How to get rid of autumn depression and enjoy life

Why does autumn blues occur and can it be avoided?

Autumn is the period of sunset.
A time when there is less light and heat, the length of the day is shortened, and wildlife is preparing for seasonal changes. This is a natural process of transition from one state to another and vice versa. And the name of this process is biorhythms. Man, being part of all life on Earth, is subject to natural biorhythms, solar and lunar phases, magnetic fields and changes in temperature and seasons. A striking example of a person’s dependence on biorhythms is flights with sudden changes in time zones and climate, when from frozen December we fly to hot Thailand.

But don’t rush to diagnose yourself with depression. This is a serious mental illness, it has nothing to do with the time of year, but the blues do happen in the fall. Reduced activity and stress during the autumn-winter period are common to everyone. And therefore, slight fatigue and even a slightly worse mood should be perceived as something normal, but not plunge into this state headlong. Most often, it affects weather-dependent and anxious people, as well as those who have surges in blood pressure and headaches or disturbed sleep. As the body undergoes restructuring, all these symptoms intensify. Chronic diseases are also getting worse, which means your health is getting worse.

To help yourself as soon as possible, just pull yourself together and follow a few psychological recommendations. And sometimes it’s worth going to the pharmacy, because autumn apathy may hide a lack of vitamins. Who is exposed to autumn changes? Sadness on gray days happens mainly to those who are not satisfied with their life. Dampness and dankness provide an additional reason for irritation and nervousness, giving rise to sad thoughts or concerns about the future.

Classification of depression

The following types of depression are distinguished:

  1. Clinical depression . It manifests itself as a decrease in mood, causeless fatigue, loss of interest in previous activities, disturbances in appetite and sleep, pessimism, causeless feelings of guilt, and thoughts of suicide.
  2. Minor depression . The patient has only a few symptoms of clinical depression that persist for two or more weeks.
  3. Postpartum depression.
  4. Atypical depression . In addition to the typical symptoms of depression, emotional activity, increased appetite, and drowsiness instead of insomnia are observed.
  5. Recurrent depression . Alarming symptoms appear approximately once a month, persist for several days, and then disappear.
  6. Dysthymia . This is a pronounced, persistent decrease in mood, which does not reach the level of classical depression in its intensity. This condition can persist in a person for several years. Some patients eventually develop major depression against this background.

Adaptogens in autumn

During the off-season, the body produces more cortisol, the stress hormone. Adaptogens neutralize the effect of cortisol at the cellular level and restore normal functioning of the body. They activate metabolic processes, improve the supply of oxygen to tissues, stimulate the heart, tone the walls of blood vessels. Based on the name of the group of drugs, they are needed to help the body adapt to the change of season, support the immune system and protective functions of the body, give energy and strength in period of perestroika. Adaptogens help to reveal the internal reserves of the body and adapt to the external situation.

Popular stress relievers

Ginseng root

A well-known adaptogen, presented both in the form of dry root and in the form of tinctures, tablets and capsules. We are accustomed to trusting the thousand-year history of Asia, looking at its “ageless” inhabitants and wisest historical figures. Ginseng was first discovered in Korea more than 2000 years ago! A decent amount of time to prove its effectiveness. In the east they are still convinced that ginseng can make a person stronger, more resilient, and gives longevity and eternal youth of spirit.

Increasing immunity and body resistance are one of the main results of taking ginseng. That is why it is so popular in the off-season, when both immunity and mood need stimulation. The valuable root is also used in the treatment of vascular diseases, atherosclerosis and heart pathologies, anemia, hypotension, and diabetes. Ginseng is also an excellent remedy for helping with neuropsychic diseases, neuroses, neurasthenia, as well as protracted illnesses that deplete all strength. The root of life is what this healing plant is called. It is especially indicated for people after 40, when physiological processes begin to slow down. It helps to preserve and increase strength, maintain a clear mind.


Siberian ginseng is what people call Eleutherococcus. The main value of Eleutherococcus is eleutherosides B, D, E. They are found in large volumes in the shoots of the plant. Increasing tone, energy replenishment and “switching on” the body are the main reasons to take a course of eleutherococcus. It becomes a good catalyst for many physiological functions in the body - metabolism, the production of energy fuel for humans, improves physical endurance and mental performance. It relieves spasm and tension, accelerates breathing, blood flow and the synthesis of immune bodies.

By stimulating recovery processes, Eleutherococcus restores strength to a tired, worn-out body, improves immunity and restores youth.

Indicated for exhaustion, overfatigue, asthenic syndromes and during periods when physical activity increases (among athletes), during sessions and exams, and high mental stress. Stress, nervous breakdowns, neuroses, VSD are also reasons to start taking Eleutherococcus. The plant perfectly helps during the period of rehabilitation after long-term illnesses, chemotherapy, and immunodeficiencies. Indicated in periods after severe and long-term illnesses; as rehabilitation after radio- and chemotherapy; for immunodeficiencies. Indicated for obesity.

Rhodiola Rosea

Even astronauts use Rhodiola! The active phytochemical salisdroside makes Rhodiola highly effective in relieving anxiety and combating the signs of premature aging. It restores sleep after stressful events, protects the liver from toxins and improves memory.

The plant began to be actively studied from the point of view of official science in the last century. The first expedition under the leadership of Professor Krylov took place in the 60s in Altai. Then Rhodiola was discovered in the Altai Taiga and, based on the results of research, it was introduced into official medicine as a medicinal plant. The undeniable and scientifically proven properties of Rhodiola rosea are adaptogenic, restorative, stimulating.

Separate studies were conducted in the field of the plant’s influence on the human central nervous system. Thus, preparations based on Rhodiola change the bioelectrical activity of the brain and improve memory and the processes of remembering information. This is achieved by increasing resistance to stress.

There have also been cases where Rhodiola had a positive effect in eliminating the side effects of psychotropic drugs for schizophrenia. Physical endurance and mobilization of strength and energy is another proof of the benefits of the plant, identified during experiments. Thus, a test on white rats confirmed and recorded the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, the preservation of high levels of phospholipids in the muscles and liver, as well as blood sugar after 2 hours of swimming in individuals receiving the plant preparation.

It is possible to talk about the hepatoprotective property of Rhodiola. Animal studies have proven the effectiveness of use as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for liver damage.


One of the most famous, popular and effective adaptogens.

Echinacea differs in its principle of action on the body from many adaptogens. And if ginseng, lemongrass, and eleutherococcus stimulate the body, bring vigor and stimulate the immune system, then echinacea works somewhat differently. It forces the immune system to work independently, finding internal reserves and sources of strength. To speed up the treatment of ARVI and influenza, Echinacea is indispensable. But in addition to treatment, drugs based on it are an excellent means of prevention.

Echinacea may be a useful adjuvant in the treatment of cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is effective in states of mental depression, physical and nervous exhaustion, and has a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system. Suitable for long-term use, non-addictive, does not depress the nervous system.

Diagnosis of depression

The diagnosis is made on the basis of external signs without the use of instrumental and laboratory research methods . Experts divide the symptoms of depression into main and additional.

The main symptoms include:

  • a persistent decrease in mood that lasts for at least two weeks;
  • increased fatigue, decreased mental and physical activity;
  • complete loss of interest in activities that previously brought pleasure.

Additional symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • constant feeling of guilt;
  • thoughts about suicide.

How to get rid of stress and autumn depression. Recommendations from famous experts.

  1. To begin with, just accept the fact that everything in the world is cyclical and nothing lasts forever. After the bright summer and active movement there comes a lull, day gives way to night, joy turns to sadness. There is no such thing as endless positivity. A person changes in tune with nature, his skin changes, nails grow and are cut, blood cells are renewed, hormonal levels change, mood, goals, plans, desires change. Accept the fact that autumn outside the windows and in the soul is the norm. And since nothing lasts forever, the blues will not last forever.
  2. Prepare your sleigh in the summer. This means, mentally prepare yourself for autumn calm, reduced activity, dullness and rain. This does not mean that you need to succumb to pessimism and fall into depression in advance. This means you need to help your body with vitamins, adaptogens and...thoughts. Is summer over? It was cool! Now there is a blank slate ahead for plans and, in the end, wishes for Santa Claus. 4 months...should definitely be enough for you.
  3. Add bright colors to your diet and wardrobe. More light and warmth. A red scarf, orange shoes, a green bag, herbal tea with chocolate, an orange, a fluffy blanket and... a good movie are perfect. Maybe another cat. You have a feeling of velvety comfort running through your body right now? Nothing prevents this. Nothing and no one, just yourself. By the way, caring for someone and feeling responsible for this being perfectly helps to mobilize resources and drive away stress. So maybe a cat after all?
  4. Food, varied, tasty, loved. Autumn is not a time of restrictions. Food is a source of not only energy, vitamins and microelements, but also a good mood. Learn from the Danes the art of home coziness called hygge. Are you hungry? Eat. If you want to sleep, sleep. If you don’t want to cook, don’t cook, if you want to lie down, lie down. Without blaming yourself for inaction and without restrictions. Historically, the body switches on energy saving mode in the fall. The harvest and procurement period was ending, people were preparing to while away the winter with quiet family evenings. So excessive activity in search of a good mood can play a cruel joke.
  5. But it’s definitely worth moving. It could even be home workouts, a bicycle or exercise bike, jogging, yoga, or a swimming pool. It’s better to postpone heavy weights and slimming through “blood and sweat” until spring, when the swimming season is just around the corner. Hygge. Remember, right?
  6. Load up on vegetables, fish, nuts and eggs. Antidepressant products.
  7. Take care of yourself. In all senses. Protect yourself from negative emotions and don’t get drawn into them, read, watch, learn new things. Autumn is the time to finally find time for your favorite hobby. By the way, creativity is the best antidepressant. All over the world, art therapy has been bearing fruit for a long time. Moreover, it applies not only to brushes, paints, frescoes and embroidery. Cooking is also suitable. Treat yourself and your family. Try it, you will like it.
  8. Chat with friends, close relatives, children. But if you don’t want to, don’t communicate, wrap yourself in a blanket and allow yourself to relax with a good book or movie. However, remember that going out can also bring a lot of impressions and good emotions, and sometimes become a source of real inspiration, fateful events and new ideas. But this is what you need now, right?
  9. Clean your home. But don’t just do monotonous cleaning with rubber gloves, but do it while listening to your favorite music, for as long as you need. And give yourself the mindset at the beginning of the process that with every corner and shelf you clean, your mood is also cleansed.
  10. Finally, take a salt bath or bath. Salt, especially if it comes from the shores of the Dead Sea, as in our pharmacy, can work wonders. In general, more often bring beauty not only outside, but also inside. After all, working on yourself is the most important thing on this entire list. The work is difficult, but the highest paid.

Be healthy!

Causes of depression

The main causes of depression are:

  • conflicts with loved ones (friends, relatives, family members);
  • the death of a loved one - usually leads to the development of reactive depression, which disappears after some time, but some people cannot come to terms with the loss, which can lead to severe mental illness;
  • genetic predisposition - if close relatives had depression, this increases the likelihood of developing the disease;
  • violence – physical, emotional or sexual violence can plunge a person into a long-term depression from which it is quite difficult to recover;
  • illness - upon learning that he has been diagnosed with some serious illness, a person, as a rule, becomes depressed;
  • business or personal problems that cannot be resolved;
  • alcoholism - people who abuse alcohol can develop two types of depression - alcoholic or chronic;
  • side effects from taking certain medications.

Herbal infusions

You can cope with apathy, depression, and bad mood with the help of various herbal teas:

  • Herbal infusion . Take 2 parts of hops, 1 part each of valerian (root), chamomile flowers, lemon balm (leaves) and grind well using a coffee grinder. 2 tbsp. spoons of the drug are brewed in 2 tbsp. boiling water, stand for a quarter of an hour, filter. Use in small doses throughout the day. It is advisable to use at night, as the drug improves sleep. The course lasts 1 week.
  • Plant collection . You will need 1 tbsp. l. valerian (root), calendula (flowers), chamomile, rose hips, chokeberry. Mix everything, pour boiling water (take 200 ml of boiling water for 1 tablespoon of the mixture), bring to a boil, let stand for half an hour. Take the strained drug half a glass 4 times a day.
  • Herbal drink . It will take 1 tsp. thyme, 1 tbsp. l. mint, lemon balm, blackcurrant (leaves), 2 tbsp. l. long black tea. Mix all ingredients well. 1 tsp. The medicine is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. The infusion is filtered and taken a glass three times a day.
  • Tea balm . You will need 2 tbsp. l. oregano (herb), mint, chamomile flowers, black tea. Mix all the ingredients, add a glass of boiled water and let sit. Drink 200 ml of freshly prepared drink. 3 times a day, adding honey for taste.
  • Carrot juice . Freshly squeezed carrot juice improves mood and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole.

You can buy ingredients collected in ecologically clean areas in the Russian Roots online store. Courier delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region. To other regions of the country, goods are delivered by mail. In Moscow, you can buy the product at any of the herbal pharmacies in the chain. The quality of the products is confirmed by documentation.

Schisandra chinensis or schizandra

Chinese lemongrass will help you cope with worries, uncertainty, mood swings, stressful situations, mental pain, and improve your mood in life . The beneficial effect of the plant is due to its ability to improve adrenal function, liver function, and increase sexual desire. As a result, the body copes with toxins more easily, and harmful substances are eliminated from the body faster.

The standard dose of the pharmaceutical drug is 500 ml. twice a day. Use in the morning and at lunch. Do not take the medicine at night, as sleep may be disturbed. In case of decreased performance, bad mood, loss of strength and other similar conditions, also take an alcohol tincture of berries, 20-30 drops in two doses. With heavy workloads and high emotionality, the dosage is increased to 40 drops per dose.

You can prepare the medicine yourself:

  • Alcohol tincture . For 20 gr. dried, crushed berries, take 0.5 tbsp. pure alcohol. Keep in a dark place in a glass container for 10 days, stirring occasionally. After 7 days, the berries are squeezed out and the liquid is left for 3 days. The last stage of preparation is straining the infusion. The finished drug must be clean and transparent.
  • Decoction . The vitamin product produces results no worse than an alcohol tincture. For 10 gr. dried crushed berries, take a glass of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, filtered and taken as tea. You can add sugar and honey to taste. It is important to follow the dosage and time of administration. This is an important condition for achieving a positive effect.

Treatment of depression

The treatment regimen is developed by the attending physician , depending on the severity of depression, the patient’s psychotype, the individual characteristics of his body, and concomitant diseases.

First of all, you need to normalize your daily routine, start eating right, and do physical exercise.

At the initial stage, depression can be cured without the use of potent medications, with the help of psychotherapy and lifestyle changes. Severe forms of depression are treated comprehensively (psychotherapy + antidepressants).

Non-drug treatment of depression includes the following methods:

  1. Psychotherapy . These are sessions with a specialist, during which the patient’s current problems are analyzed, his condition is assessed, and a way out of problematic situations is sought. The psychotherapy program is developed individually for each patient.
  2. Light therapy . The patient's body is exposed to light rays of a certain length, which leads to the production of serotonin and helps overcome depression.
  3. Magnetic brain stimulation . It is used for severe forms of depression and gives good results.

Drug treatment includes taking antidepressants . They improve the patient's mood and reduce other symptoms of depression. Only a doctor can prescribe such therapy; self-medication is unacceptable!

Prevention of depression

The main methods of preventing depression are:

  • adherence to a daily routine, proper sleep;
  • avoiding stress;
  • proper nutrition, avoiding fried, fatty, salty, pickled foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • hardening the body, strengthening the immune defense;
  • timely treatment of somatic diseases and pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • walks in the open air;
  • physical exercise – this improves physical condition and increases self-esteem; in addition, with regular exercise, a person begins to produce endorphins, which are called hormones of happiness;
  • relaxation – it is recommended to relieve the tension accumulated during the day using special relaxing techniques, this prevents the development of stress;
  • When the first signs of depression appear, you must immediately consult a specialist and undergo a course of psychotherapy; this will help you quickly overcome difficulties and prevent the development of severe depression, which is difficult to correct.

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