10 tips from a psychologist on how to get rid of gambling addiction

For a long time gaming addiction remained in the shadow of alcoholism and drug addiction. The scientific community did not classify gambling addiction as a disease, and only at the end of the 20th century was it recognized as a dangerous psychological disorder. Today under gaming addiction narcologists understand the pathological craving for games (slot machines, online casinos, computer “toys”), as a result of which a person’s social, economic, and professional life is destroyed.

Selection of treatment

"Invisible" threat

Despite the fact that a gambling addict (or gambler) does not use any psychoactive drugs, his brain chemistry changes. There are not only psychological, but also physiological consequences of addiction to bets and winnings. A number of experts believe that gambling addiction is more insidious than addiction to drinking or drugs:

  1. A gambling addict cannot be identified by external signs. For relatives, friends and colleagues, he remains an ordinary person until they learn of his serious financial difficulties or see him in a fit of passion or despair after a loss.
  2. Online casinos and slot machines are available to everyone. The “18+” restriction does not stop teenagers and children. Games are not prohibited products; their circulation is not controlled at the state level. High availability does not harm 95% of the population, but 5% suffer from gambling addiction.
  3. The game is a potential opportunity for high earnings. Gambling addicts often justify their behavior with the desire to make money. Indeed, there are professional players for whom gambling is the main source of income. The development of e-sports also makes a certain contribution: top e-sports players earn thousands for playing games at a professional level. This does not allow a person to stop in time and understand that he will not be a professional, but risks becoming a gambling addict.
  4. High speed of thrust formation. According to this indicator, gambling addiction is more dangerous than alcoholism and drug addiction: gambling addiction develops within a few days.

Gambling addiction is more destructive in its social and economic impacts than addiction to alcohol or drugs. For one bet, a person can lose colossal sums or property and be left with practically nothing. This leads the addict to despair, causes depression, and pushes him to illegal actions and suicide.

Selection of treatment

Manifestations of gambling addiction

The manifestation of gambling addiction concerns four important aspects of life, which are placed in a separate group. Each group complements the others, as if forming a continuous chain that is almost impossible to break without the help of a specialist:

  1. Psychological manifestations. The problems of this group directly affect a person’s psychology: his moral state, feelings, etc. Stress becomes a common condition for a person, and he begins to develop depression.
  2. Physiological manifestation. Manifestations of this group relate to the physical condition of a person. He begins to develop insomnia, eating disorders (appetite problems) appear, and headaches begin to appear more and more often. In some cases, gambling addiction leads to the emergence of other, even more dangerous, addictions - alcohol and drugs.
  3. Social life. For a gambling addict, social life fades into the background, all connections with other people seem unnecessary, the person loses relatives and close friends.
  4. Financial sphere. Money becomes a way for the player to get pleasure. The more money, the longer you can play. The ludoman begins to get involved with dubious microloan organizations, takes money from acquaintances and friends, but he cannot repay the debts.

Signs of gambling addiction

The desire to play is not yet a sign of pathology. Many people periodically visit casinos or relax with computer “toys”. There is a fine line separating a healthy change of activity from an addiction. Narcologists have formulated the following signs of gambling addiction:

  • The game takes more and more time. First several times a week, then every day for several hours. A person begins to feel anxiety and irritation if the game needs to be postponed to solve other problems (study, work, everyday life).
  • Displacement of former interests. Gambling addiction dominates and suppresses other areas of life. The gambler abandons his previous hobbies. Even when he is not in a gaming situation, he continues to think through game combinations in his head.
  • Gradual loss of control over the situation. The addict cannot stop and continues to play both after successive victories and after defeats. When the gameplay ends, it reinitializes it.
  • Character change. A gambler suffers from sudden mood swings: from extreme enthusiasm to apathy, irritability and depression. The more time he spends away from games, the worse he feels. This is comparable to withdrawal in drug addicts and alcoholics.

To understand whether you have a gambling addiction , it is enough to answer two questions:

  1. Do you put off other things, even non-essential ones, in order to play?
  2. Have you deceived others because of a game?

If the answer to at least one of them is affirmative, you have developed an addiction. To avoid serious consequences, seek help from psychologists or narcologists who have experience in treating gambling addiction.

Selection of treatment

Physiology or psychology?

Gambling addiction is often not taken seriously due to the lack of an external chemical stimulant: ethanol, heroin, cocaine or other psychoactive substance. Society considered the problem of gambling addiction only from a psychological and social point of view. But the scientists' opinion has changed. Recent studies have shown that gambling addiction is a neurobiological disorder that affects not only psychology, but also human biology.

MRI images of drug addicts and gambling addicts were studied: neuroscientists noticed the same structural abnormalities in the area responsible for the formation of chemical attachment. This leads to the physiological consequences of gambling addiction:

  • Growing anxiety, aggressiveness, irritability, tendency to depression;
  • Disturbance of the rhythm of day and night, frequent insomnia;
  • General depression of the central nervous system (CNS), causing decreased concentration, attention, and decreased performance.

Psychologists look at gambling addiction from a different point of view. First of all, they pay attention to the reasons that motivate a person to play. For example, psychoanalysts have put forward the theory that gambling addicts have a tendency towards masochism, a desire to punish themselves through constant losses and losses. But a more popular opinion is that with the help of slot machines and roulettes, addicts get rid of stress and escape into an illusory reality. While playing, a person forgets about his own problems, does not think about the future, and is completely focused on the possibility of a big win, which will miraculously change everything for the better. This relieves anxiety.

Although gambling addiction changes brain chemistry, therapy does not require detoxification (as is the case with alcoholism or drug addiction). But during rehabilitation, the patient may be prescribed antidepressants or sedatives, as well as other drugs that regulate the activity of the nervous system.

Prevention of gambling addiction according to doctors

To prevent the development of gambling addiction, certain preventive measures should be taken:

  • Start an interesting hobby, try to occupy your free time with useful active activities. Reading books or watching movies can also help.
  • Play sports to keep your body healthy, and at the same time tune your brain in the right way.
  • Try to get away from activities that cause stress.
  • At the first symptoms of gambling addiction or other concomitant diseases (for example, depression), consult a specialist.

Also, you should not focus your main attention on gambling, because this is the main thinking mistake in the formation of gambling addiction.

How does gambling addiction develop?

Narcologists have identified several factors influencing the development of gambling addiction in a person. The first one is a traumatic experience in the past. Physical, sexual or psychological violence, the death of a close relative or friend, participation in an accident - any difficult memory that the human psyche cannot cope with determines the formation of a pathological addiction. In such a situation, the gameplay, completely subordinate to the will of the gambler, gives him the illusion of power and control.

Excessive concentration on the material side of life can motivate you to play. Envy of more successful relatives or peers, the desire for big money and a beautiful life are often the reasons why people go to the casino. Another important factor is participation in the game from childhood. This happens when one of the family members or a close friend is a professional gambler or gambling addict. A child copies the behavior pattern of the adults around him and cannot break it, even in adulthood.

Some scientists insist on an innate predisposition to games: some people are more gambling than others, they like risk. If a person cannot control himself, is in a difficult financial situation, or is not satisfied with himself and his life, there is a high probability that he will develop a gaming addiction .

Some personal characteristics have no less influence on the development of gambling addiction, including:

  • Impulsivity, excessive emotionality and avoidance of responsibility;
  • Tendency to depression, inability to enjoy life, perfectionism;
  • Low resistance to stress and emotional vulnerability, or work associated with a high level of stress (for example, middle managers, responsible persons at the enterprise);
  • Tendency to irrational thinking, belief in miracles and luck, search for “happy” patterns in coincidences.

Psychologists note that people suffering from gambling addiction often share the same thinking errors. For example, gambling addicts believe that money can solve any troubles in life (including problems in interpersonal relationships); they like to fantasize about a “beautiful” life after winning, instead of focusing on the present.

addiction to slot machines previously considered a predominantly male disease, recent studies show that it affects both sexes aged 15 years and older. The development of pathology goes through several characteristic stages.

How do you know if you are developing a gambling addiction?

  • a person neglects to satisfy his physiological needs (food, sleep, hygiene), spending time with family, meeting with friends, hobbies, and prefers gameplay;
  • the addict has a high degree of immersion in the game and dependence on the new session;
  • a person loses the sense of time - he can spend more than six hours playing the game in a row.

With such addiction, the intellect does not suffer, but gambling addiction affects the biochemical composition of a person’s blood. Games often involve extreme conditions into which a person is immersed. Frequent releases of adrenaline and endorphin, without good reason (real danger), destroy the body. The activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is disrupted.

Stages of gambling addiction

Gambling addiction has four distinct phases. Knowing their characteristics and being able to distinguish one from the other, you will be more likely to understand whether your loved one has a gaming addiction and how to help him.

  1. Victory phase. It occurs simultaneously with the first, usually small, victory. The player feels an emotional uplift and tells others about his luck. This is a normal reaction to winning. But if at the same time uncontrollable fantasies appear about upcoming big victories, about millions and fabulous wealth, this is already a sign of gambling addiction .
  2. Losing phase. After the first random successes, the gambler enters the losing phase. His debts are growing, his relationships with others are deteriorating. He understands that the “fairytale win” is being postponed indefinitely, and he becomes irritable and aggressive. Trying to rationalize their condition, many addicts begin to think that a “dark streak” has come for them, which they just need to endure.
  3. Despair phase. Gambling addiction inevitably leads to financial ruin. The person feels despair and guilt towards others. This is a turning point: he can either make a volitional decision about the need to get rid of gambling addiction and seek professional help, or he refuses responsibility for his actions and begins to blame others for failures.
  4. Awareness phase. Sooner or later, the addict has to face the consequences of his actions. He realizes that he is sick and begins to think about how to overcome his gambling addiction . This is a favorable time to start communicating with a psychologist and attend classes at Gamblers Anonymous.

The phases are cyclical - often after a phase of despair, as soon as the addict has money, he again begins to fantasize about his success. And instead of paying off debts or making attempts to rehabilitate himself in society, he spends everything at the roulette table or in the next slot machine.

If you think that your loved one has developed a gaming addiction , seek professional help by calling 8 . We employ specialists with experience in treating gambling addicts. We will tell you how best to act in your specific situation. Often the first step towards healing is a motivational conversation with a psychologist, during which the addict realizes that there is a problem and finds the strength to solve it.

How to get rid of gambling addiction?

The clinic for gambling addiction “I am independent” offers a comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of gambling addicts. The basis of therapy is work with a psychologist, but drug treatment is also carried out. It is aimed at restoring normal functioning of the central nervous system and can help in cases where gambling addiction is accompanied by:

  • Anxiety and irritability;
  • Depressive states;
  • Insomnia.

Gambling addiction among adult patients in 70% of cases is diagnosed together with alcoholism or drug addiction. In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously work with all addictions in order to help the person return to a sober and harmonious life.

Drug treatment - medications

Drug treatment is prescribed to experienced gambling addicts and those with an advanced stage of addiction. The following medications may be used for treatment:

  • neuroleptics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • antidepressants.

Also, depending on the specific clinical situation, more potent medications may be prescribed to make the treatment as effective as possible.

In particularly advanced cases, when the patient has severe depression with strong suicidal tendencies, the gambling addict may be admitted to inpatient treatment in a clinic or special center.

Psychocorrection of addiction to slot machines

Working with gambling addicts, psychologists help addicts:

  • Recognize there is a problem. Many patients refuse to admit that they have a gambling addiction . A person must reach a stage of despair to realize that his behavior is destructive and he cannot stop. A conversation with a specialist allows you to look at the situation in a new way and see what consequences a craving for slot machines or computer games can lead to.
  • Find motivation for a harmonious life. It is impossible to overcome addiction to slot machines with weak motivation. At this stage, hypnosis, NLP and other techniques can be used to create an unconscious attitude of refusing to play.
  • Learn to react constructively to stress and manage your emotions. Ludomaniacs are often emotional people who are unable to cope with current life tasks. They avoid reality, retreating into their fantasies and the illusory world of future victories. They want easy achievements without effort. Working with a psychologist allows you to change this attitude towards life and gradually get rid of gambling addiction.

Patients are not always ready to seek professional help. Many people wonder how to get rid of gambling addiction on their own. But this approach rarely leads to lasting results. If you want to break out of the vicious circle and return to a happy life, call “I am independent” 8 and we will help you!

How to avoid “breakdowns”?

Like any addict, a gambling addict can “break down” even after completing a rehabilitation course. Our clinic has special programs for people who have undergone therapy. We offer supportive sessions with a psychologist in individual and group formats, as well as a post-treatment program.

The following measures can be considered to prevent gambling addiction:

  • Refusal to communicate with people who share a passion for gambling.
  • Finding new interests and hobbies. The busier and more exciting your life, the less temptation you will have to start playing.
  • Creating positive reinforcement. Former gambling addicts are advised to praise themselves for any achievements, especially for giving up gambling. This way they develop positive reinforcement and reduce stress from the lack of the usual stimulant (gameplay).

But the main rule that protects you from a “breakdown” is the following: as soon as you feel the desire to start playing again, call the specialists 8 . It is much easier to prevent a “breakdown” than to face its consequences. We can help you.

Snippet: Therapy for gaming addiction at the “I am Independent” clinic. Psychocorrection in the treatment of gambling addiction. How to overcome addiction and quit gambling forever? This question is answered by narcologists and psychologists at the center.

For a long time, gaming addiction remained in the shadow of alcoholism and drug addiction. The scientific community did not classify gambling addiction as a disease, and only at the end of the 20th century was it recognized as a dangerous psychological disorder. Today, by gaming addiction, narcologists understand a pathological craving for games (slot machines, online casinos, computer “toys”), as a result of which a person’s social, economic, and professional life is destroyed.

Thirst for easy money

The problem of gambling addiction (gambling addiction, gambling addiction) did not appear yesterday.
Gambling as a way to get rich quick has gone hand in hand with humanity throughout its history. Russia was no exception here - from classical literature we all remember how landowners and merchants lost their fortunes overnight. Why, the landowners - even the recognized classic of this very literature, Fyodor Dostoevsky, obviously suffered from a severe form of gambling addiction. He suffered because today such addiction is recognized by WHO as a special form of mental disorder, a disease whose treatment is recommended in medical clinics. According to the organization, almost 6% of our planet’s population can be diagnosed with gambling addiction. The first years of the existence of modern Russia were accompanied by a rapid flourishing of the gambling business. Dozens and hundreds of casinos in Moscow and other large cities, numerous gaming halls, “one-armed bandits” in almost every stall with an annual turnover of the entire business of 6 billion dollars - these are the characteristic signs of the 90s and early 2000s. But the saddest thing is that with the opening of each new “point”, the number of players who brought their last money there with the hope of easy profit also grew. According to some studies, at that time the number of gambling addicts in the country reached 2 million people.

The authorities tried to take control of the gambling business, and they partially succeeded - since 2009, casinos have been allowed to open only in special zones located far from capitals and large urban agglomerations. However, this did not solve the problem as the business went underground. Similar processes occurred in other countries - as a result, to date, according to the world leader in the field of gambling, the American company MGM Resorts International, the turnover of the online market has reached almost $60 billion. At the same time, the shift to online gaming has only intensified since the beginning of the pandemic, increasing the likelihood of new addicted players who are losing touch with the real world. The problem of gambling addiction has even influenced popular culture. It is shown very colorfully in the popular TV series “The Squid Game,” where the heroes put their lives on the line in pursuit of “easy money.”

"Invisible" threat

Despite the fact that a gambling addict (or gambler) does not use any psychoactive drugs, his brain chemistry changes. There are not only psychological, but also physiological consequences of addiction to bets and winnings. A number of experts believe that gambling addiction is more insidious than addiction to drinking or drugs:

1. A gambling addict cannot be identified by external signs. For relatives, friends and colleagues, he remains an ordinary person until they learn of his serious financial difficulties or see him in a fit of passion or despair after a loss.

2. Online casinos and slot machines are available to everyone. The “18+” restriction does not stop teenagers and children. Games are not prohibited products; their circulation is not controlled at the state level. High availability does not harm 95% of the population, but 5% suffer from gambling addiction.

3. The game is a potential opportunity for high earnings. Gambling addicts often justify their behavior with the desire to make money. Indeed, there are professional players for whom gambling is the main source of income. The development of e-sports also makes a certain contribution: top e-sports players earn thousands for playing games at a professional level. This does not allow a person to stop in time and understand that he will not be a professional, but risks becoming a gambling addict.

4. High speed of thrust formation. According to this indicator, gambling addiction is more dangerous than alcoholism and drug addiction: gambling addiction develops within a few days.

Gambling addiction is more destructive in its social and economic impacts than addiction to alcohol or drugs. For one bet, a person can lose colossal sums or property and be left with practically nothing. This leads the addict to despair, causes depression, and pushes him to illegal actions and suicide.

Signs of gambling addiction

The desire to play is not yet a sign of pathology. Many people periodically visit casinos or relax with computer “toys”. There is a fine line separating a healthy change of activity from an addiction. Narcologists have formulated the following signs of gambling addiction:

· The game takes more and more time. First several times a week, then every day for several hours. A person begins to feel anxiety and irritation if the game needs to be postponed to solve other problems (study, work, everyday life).

· Displacement of former interests. Gambling addiction dominates and suppresses other areas of life. The gambler abandons his previous hobbies. Even when he is not in a gaming situation, he continues to think through game combinations in his head.

· Gradual loss of control over the situation. The addict cannot stop and continues to play both after successive victories and after defeats. When the gameplay ends, it reinitializes it.

· Change in character. A gambler suffers from sudden mood swings: from extreme enthusiasm to apathy, irritability and depression. The more time he spends away from games, the worse he feels. This is comparable to withdrawal in drug addicts and alcoholics.

To understand whether you have a gambling addiction , it is enough to answer two questions:

1. Do you put off other, even unnecessary, things in order to play?

2. Have you deceived others because of a game?

If the answer to at least one of them is affirmative, you have developed an addiction. To avoid serious consequences, seek help from psychologists or narcologists who have experience in treating gambling addiction.

Physiology or psychology?

Gambling addiction is often not taken seriously due to the lack of an external chemical stimulant: ethanol, heroin, cocaine or other psychoactive substance. Society considered the problem of gambling addiction only from a psychological and social point of view. But the scientists' opinion has changed. Recent studies have shown that gambling addiction is a neurobiological disorder that affects not only psychology, but also human biology.

MRI images of drug addicts and gambling addicts were studied: neuroscientists noticed the same structural abnormalities in the area responsible for the formation of chemical attachment. This leads to the physiological consequences of gambling addiction:

· Growing anxiety, aggressiveness, irritability, tendency to depression;

· Disturbance of the rhythm of day and night, frequent insomnia;

· General depression of the central nervous system (CNS), causing decreased concentration, attention, and decreased performance.

Psychologists look at gambling addiction from a different point of view. First of all, they pay attention to the reasons that motivate a person to play. For example, psychoanalysts have put forward the theory that gambling addicts have a tendency towards masochism, a desire to punish themselves through constant losses and losses. But a more popular opinion is that with the help of slot machines and roulettes, addicts get rid of stress and escape into an illusory reality. While playing, a person forgets about his own problems, does not think about the future, and is completely focused on the possibility of a big win, which will miraculously change everything for the better. This relieves anxiety.

Although gambling addiction changes brain chemistry, therapy does not require detoxification (as is the case with alcoholism or drug addiction). But during rehabilitation, the patient may be prescribed antidepressants or sedatives, as well as other drugs that regulate the activity of the nervous system.

Guarantees didn't work

Do you think we'll be talking about a massive online role-playing game? Or about a game with money bets? Or about advanced flight simulators or something else that, in the eyes of a normal person, is capable of somehow engaging?

No. Knowing my gambling nature, I was always afraid to get involved in this. I just wanted to unload my brain a little on something light and primitive. Primitiveness seemed to me a guarantee against addiction. I couldn’t imagine that a severe gaming addiction could develop even on some unfortunate “balls,” Lines? On this “favorite toy of secretaries”, where all you need is to place five balls of the same color on the screen in a row so that they collapse and free up space on the field...

And I was not alarmed that once upon a time I already had an attack of gambling addiction. Now I was sure that nothing threatened me, because I

- not an infantile teenager. I am a responsible adult, the mother of two sons. This doesn't happen to responsible people;

- not unemployed and not even a housewife, I have a lot of work and very little time to do such nonsense;

- not a janitor with unfinished school and a narrow outlook. My outlook is fine, I have two higher education degrees. What are you, what kind of “balls”?..

And yet I got myself into trouble.

How does gambling addiction develop?

Narcologists have identified several factors influencing the development of gambling addiction in a person. The first one is a traumatic experience in the past. Physical, sexual or psychological violence, the death of a close relative or friend, participation in an accident - any difficult memory that the human psyche cannot cope with determines the formation of a pathological addiction. In such a situation, the gameplay, completely subordinate to the will of the gambler, gives him the illusion of power and control.

Excessive concentration on the material side of life can motivate you to play. Envy of more successful relatives or peers, the desire for big money and a beautiful life are often the reasons why people go to the casino. Another important factor is participation in the game from childhood. This happens when one of the family members or a close friend is a professional gambler or gambling addict. A child copies the behavior pattern of the adults around him and cannot break it, even in adulthood.

Some scientists insist on an innate predisposition to games: some people are more gambling than others, they like risk. If a person cannot control himself, is in a difficult financial situation, or is not satisfied with himself and his life, there is a high probability that he will develop a gaming addiction .

Some personal characteristics have no less influence on the development of gambling addiction, including:

· Impulsivity, excessive emotionality and avoidance of responsibility;

· Tendency to depression, inability to enjoy life, perfectionism;

· Low stress tolerance and emotional vulnerability, or work associated with a high level of stress (for example, middle managers, responsible persons at the enterprise);

· Tendency to irrational thinking, belief in miracles and luck, search for “happy” patterns in coincidences.

Psychologists note that people suffering from gambling addiction often share the same thinking errors. For example, gambling addicts believe that money can solve any troubles in life (including problems in interpersonal relationships); they like to fantasize about a “beautiful” life after winning, instead of focusing on the present.

addiction to slot machines previously considered a predominantly male disease, recent studies show that it affects both sexes aged 15 years and older. The development of pathology goes through several characteristic stages.

Thinking mistakes of gamblers noticed by psychologists

Experts who have been working with gambling addicts for a long time have long identified two types of thinking errors: strategic and tactical.

  1. Strategic mistakes are thinking errors that affect the formation of a positive attitude towards one’s own dependence:
  • Value orientations are aimed exclusively at the financial and material spheres. The main necessity in life is money, which, in the minds of gamblers, decides everything.
  • The feeling of impending winning. A person feels insecure in his current situation and is waiting for that very gain that will solve all problems.
  • Constant fantasies about winning, dreams about it.
  1. Tactical errors are thinking errors that are aimed at maintaining an existing addiction:
  • Blind faith that today you will definitely get lucky.
  • Creating a mindset to win, hoping for it.
  • The feeling that you can only make money by winning back your losses.
  • Bets are perceived by a person as transactions.
  • A gambler interprets real money on a gaming account as ordinary numbers on a display; there is no sense of reality.

Stages of gambling addiction

Gambling addiction has four distinct phases. Knowing their characteristics and being able to distinguish one from the other, you will be more likely to understand whether your loved one has a gaming addiction and how to help him.

1. Victory phase. It occurs simultaneously with the first, usually small, victory. The player feels an emotional uplift and tells others about his luck. This is a normal reaction to winning. But if at the same time uncontrollable fantasies appear about upcoming big victories, about millions and fabulous wealth, this is already a sign of gambling addiction .

2. Losing phase. After the first random successes, the gambler enters the losing phase. His debts are growing, his relationships with others are deteriorating. He understands that the “fairytale win” is being postponed indefinitely, and he becomes irritable and aggressive. Trying to rationalize their condition, many addicts begin to think that a “dark streak” has come for them, which they just need to endure.

3. Despair phase. Gambling addiction inevitably leads to financial ruin. The person feels despair and guilt towards others. This is a turning point: he can either make a volitional decision about the need to get rid of gambling addiction and seek professional help, or he refuses responsibility for his actions and begins to blame others for failures.

4. Awareness phase. Sooner or later, the addict has to face the consequences of his actions. He realizes that he is sick and begins to think about how to overcome his gambling addiction . This is a favorable time to start communicating with a psychologist and attend classes at Gamblers Anonymous.

The phases are cyclical - often after a phase of despair, as soon as the addict has money, he again begins to fantasize about his success. And instead of paying off debts or making attempts to rehabilitate himself in society, he spends everything at the roulette table or in the next slot machine.

If you think that your loved one has developed a gaming addiction , seek professional help by calling 8 (800) 200-76-83. We employ specialists with experience in treating gambling addicts. We will tell you how best to act in your specific situation. Often the first step towards healing is a motivational conversation with a psychologist, during which the addict realizes that there is a problem and finds the strength to solve it.

How to get rid of gambling addiction?

The clinic for gambling addiction “I am independent” offers a comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of gambling addicts. The basis of therapy is work with a psychologist, but drug treatment is also carried out. It is aimed at restoring normal functioning of the central nervous system and can help in cases where gambling addiction is accompanied by:

· Anxiety and irritability;

· Depressive conditions;

· Insomnia.

Gambling addiction among adult patients in 70% of cases is diagnosed together with alcoholism or drug addiction. In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously work with all addictions in order to help the person return to a sober and harmonious life.

Psychocorrection of addiction to slot machines

Working with gambling addicts, psychologists help addicts:

· Recognize that there is a problem. Many patients refuse to admit that they have a gambling addiction . A person must reach a stage of despair to realize that his behavior is destructive and he cannot stop. A conversation with a specialist allows you to look at the situation in a new way and see what consequences a craving for slot machines or computer games can lead to.

· Find motivation for a harmonious life. It is impossible to overcome addiction to slot machines with weak motivation. At this stage, hypnosis, NLP and other techniques can be used to create an unconscious attitude of refusing to play.

· Learn to react constructively to stress and manage your emotions. Ludomaniacs are often emotional people who are unable to cope with current life tasks. They avoid reality, retreating into their fantasies and the illusory world of future victories. They want easy achievements without effort. Working with a psychologist allows you to change this attitude towards life and gradually get rid of gambling addiction.

Patients are not always ready to seek professional help. Many people wonder how to get rid of gambling addiction on their own. But this approach rarely leads to lasting results. If you want to break out of the vicious circle and return to a happy life, call “I am independent” 8 and we will help you!

Determining the scope of the problem

Since gambling addiction is recognized as a mental illness, it is important to approach its treatment with the utmost seriousness. Before looking for a solution to a problem, it is important to soberly assess the situation. Let's consider what criteria are used to determine its scale - we list three stages of pathology:

  • Slot machines have not yet become a necessity for people. He does not feel painful attachment, but the craving for excitement is growing. The player can still stop the development of addiction by recognizing it and following reasonable arguments.
  • The game takes up most of a person’s time, and it is quite difficult to tear oneself away from it. Control over the situation is lost. The player is haunted by the desire to win back, but the invested funds no longer pay off; any profit becomes an incentive to continue playing. Need help from a specialist.
  • The game becomes more interesting than reality, turning into the meaning of life. Any attempts to stop a person make him aggressive and cruel. In this situation, hospital treatment is necessary.

The stages listed above emphasize that coping with gambling addiction is not easy. Established unhealthy behavior patterns and psychological defense factors will hinder healing. The basis of recovery lies in the complete reconstruction of a person as an individual, the restoration of damaged and lost areas of life, the acquisition of new goals and moral principles.

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