved ones and listen to their stories.

24. Read bedtime stories to your children.

Reading bedtime stories is a good way to bond with your children. In addition, books help develop their imagination.

25. Visit your brothers and sisters from time to time.

You may be adults with separate lives, but you and your siblings should maintain a close bond. Make time to meet or at least give them a call.

26. Pray with your family.

“A family that prays together stays together.” It takes faith to be one when you face challenges.

27. Initiate family devotion.

Don't just pray together, but get into the habit of meeting daily as a family and discussing the scriptures.

28. Meet with your parents.

No matter how busy you are, make time for your parents. Invite them to dinner from time to time.

29. Don't lose touch with your brothers and sisters.

Plan a holiday trip with them, or a trip to the movies. Make a surprise for your parents together.

30. Serve your family.

You can't spend all your time with your family. Once you have it, cook their favorite food or make them coffee.

31. Help your family with cleaning.

If your family members are busy, take the weekend to deep clean your home.

32. Motivate your family to live a healthy lifestyle.

Explain to your family the importance of eating fresh, healthy foods and avoiding unhealthy foods. Start exercising regularly.

33. Go on a family vacation.

Set a goal to travel with your family to the places you have dreamed of. Traveling together makes us very close.

34. Take time to get to know your distant relatives.

You can find your distant relatives on social networks, establish communication, and then visit them if you want.

35. Organize a family reunion.

Help your parents get together with their siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. This is a good way to meet your other relatives.

36. Give practical gifts.

When you give birthday or New Year gifts to your family members, choose ones that will be useful to them.

37. Make the most of your time with your family.

Cherish the moments when you are with your family members. Show them your love and create good memories while you are together.

38. Have dates with your spouse.

Meet occasionally as a young unmarried couple, at least once a month. This will help save your marriage.

39. Spend at least 20 minutes a day with each of your children.

No matter how busy you are, make sure you spend time with your children every day. You can help them do their homework, watch TV together, or go with them to their favorite cafe.

40. Be a role model for your children.

Teach children to help those who need this help. The best way to do this is to lead by example.

How to help others?

41. Feed one homeless person.

Food doesn't have to be expensive. Even a piece of bread can mean a lot to a hungry person.

42. Help me get back to school.

If you know someone who dropped out of school, encourage them to finish their studies. You can improve this person's life.

43. Help conduct free reading classes for children in orphanages.

With the help of volunteer teachers, you can provide free reading lessons to children.

44. Take time to talk to an old person.

It could be your grandparent or an old man asking for coins on a street corner. Many older people are lonely. Nobody wants to waste time on the stories they tell.

45. Provide assistance in a shelter or nursing home.

Spend one or two days there. Help children and the elderly to make them feel needed and valued.

46. ​​Cheer someone up every day.

It may be a small thing, but it can mean a lot to a friend, colleague or family member. Plus, it's a great way to start living right.

47. Donate old clothes to those in need.

Even without money, you can still be a generous person.

48. Support the student.

If you have the means, you can pay a certain amount for the tuition of a talented but poor student. It will be a great help on your part.

49. Help someone find a job.

If you know someone who is looking for a job and you have friends in business or connections in certain companies, you can recommend them.

50. Create a business, act as an employer.

Having your own business will not only make you rich, but it will also help create jobs for other people.

51. Pray for other people.

How to live and enjoy life correctly? Even if you have nothing to give, you can still help someone through prayer.

52. Take time to visit the sick.

If someone you know is in the hospital, take the time to visit that person. Your visit will help him feel better.

53. Treat someone to lunch.

If you have extra money, invite a colleague or friend to hang out over lunch.

54. Thank people you appreciate.

Small gifts can show your appreciation to these people. There don't have to be many of them.

55. Put the interests of others above your own.

When making a decision, whether individual or group, do not insist on what you want. Instead, think about what's best for everyone.

56. Show attention to lonely people.

If you see people who are usually alone, try to be kinder to them. They may be going through a difficult time and you may be the only person who cares about them.

57. Cheer up someone with low self-esteem.

Help others gain confidence in doing good.

58. Offer help to someone who needs it.

Take the initiative and ask how you can help the person.

59. Call or write to your family.

Keep in touch with all your loved ones - family or friends. Do it when it is convenient for you, in your free time.

60. Appreciate people.

Be generous with compliments. Make it a habit to appreciate people even in small things.


Everyone chooses the amount of their material well-being themselves. But we all know when well-being begins. When we can buy everything we want in a store, no matter what the price of our desires is. When, over time, we do not know how much bread costs.

When we don't think about where to get money to pay utilities. When we can relax where we want, wear what we like. When we go to bed, we don’t think about money. After all, for many this is what it means to live beautifully. How to achieve financial independence?

How to live in society correctly?

61. Be an example for others, especially children, when crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing.

Even when no one is looking or you are in a hurry, always use the pedestrian lane. Your example can save someone's life.

62. Teach children to throw trash in the trash can.

When you see a child or teen throwing trash away from the designated area, gently ask them to pick it up and throw it in the trash can. Be an example for others in this too.

63. Participate in various environmental activities.

Take part in at least one eco-project, for example, planting trees.

64. Take care of animals and teach others to do so.

Be an active advocate for animal rights and talk to other people about it.

65. Help schools teach about depression and stress.

Your help in organizing a lecture on depression awareness, especially among teenagers, may help prevent suicide.

66. Help carry out activities to provide free training to the unemployed.

You can contact a local organization that provides free training for the unemployed.

67. Be part of a prison ministry.

Even if a person is incarcerated, he deserves a second chance at life. Participate in prison activities to provide counseling, education, and gift giving to prisoners.

68. Give gifts to children in need.

You can collect toys, books, clothes, school supplies with your friends and donate them to the orphanage.

69. Take part in a charity project for disaster victims.

Donate old clothes, blankets, pillows, canned goods and other items needed by people facing floods, earthquakes, fires and other disasters.

70. Be a supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

Invite your family and friends to work out together at the gym. Explain to them the importance of eating healthy foods if they don't. This is the basis to live correctly and happily.

71. Make a video about problems in the region that you think need government attention.

If you're filming, talk about specific social issues that concern you. This will help raise awareness among the authorities and stimulate them to action.

72. Don't neglect your seat belt.

Always wear your seat belt when you are in a car, especially if you have family or other people traveling with you. Remind them of the importance of such safety measures.

73. Vote wisely during elections.

Use your voice to make changes in society. Select candidates who are known for their actions, not just their words.

74. Be an election observer.

Help strengthen oversight of elections and prevent voter fraud.

75. Participate in campaigns against vote buying.

Join campaigns to educate voters about the terrible results of bribery. Encourage them to be vigilant.

76. Use social media to spread awareness about social issues.

Instead of posting about yourself, post useful posts about pressing issues in society.

77. Help organize a job fair.

You can participate in a job fair to help unemployed people find employment.

78. Help organize personal development courses.

Some people find it difficult to get a job because they lack self-confidence. You can help organize training and improve the chances of many unemployed people finding employment.

79. Join medical volunteering.

If you are a health professional, you can participate in health events organized by the government or non-governmental organizations.

80. Join a non-governmental organization with similar beliefs to you.

There are many NGOs out there, look for one that shares your interests so you can happily serve others.

Stay focused

Creating the life you want requires sticking to your goals. It's so easy to lose your way when there are so many distractions in this world: social media, entertainment, buying unnecessary and pointless things to keep up with others.

We spend so much time distracted by the needs of others, by email, advertising, and other things that do not mean anything serious for life. If you can follow your agenda and focus on the things you want to do instead of responding to the needs of others, you will be on your way to achieving your goal.

Happiness concept

So, let’s first define what happiness is?

Happiness is a special state associated with internal satisfaction with one’s own life, its conditions, the presence of meaningfulness of existence, understanding of purpose, self-realization in life and society.

As we see, happiness includes the material and spiritual side of life. It’s interesting that people often spend their entire lives searching for happiness, and at the end of their lives they come to the realization that happiness is life itself, the ability to see the world, breathe, hear birds singing, play with children, happiness is in everything. However, in the bustle of life, we do not notice the bright and happy moments; we constantly run, trying to catch luck by the tail.

There is an opinion that happiness means wealth or unprecedented success, everything is relative. The rich also have difficult periods in their lives, but an ordinary person can receive more joy from life due to his development and ability to see beauty. This means that the ability to be happy depends on a person, his internal state, and perception of the world.

The Dalai Lama has identified two ways to achieve happiness

External - the desire to obtain the maximum amount of benefits, comfort, luxury and internal - spiritual development. Moreover, a conscious person who is in harmony with the world around him can be happier than a person who constantly strives to receive material reinforcement. Of course, the material part of life cannot be excluded from life, but with internal development, a person knows how to use wisely obtained resources for the benefit of his own family and society, and also always enjoys life and his own achievements.

It is important to notice the results, the development process, the beauty of the world, to live for today and the moment. Happiness is not always a result, it is a state of mind, a feeling of joy from actions, striving for one’s own goals, and helping others. Often the path to a dream also brings joy, no less than the achievement. And realizing your abilities and caring for loved ones helps you feel your own importance and happiness in life.

The sages say: he who understands the world is in no hurry and seizes every moment of life.

Indeed, in the hustle and bustle we often do not notice something important - a favorite look, the first steps of a child, the smile of a passerby, a sunset or sunrise. It is useful to give yourself a break, to look at the world through the eyes of a child who learns and notices beauty. And happiness is also known through comparison. It often seems that everything is bad, but let’s remember poor countries or people with disabilities - the realization comes that happiness is living, having shelter and food, and the rest can be created, improved, finalized, found.

Happiness is multifaceted: it includes the presence of love, family, friends, living conditions, but some people attract good luck and good people, others - on the contrary. Maybe you need to find inner happiness initially in order to obtain the external attributes of a happy life?


Yes, not everyone aspires to become president, not everyone is tormented by ambition, but we treat our lives and those around us with ambition. We want our children to ask us for advice, not their neighbors. We want our parents to be proud of us, and not to envy their friends by pointing out to us the successes of their children.

The main thing is that we all dream of being successful and happy. And it is important for us that our work brings us pleasure and joy. We know that this is the only way we can live beautifully. But most of us still cannot find our cherished niche, we are tormented in the search or give up.

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