Top 65 tips for love and happiness. Tough love advice that psychologists say works

Don't compare your relationships to stories from books and movies

Stop trying to repeat the love story from your favorite movie, book, and especially fairy tales. You are not Cinderella and the Prince, not Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet (or Bridget Jones), not Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, your relationship is developing differently, and that's okay.

And then, before plunging into the vanilla abyss called “happily ever after,” the characters go through a series of difficulties, because conflict is the engine of the plot. Create your own “happily ever after” without serial wisdom and without regard to the fantasies of screenwriters and writers.

Tips on how to keep love

Tips on how to keep love:

  1. Resolve conflicts calmly. Scandals often arise between spouses. This is normal. Don't forget that differences in views add intrigue to love. But only when the scandals that arise are resolved successfully. Unresolved quarrels ultimately cause severe damage to partners. In such a situation, to maintain a relationship . Find a compromise, listen carefully to your loved one, understand his desires.
  2. Don't criticize your loved one. Any criticism kills feelings. Even if you think you are doing good, criticism still has a bad effect on a person. If you want your relationship with your partner to be harmonious and happy, control your criticism. Do not point out to your loved one his bad qualities, do not change the person, he himself must wish for it.
  3. Don't be jealous. Jealousy is considered insecurity, anger and envy. Get rid of jealousy, otherwise you will not maintain love. Think about what makes you jealous? Maybe you are afraid that your partner will leave you. Love yourself for who you are. This way you will become more confident and happy.
  4. Respect your loved one. Partners must respect each other. Especially when they have some problems. Some people who have been married for a long time take their partner for granted. They do not show love, do not care about their loved one, and stop respecting them. If you are constantly busy with something, take a moment to understand what exactly your partner needs. This will make your life together happier. Do everything possible to make your loved one feel that you respect him and care about him.
  5. Trust your loved one - this is important advice about love. Work on your confidence. Every relationship is based only on trust, which is mutual. But this is only if your partner does not cheat on you, if you are completely confident in him. To achieve this, be open with each other, do not keep secrets.

Save love

Don't ignore warning signs

In most relationships there is a presentation period when both partners try to appear better than they really are. And if already at the candy-bouquet stage you see danger signals, do not ignore them, trust your intuition.

Unreasonable outbursts of aggression, rudeness towards waiters, unflattering statements about exes and other things that bother you can easily be attributed to “it seemed” and “he/she will improve.” Most likely, it didn’t seem to you and your partner will not correct himself. Think soberly about whether you are ready to deal with such negative manifestations regularly.

Attracting love: tips

Tips for attracting love:

  1. Change yourself . Learn to be responsible for your own failures. Only losers complain about bad luck or bad luck. People who are successful build their own lives. They don’t shy away from bad luck and solve problems quickly. If you can't attract love, change your appearance. Take care of yourself, tidy up your figure, change your wardrobe.
  2. Reconsider your views on life and behavior. Appearance, of course, is only part of what helps attract love. You will have to completely change your own behavior, for example, become a good conversationalist, learn the main rules of ethics, watch what you say. Do not shout during a conversation, because active gestures and obscene speech make it not always pleasant to talk to a person.
  3. Believe in your happiness is one of the important tips of love. Even if statistics show that in most cases couples get divorced, but without faith, you will not get a happy relationship and love.
  4. Radiate sexual energy. Do you want intimacy? Men feel this well. They will begin to shower you with their own attention.
  5. Don't put pressure on your significant other. Don't consider all men as a potential spouse. Men do not like women who have hypertrophied syndrome.
  6. Don't rush the events that are shaping up for you. Love is not considered a competition to see who gets to the registry office first. Everyone becomes happy in their own time, therefore, do not take just anything - this is a losing tactic.

Attract love

See if relationships make life easier

If your love story consists entirely of difficulties, overcoming, quarrels and rare but bright bouts of happiness, this is an unhealthy relationship. People quickly get used to the emotional swing, when despair and delight alternate, and can consider themselves quite happy with it.

But answer yourself honestly: does your partner make your life easier or complicate it? Do you feel happy more often than unhappy? Don't wait for the Titanic of your love to sink, get on the boat. Otherwise, you may not have enough space on the saving door.

How to confess your love: tips

  1. Don't think long about how to confess your love. Just talk about your feelings without waiting for the right opportunity. Especially if you feel that your partner loves you too.
  2. You don't have to talk about love. Express your feelings through some actions . Be attentive to your loved one, support him, take care, give good emotions, encourage your partner. This is the only way he will notice that you are his reliable support.
  3. Replace words with expressions of your feelings using facial expressions or gestures. Often people notice a strong attraction when a person looks into their eyes or simply smiles.
  4. Confess your love using a passionate kiss . Do this by creating a romantic setting.
  5. Give compliments. Admire your loved one, point out his positive qualities, do it sincerely. Just don’t overdo it, as it may look like praise or love addiction.
  6. Present a surprise , which will become a kind of subtext that hides feelings and your love. Invite your loved one to the theater or to a restaurant.
  7. Be gentle. Your partner will very soon understand that you love him. Praise your loved one once again, hug.
  8. Write a letter about love - tender and touching advice about love. Open your own soul, tell us about everything that is hidden in your soul. Use email or write a message by phone.

Letter of love

Don't chase the ghosts of your exes

If you didn't meet in kindergarten, your partner was most likely already in a relationship. Just leave them in the past, no need to constantly compare yourself with your ex, check their pages on social networks and count how many likes they give to your spouse.

By the way, you probably had a relationship too. And you should forget about them too. It is very easy to start idealizing a person with whom you have a romantic history. But think about it: if the ex was wonderful, he wouldn’t be an ex.

Teenage love: advice for parents

Tips on Teen Love:

  1. Communicate with your child as equals. A commanding tone will work, but only in the opposite direction from you.
  2. Let your child know that you understand him.
  3. Don't make fun of your child or make fun of his feelings. Treat your child with all respect, as he is still fragile and vulnerable.
  4. Don't shout, don't be aggressive . Calm down, restrain your own feelings. Do not forget that rudeness can cause the same reaction in a child.
  5. It is possible that your child's significant other is not ideal. But don't be too critical, as this may cause him to protest. The child will begin to defend his feelings, which will only intensify.
  6. Don’t say something disparaging or insulting about the object of your passion – you can humiliate the child. Say only the best things - this will increase your confidence.
  7. Do not forbid your child to meet with his object of adoration, even in a rude manner. This will lead to the opposite result. This is because everything that is prohibited automatically captivates you even more.
  8. Do not give an intrusive lecture about sexual relations to a child when you find out about his love.
    This will only arouse his undue interest or hurt his feelings.
  9. Invite your child's significant other home to meet you. Using this method, you can learn more about a person, about his character qualities. Allow them to meet at home so that children do not look for random and dubious meeting places.
  10. Talk about your own first relationship to find rapport with your child - this is great advice about your child's love. But don’t warn him not to do the same, because it once ruined your life. Tell your child how you dealt with the problem and turned the circumstances to your advantage.
  11. Let the teenager figure out the relationship himself if he becomes disappointed in it. Let it come only from him. In this way, the child will feel that he can understand such situations himself and make decisions.

In teenagers

Shared traditions and customs bring people together7

It is necessary to introduce a tradition that will become a family tradition and will be passed on to children. For example, this could be for some memorable date. And this date must be remembered and celebrated every year. Thus, positive emotions and memories will accompany the couple throughout their lives, and this undoubtedly strengthens and develops the relationship.

Spend time apart

New relationships always seem incredibly exciting and often take us out of our usual routine. Most likely, you yourself have noticed that with the advent of a new lover, you meet less often with friends or devote less time to your hobby. However, giving up your independence and social life in favor of your partner can only worsen the relationship, deprive you of friends and even your sense of self-worth. Try to maintain a balance between your personal and social life and do not neglect your interests and hobbies because of a new romance.

Stop manipulating

When a child cannot get what he wants, he begins to be capricious, take offense and throw tantrums - thus, he forces his parents to submit to his weak will. A little miracle walking under the table can make adults dance to its tune. It is not surprising that the technique of such manipulation is postponed and strengthened in his mind as the most effective way to achieve his goal.

And then the child grows up. Desires change, relationships with the world and other people change, but the manipulation technique is only being honed. Even where one could simply ask, heavy artillery is now used - pressure on pity, on conscience, on a sense of duty, on pride - just to avoid refusal and long explanations.

Manipulation is a way to get what you want from other people without taking any responsibility for it. Asking is more difficult - you need to take the courage to clearly state your desire, and even get involved in reciprocal obligations that you so want to avoid. Therefore, hints, sighs, an offended or upset look are used - anything to make the person next to him want to do exactly what I want from him.

And although it seems that manipulation is harmless, it actually greatly complicates the relationship. Any manipulation is deception and self-deception. And any such dishonesty is the shortest path to the destruction of relationships.

Yes, in any person you can find those strings by which you can pull him. But why? Don't want to get rejected? But in reality it’s not so scary - you never know what we want and don’t get. Don’t feel like talking about your desire directly? Why not say, why not take a risk? This is also not as scary as it seems. Don't want to be held accountable for fulfilling your wishes? But isn't that fair? And is it really such a big problem to fulfill the wishes of a loved one?

Why are all these games needed if everything can be agreed upon? It is clear that it is scary to lay all your cards on the table at once - revealing your desires and passions to another person is scary. So what, hide like this all your life? Why not start slowly talking about your passions openly - because this is the only way to truly satisfy your desires and move on. Why do we need mutual trust if we don’t use it and don’t develop it?

There are so many grievances in ordinary families because of these fears and stupid shyness - “Oh, you don’t hear or understand me at all!”

- so maybe you need to sit down and calmly explain everything, and not expect that a person who, in general, owes you nothing, will understand the intricacies of your conflicting desires?

Learn to talk about your desires as simply and directly as possible. There is no need to beat around the bush - speak about your desire honestly and openly. Yes, sometimes this requires a bit of courage and a willingness to meet a loved one in the same way when he asks for it - so what? This is how adults live - they negotiate. They do not bargain and do not calculate the cost of each service, but they are not shy about asking and do not hesitate to fulfill other people’s wishes.

This only makes relationships easier. The ability to ask and the willingness to meet each other halfway in fulfilling desires makes communication easy and carefree. Why wait until the gentleman deigns to give you flowers if you can ask him about it? After all, he himself will be happy to please you. Why quietly hope that your friend will read your innocent erotic fantasy in her eyes, if you can say it directly? And she herself will be pleased that you see an attractive woman in her.

There is a limit to everything - not every desire is appropriate and not every desire can be fulfilled, but that’s why we are adults - we can negotiate. Take courage and learn to play openly. Stop fussing and manipulating each other. The more simply you can talk about your desires, the more likely you are to realize them, and the more open, joyful and long-lasting your relationship will be. Go for it.

Ask questions about the future

Focusing on the past won't help any relationship, while understanding whether your goals for the future align is an essential part of any strong union. Of course, you shouldn’t ask your new partner on the first date how many children he wants to have and try his last name on with your first name, but it’s still important to get a general idea of ​​your new lover’s views on the relationship. Otherwise, after months together, you risk discovering that your loved one is not ready to start a family, while for you this is a priority for the near future. In addition, immediately tell your partner what you are looking for: a long-term relationship or an easy romance not burdened with obligations.

The essence of a happy marriage

Be discreet when communicating with acquaintances and friends

Couples in love understand that problems can arise in any marriage and try to be very careful when talking to someone about their partner so as not to say anything bad. It is better to work on your problems away from prying eyes.

"I love you"

Couples can show their love in different ways. However, some couples often forget to express it with simple words: “I love you.” Saying it out loud is always important, and couples know that over time, as their relationship develops, those words can mean something more.

Express gratitude with words

One of the human needs is to feel valued, and this is even more important in marriage. Couples in love not only express their gratitude to each other through their actions, but also through their words.

Respect your partner.

This is what strong relationships are built on. Quarrels and scandals will test the strength of your couple. And, if you pass it, then everything will stabilize in the future. It is at this moment that it is extremely important to show respect to your girlfriend and not cross the line.

Another important point is self-respect. If you don't respect yourself, who will? You will constantly strive to prove that you are worthy of the girl’s love and attention. This is not male behavior.

Don't complain about your girlfriend. If you don't like something about her, tell her about it.

Show respect for your girlfriend's hobbies. You are two completely different people, so it is logical that your partner may have completely different interests.

Respect your girlfriend's opinion. You shouldn’t decide everything alone and think that making absolutely all decisions for two is good. Consider her opinion, listen to it. Be a team.

How to get love back: advice from a psychologist

  1. Break the merger. Create a relationship where there is you, him and a distance that allows you to create personal space in the relationship. This will make your partner more interested in you.
  2. Rebuild trust - important love advice. When a loved one does not fulfill his own promises, trust disappears. Therefore, if you do not trust your loved one, then you need another person. The main problem here is the disappeared intimacy and warmth in the relationship. The couple begins to heal when they feel safe, listen to the partner, do not criticize him, do not judge him.
  3. Take on new responsibilities. Trust between partners is restored when they make new commitments. Perhaps you need to review your relationship and notice the meaning in moving together.
  4. Build a dialogue. The easiest way to confirm that you heard your partner is to repeat his words. This way you put yourself in the place of your loved one. You will quickly notice magical changes in your relationship. Because one of the main problems in a married couple is the following - someone speaks little, and someone speaks a lot. Level up your conversation, connect with each other.
  5. Solve problems together. For example, express gratitude to each other, always travel together, spend weekends with your family, go shopping, clean houses together, and so on.

Bring back love

Be realistic.

Know how to distinguish love from infatuation and euphoria. It is only at first that it seems that she has no shortcomings. A little later you will understand that not everything will always be so simple and cloudless. That sometimes she has a bad mood or problems in life. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship; your connection can bring unexpected surprises.

Sometimes it will eat away at your nerves. But if this is your loved one, you need to be prepared for such unpleasant moments and value your connection. You're a guy, a man - be wiser.

Yes, it is not as magical and fabulous as it seemed at the very beginning. But it’s honest and adult. Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Be ready to solve not only your problems, but also the girl’s problems. In return you will receive the same support and complicity.

Learn to quarrel.

This probably sounds very strange to you, but the right quarrels can not only strengthen, but also save your relationship. What can cause a relationship to fail:

  • Criticism of your partner’s character (insults, getting personal rather than evaluating actions).
  • Shifting the blame (the other person is always to blame for everything, but not you).
  • Insults (a quarrel can be over in a few minutes, but the words that were spoken in a fit of anger will stay in your head for a long time).
  • Avoiding a quarrel (when you hold back negative emotions and carry it inside yourself, then this leads to a problem much more serious than just another conflict).

Learn to catch the wave.

Waves in a relationship are the ups and downs you experience together. And through which any normal couple goes.

Some of these periods can last a few days, some a couple of months, and some even a couple of years. There's nothing wrong with that. You need to accept this condition and learn to live with it. Support your partner and look at problems as something passing that you have to work on together.

The life of each of you can be affected by a huge number of factors: changing jobs, quarrels with friends and family, moving, difficult financial situation. We need to be as loyal as possible to such changes in life and try to support each other.

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