Self-control during physical exercise

According to Wikipedia, self-control is the ability to control your emotions, thoughts and behavior. It is based on will - the highest mental function that determines a person’s ability to make conscious decisions and implement them.

This video explains why self-control is more important than motivation and how it can be developed.

Is it possible to train self-control? Self-control can be trained and improved, like many mental processes. This requires specific methods and strategies that will help you resist or avoid temptation. Yes, these are two fundamentally different ways. The first is considered hardcore, effective and incredibly difficult to implement. The second is perceived by many as weakness, because how can you train willpower and self-control if you simply avoid temptations? But it is both methods in combination that work perfectly.


Control can be internal - directed at oneself, or external - regulating the activities of others. When control mechanisms are aimed at analyzing and regulating one’s “I”, this process is called the discipline of self-control.

It is one of the indispensable factors of a person’s self-awareness and is a condition for adequate perception of the internal and surrounding world.

The following types of self-control are distinguished:

  • temporal;
  • spatial;
  • arbitrary.

The temporary type is divided into preceding, current and effective subtypes, combining a preliminary assessment of the process, control of the action itself and analysis of the results of the action.

Are you ready to stop thinking about your problem and finally move on to real actions that will help you get rid of your problems once and for all? Then perhaps you will be interested in this article .

Spatial self-control regulates the difference between perceptual modal channels. It is divided into auditory, tactile and visual.

The type of self-control of an arbitrary type regulates variables that are not expressed by a constant: emotions, psyche, thinking.

Definition of what it is

Self-control in psychology is a person’s assessment and awareness of his own actions, mental processes and states (Big Psychological Dictionary). This concept also includes the ability of an individual to focus on standard behavior and the possibility of obtaining information about controlled actions and states.

In the explanatory dictionaries of S. I. Ozhegov, D. N. Ushakov, T. F. Efremova interprets self-control as a person’s control over himself, his behavior, and the state of his work.

Professor A. A. Krylov noted that a person throughout his entire life acts as a subject and object of control. In the first case, he himself is the owner of the control mechanism, and in the second, he is subject to public control. In the concept of “self-control,” the Doctor of Psychological Sciences included the ability of an individual to independently control his own actions, psychological and emotional activities.

The Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary interprets the term as a person’s conscious regulation of his own state, motives and actions, basing and comparing them with subjective ideas and norms accepted in society. Of great importance here is given to self-restraint, which is an important element of self-control, and implies a person’s ability to abandon unproductive and socially disapproved impulses.

Expanding the concept in detail, the authors of the dictionary also noted that the ability to self-control is not inherent in the individual at the genetic level, but must be formed gradually, developing him as a person.

As a psychological phenomenon, self-control includes all the processes through which a person is able to:

  • manage your own behavior;
  • control your biological needs, cravings, impulsive impulses;
  • bring your irresistible attractions into dependence on environmental conditions and surroundings.

Self-control in psychology also means a special ability inherent in an individual to pacify his feelings, which is seen as his understanding of his imperfections and the desire to act exclusively as a reasonable person who adheres to established rules of behavior.

Professor A.A. Krylov noted that neurological processes that carry out self-control occur mostly in the cerebral cortex. Injury to any of its lobes (both intrauterine and as a result of conscious activity) leads to disruption of the process of self-control and the emergence of aggressive or deviant behavior.

The importance of self-control in human life

When people cannot control their desires and actions, it is comparable to turning off the mind to a greater or lesser extent. The subject is unable to think rationally or give a sober assessment of his actions.

Control over emotions allows you to perceive life sensibly in all its branches. This skill will help you avoid unnecessary aggression in family matters or among colleagues.

Mastering the self-control technique is based on practicing and strictly following the assigned schedule. The ability to live according to a routine has a positive effect on self-improvement.

The primary foundations of a future character are laid in childhood. The behavior of the parents will become an example for the child. When adults know how to be restrained in dialogue and find compromises, children copy the reaction and in similar cases behave similarly.

When a person knows how to restrain emotions, this serves as a help in difficult life situations, helps to gather strength and set certain boundaries for oneself to achieve a goal.

The ability to restrain yourself is especially important in the following cases:

  • Force Majeure. When an extreme situation arises, people who control themselves are more likely to leave it with dignity, and not do stupid things, guided by impulsiveness.
  • Social activity. The ability to choose words and restrain emotions, to find a compromise in any situation is a very useful trait when restraint and diplomacy are required.
  • Life If one of the participants in a quarrel knows how to control himself, the conflict is nipped in the bud.
  • Sports activities. Sports are fraught with restrictions: daily routine, training time, special nutrition. Every athlete must control himself in order to achieve success.

It is important to understand your own financial capabilities and, if necessary, limit your desires.


Let's look at the best techniques for developing self-control:

  1. Self-restraints. Dopamine fasting is gaining popularity abroad (author – Cameron Sepa, professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of California). The essence of the “diet” is this: for some time (an hour, a day, a week - progressively) a person refuses surrogates for happiness. What does this mean? Everything that gives a quick surge of joy hormones and instant satisfaction: sweets, alcohol, shopping, sex, extreme sports, communication on social networks, computer games, etc. First of all, you need to give up what is most attractive to you. What is allowed? Walk and communicate with loved ones, read paper books, take care of the house, devote time to hobbies. In general, you need to concentrate on your inner world and on your family and friends. The purpose of fasting is to improve mental health. This includes increasing awareness, getting rid of addictions and their prevention, increasing stress resistance, and returning to true values.
  2. Recognition of emotions. Learn to track what emotions and in what situations you experience. Which of them are primary and which are secondary. Primary emotions: joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise. Everything else that we experience is different combinations of primary emotions.
  3. Tracking and controlling emotions. Start keeping a diary in which you will record the things that drive you crazy. Describe in detail problem situations, your emotions and thoughts, feelings, states, desires. Soon you will identify a group of your stress factors. After that, decide what you can exclude from your life and what you need to continue to interact with on a different plan. Develop a new, productive strategy. Keeping a diary is a form of personal self-control.
  4. Honing a skill. Play a video on YouTube that evokes any strong emotion in you. Restrain yourself. Repeat this exercise several times daily.

If you feel like your emotions are getting the better of you, try to distract yourself. Use the basics: get out the door, go for a run or walk, do a few push-ups, remember and imagine something pleasant.

In what types of self-control is possible? To track progress in self-control, use objective and subjective methods. The first includes what you can measure and what other people see. For example, how much work do you do in a certain amount of time? Subjective methods are personal feelings. For example, appetite, general well-being, emotional background.

Similarly, in self-control you can focus on external and internal signs. For example, if we are talking about fighting bad habits, then external signs include the color and condition of the skin. And to the internal ones - general well-being.

Note! You can develop and improve self-control at any age.

The benefits of self-control

When a person knows how to control himself, he stands out from the rest.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

Such a person has the following qualities:

  • freedom – there are no external restrictions for development;
  • peace - appears due to sound self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • self-esteem - a person looks at himself through the eyes of others, acquires the ability to direct his feelings and actions in a worthy direction;
  • experience - the ability to manage oneself teaches one to manage others.

While mastering the technique of self-control, a new level of patience is mastered, which helps to correct internal shortcomings and overcome external obstacles.


  1. Gotovtsev P.I., Dubrovsky V.I. Self-control during physical education and sports. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1984.
  2. Sports medicine. General pathology, medical supervision with the basics of private pathology: a textbook for students of physical education institutes / Ed. A.G. Dembo. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1975.
  3. A.G. Medical control in sports, p. 232, M., 1988; Sports medicine, ed. .: Dembo V.L. Karpman, p. 166, M., 1980.
  4. Encyclopedia of Human Development,, 2011-20.
  5. 2009-2020 - PSYCHOLOGIST - Practical Encyclopedia.

Control and self-control

Control, as it is understood, means conducting and managing any activity in the right way. For example, at school, a teacher monitors a student’s progress and guides him on the right path in mastering the subject.

An important component of the process is self-control, as a necessary factor present in the follower. These two concepts are always interconnected and influenced by each other.

To improve learning outcomes, a student independently develops character and develops internal mechanisms that regulate concentration on results and work on completing a task.

At school, a mark in the class register becomes a means of monitoring students. Over time, the criteria for assessing knowledge change, but fundamentally, the scheme does not undergo major changes.

The controller of consciousness has no attachment to material pleasures. He can, by renunciation, achieve perfect and unlimited freedom. Bhagavad Gita

In this way, children learn the basics of teacher control and have the opportunity to learn self-control within themselves, recognizing the need for such factors in the learning process.

My experience

As an example, I’ll tell you about my experience in dealing with time wasters. I think this is something many copywriters struggle with. When working at home, especially without a specific schedule and plan, every now and then you get distracted by something: reading a letter from a friend on a social network, petting a cat, dusting, finding some information on the Internet, etc. and so on. And everything is important and urgent (actually not). In general, due to frequent interruptions from work, matters are resolved slowly and not very effectively.

I fell into a similar trap until I realized that I needed to create a daily schedule. At least indicate from what time and until what time I work without a break. But this was not enough to achieve maximum efficiency. Over time, I learned to enter a state of flow (remember, in another paragraph of the article we wanted to return to this?).

My first experience of entering a flow state was accidental. I didn’t even know what it was called then. I thought I had some kind of superpower (well, who among us doesn’t want to feel special and unique?). Then I realized that this is one of the psychological phenomena that anyone can find themselves in. Here's my secret to getting into a flow state:

  1. I turn off the sound on my phone, turn off all work chats and other services on the computer, turn off the intercom and remove any other factors that could distract me. If there is someone at home other than me, then please do not distract me. I also set a comfortable temperature in the room: I open the window, turn on the air conditioner or heater (depending on the time of year), choose comfortable clothes that are suitable for the temperature, etc.
  2. I'm assessing my condition. It is important that nothing bothers me physically or psychologically. For example, if I know that something important awaits me in the afternoon, then in the first half of the day it can be very difficult to concentrate on work tasks. If I’m hungry or haven’t had enough sleep, then I won’t be able to enter the flow either. Accordingly, after assessing the condition, I do everything possible to improve it (if it is satisfactory) or maintain it (if it is good).
  3. I choose a task and tune in to it, as if trying it on myself. I recall from my experience or imagine events related to the topic of the article. Sometimes I get inspired by stories on forums. It is extremely important to generate personal interest.
  4. I write the first thing that comes to mind. Perhaps later I will delete this sentence or paragraph altogether, maybe I will insert it at the beginning of the article or at the very end - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to start. And then everything happens by itself.

What does flow state feel like? You switch off and then switch on. In the process of work, the sense of time and space disappears. It's like you turn into a machine. But quite a reasonable and creative machine. A bunch of thoughts are born in your head that you don’t have time to write, let alone formulate. Something flies out, then flies in again, one thing gives way to another. You say something out loud, something is reflected in your facial expressions. Along with your thoughts, the pictures in your head change. It’s as if you are living here and now everything you write about.

What follows after the article is written and you “turn on”? On the one hand, you feel satisfied and inspired. On the other hand, you feel like a squeezed lemon. Operating in a flow state requires much more energy than operating in a normal operating state. But fatigue can and should also be fought. I give myself a little rest, stretch, use a massage pillow, hide my eyes under a sleep mask, drink coffee, and then return to the article.

All that remains is to correct everything written, enter the remaining keys and complete the registration. All this happens outside the flow and requires great volitional efforts. Here I use the following rule: without being distracted, we do the remaining work, and then with a clear conscience we go about our business. Sometimes I put it off until another day, because after leaving the stream there is almost no energy left.

I like to work in a state of flow, but it’s not always possible to get into it. I have already learned to work with schedules and planning, but sometimes problems still arise with creating suitable conditions for entering the flow.

Development of self-control

Just like all other skills, the skill of internal discipline can be developed in oneself using self-development techniques.

Impact Analysis

Every person is capable of diagnosing the causes and consequences of his actions.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .

Having learned to build logical chains, it will become easier to discipline actions.

The right motivation

Encouraging interest in obtaining results is reflected in the speed and quality of task completion. Self-control is inseparable from the concept of necessity. But when a person is interested in achieving a goal as quickly as possible, enormous willpower is not required to push him to action.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

When the target and the benefits that will be received when hitting it are clearly visible, the process will become much more exciting.

Action plan

By introducing a clear structure into your action plan, it will be easier to control them. Without specifics and strategy, it is impossible to give an adequate description of the work. Self-discipline requires a time limit to achieve certain stages. Without clear planning, you can spend years trying to quit smoking or start doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Self-control diary

To record the results and analyze the consequences, it is recommended to keep a diary, which will allow you to structure the information and lead your thoughts in the right direction.

In addition, writing notes gives the necessary relaxation to the psyche.

Taking care of your emotional health

When cultivating character, there is no need to take discipline to the point of absurdity, turning self-realization into torture. Sometimes you need to take a break and take a break for your mind and body. Neglecting breaks is fraught with apathy and the accumulation of fatigue, which can become chronic.

Discipline and regime

There are no recorded cases where a clear regime harmed anyone. Discipline in actions, a tidy apartment and beautiful entries in the diary bring only positive factors. Being sloppy takes up much-needed time that should be spent on more worthwhile endeavors than searching for a clean shirt in the morning. Having mastered a daily routine and self-discipline at any age, people begin to do some things on a subconscious level, leaving the conscious mind to deal with more important issues.


The psychology of self-control does not allow for a frivolous attitude towards temporary resources. When delays become systematic, this is a great way to ruin the opinions of others and, as a result, self-esteem. It is necessary to set strict time limits and be guided by these restrictions in the process of achieving goals.

Having mastered the principle of punctuality, it will become easier to complete tasks and not give up everything in the middle in order to do something else.


  • "Resilience" by Sharon Melnick
  • "The Psychology of Emotions: Feelings in Control" Dan Dubravin
  • "Strength of will. How to develop and strengthen" Kelly McGonigal
  • "Developing Willpower" Walter Mischel
  • "On the limit. A week without self-pity" Eric Bertrand Larssen
  • The Psychology of Achievement by Heidi Grant Halvorson
  • “Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life. 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness" Brian Tracy
  • “Don't put it off until tomorrow. A short guide to fighting procrastination by Timothy Pychyl
  • “18 minutes. How to increase your concentration, stop distractions and get things done that really matter." Peter Bregman
  • "Be the best version of yourself" Dan Waldschmidt

Sometimes, in order to develop self-control, you need to constantly think about it. What dominates thoughts becomes something tangible and we begin to be aware. So don't just think about this skill, but also get a lot of information: read blogs, books, watch videos on this topic.

We wish you good luck!

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Self-control and self-motivation
  • Ways to train and develop willpower
  • Best of the year. Part two
  • How to learn a foreign language: a selection of useful materials
  • Self-control: what it is and how to develop it
  • Flow state: what is it and how to enter it
  • 10 Ways to Improve Willpower
  • Mastery of Self-Control
  • How to develop self-control and self-discipline
  • How do motivation and self-control affect productivity?

Key words:_D1034, 1Psychoregulation, 4Psychoregulation

Why is a high level of self-control dangerous?

An excessive level of self-discipline leads to constant mental stress. The ability to freely express feelings disappears.

Feelings tend to accumulate. They come out on their own at the most inopportune moment or are expressed in the form of the acquisition of diseases.

According to statistics, up to 63% of secluded individuals are susceptible to heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases.

To avoid such developments, it is necessary to engage in prevention. Shouting into the air in deserted places and breaking dishes help relieve accumulated tension. Some martial art classes are shown.

Our demons will never die - they are always nearby. Demons walk holding our hand, whisper and hug us during sleep. No one is able to drive them away, but no one is able to build coexistence. Someone will take the path of ignoring. Someone will turn into a slave. And someone establishes control over them and every second monitors compliance with the rules that he himself established. Victor Usmansky.

Techniques called auto-training have proven themselves to be excellent. It normalizes the psychological state and gives a tangible positive effect in teaching self-control.

Let your partner let off steam

If your partner is irritated and aggressive, you need to help him reduce internal tension. Until this happens, it will be difficult or impossible to come to an agreement with him. During a partner’s “explosion,” you should behave calmly, confidently, but not arrogantly. It must be remembered that a person in a state of emotional arousal is uncontrollable, and his aggressiveness is explained by an oversaturation of negative emotions. The best technique at such moments is to imagine that there is a shell (aura) around you through which the arrows of aggression do not pass. You are isolated, as if in a protective cocoon. With a little imagination, this technique works.

Self-control during exercise

Athletes who engage in physical exercise professionally know for certain that they need to constantly monitor themselves during exercise.

Self-monitoring cannot replace an examination with a doctor, but it will be useful as a supplement. With its help, a professional will be able to evaluate the results of training and personal endurance. This approach will allow you to introduce coordination of loads and a regime for visiting the gym.

The athlete’s self-control is based on monitoring a set of criteria that make it possible to assess the picture of well-being, namely:

  • sleep productivity;
  • emotional mood;
  • presence of appetite;
  • health indicators;
  • desire or unwillingness to attend training;
  • weight change;
  • pulse;
  • presence of fatigue;
  • assessment of breathing under stress and at rest.

Analysis of this data provides a detailed understanding of the overall condition of the athlete's body. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of deviations, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will identify a complete health record and provide useful advice on self-control (observance of a daily routine, balanced diet, personal hygiene).

Reasons for importance

Let us analyze the reasons for the importance of developing self-control from the point of view of society as a single organism and the role of self-control in everyday life for each person:

  1. Developed self-control in individuals reduces the level of crime in society and creates a healthy psychological climate. Self-control helps citizens observe rules and order in public places, for example, in transport. In a work team, a high level of self-control by each employee increases overall productivity and performance.
  2. In everyday life, self-control gives a person freedom. Yes, it seems that self-control is all about prohibitions and restrictions. But in fact, self-control helps a person become the master of his own life, get out of the slavery of bad habits, rash decisions, emotional outbursts and other things. Self-control increases a person’s confidence, promotes the development of self-esteem and harmonizes the state.

Interesting! Synonyms for the word self-control: restraint, self-control.

Be the first to shut up

If it just so happens that you have lost control of yourself and did not notice how you were drawn into an emotional conflict, try to do the only thing - shut up.
There is no need to demand that the “enemy” shut up. As a rule, such a requirement is ineffective or completely impossible to fulfill. The easiest way is to do it yourself. Your silence will allow you to get out of the quarrel and stop it. When using this technique, it is important to remember that silence should not be offensive to the partner and should not take the form of mockery, gloating or challenge. Silence should be directed exclusively at the object of the quarrel. Speak when your partner has cooled down. If you are silent, and your partner regards refusal to quarrel as capitulation, it is better not to refute this. Pause until it cools down. The position of the person who refuses to quarrel should completely exclude anything that is offensive or insulting to the partner. The winner is not the one who reserves the last decisive attack, but the one who manages to stop the conflict at the beginning and does not allow it to disperse.

How to learn to control your thoughts

How to become a happy woman - is it possible to learn cheerfulness?

In psychology, special attention is paid to the question of how to control your thoughts. It is no secret that conditions such as anxiety, pathologies and phobias are formed when a person ceases to control negative thoughts, and they begin to take over consciousness.

For your information. In most cases, thoughts arise and disappear spontaneously. According to experts, only yogis, plunging into a trance, can turn off the flow of thought, since they master the highest form of working with thought. The average person cannot undertake such a test of thinking; it requires many years of work on oneself. But this does not mean that you cannot find a way to learn to control your thoughts.

Experts warn that it is easier to control thoughts if people can:

  • don’t be nervous about criticism and don’t get hung up on it;
  • do not engage in self-criticism, so as not to destroy your brain with obsessive thoughts;
  • set realistic goals that are accessible and can be realized;
  • evaluate yourself adequately;
  • cope with fears and guilt.

Self-control methods seem quite easy, but they require effort on yourself. Often psychologists offer patients a functional “white room” technique for teaching self-control. The essence of the exercise is to imagine your consciousness as a “white room with two doors” and observe what thoughts pass through it. The exercise is performed in a secluded place, the main thing is to be able to relax using any convenient method of relaxation. Then, maintaining even breathing and the image of a “white room,” monitor and filter your thoughts.

Thoughts, according to psychologists, can be evaluative (stuck in the mind) and non-evaluative (easily floating away). Consider each one carefully, but don’t try to analyze it, give it the opportunity to live your life and drive it out the door. Perform this exercise as many times as necessary to understand that you can distance yourself from thoughts, even stuck ones.

By developing positive skills and overcoming shortcomings, a person gains inner confidence and self-control, and achieves success in professional and educational activities.

Act despite the discomfort

The things that you will benefit from in the long run are quite difficult to do at first. For example, when you just switch to a healthy diet, you don’t feel the best, but in the long term, giving up junk food is very important for your body.

Remember: it’s only difficult at the beginning of the journey. Your mind wants to stay in your comfort zone, but it is getting out of that zone that helps change your life for the better.

So with any process that brings positive results. For example, to write an article and receive a flood of gratitude from readers, you will have to agonize over the title, erase and write the beginning five times, and walk a couple of kilometers around the room before inspiration descends on you.

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