A reminder on how to learn to enjoy life and always feel good: rules, tips

The article explains:
  1. Basic positive emotions
  2. Simple instructions on how to start enjoying life every day
  3. 9 simple ways to enjoy life every day
  4. Advice from a psychologist on how to enjoy life every day

Since enjoying life every day can sometimes be very difficult, people came up with the myth of black and white stripes. But there is a third option, when one day is similar to another, and they merge into a series of gray identical events, and breaking out of this circle is not so easy.

Some people start living from weekend to weekend, hanging out with friends and family, and then falling back into routine. But there are also those who learn to see something interesting in every day, to find amazing things nearby, here and now. Yes, it may be difficult at first, but you quickly get used to the good things. Our material offers effective tips on how to enjoy life every day. Arm yourself with them and dare.

Basic positive emotions

When you look through information and photos on social networks, you notice that most of them are full of positive events and emotions. Comparing your everyday life with the life of “those on social networks” leads people to disappointing results. Then they realize that they are “on the sidelines.” And such awareness can occur at any age and lead to a deterioration in mood. And what about me? Why is it not like that for me? Maybe these are fakes? After all, life is not a continuous holiday.

The fact is that on social networks people tend to share some significant events in their lives. These are moments when they are overwhelmed with positive, joyful emotions. And they want to share them, to make people involved in what is happening.

Someone in such a situation feels envy, while others understand that they also have the opportunity to organize their own holiday. In their own way, in a different way, but these are their happy moments in which they will experience joy.

Learning to smile and enjoy every day is not so easy. Some people don’t need this; for those who don’t want to change, everything suits them. But there are others. They want to live life to the fullest. And this is possible, if there is a desire. But that is not all. In addition to desire, hard work of the soul is required. This path is not so easy, but the one who walks will master the road. And be prepared for the fact that some of the people around you, and maybe all of them, will gradually begin to move away from you. With their departure, the vacated space will be filled by new people and new opportunities.

Switch to seeing the positive even in a negative moment in your life. Of course, if a negative approach has entered your flesh and blood, then it will take a lot of strength to turn your consciousness 180 degrees.

Ways to find physical happiness

Happiness is a phenomenon that cannot be touched, but, if desired, it can be found by experiencing physical pleasure. It's an easier way to find happiness in each day through tactility and creativity. Choose activities you enjoy and regularly devote time to:

  • reading;
  • drawing;
  • sport;
  • walks in the open air;
  • Watching movies;
  • dancing or singing;
  • cooking unusual dishes;
  • needlework;
  • communication with animals, trips to zoos or animal shelters;
  • leisure;
  • shopping.

A full-fledged feeling of joy is possible only with absolute immersion in the activity. Nothing should distract you: quarrels, problems, failures and other adversities fade into the background if you are doing what really brings you happiness and pleasure.

In addition, any activity that is useful for the soul and thoughts, performed on a regular basis, brings a lot of additional bonuses: reading develops memory, drawing develops imagination and motor skills, movies show mistakes and experiences of heroes that can be taken into account, communication with animals relieves stress , forms the internal state of a happy and joyful person.

Simple instructions on how to enjoy life every day

How can you learn to enjoy life when so many worries overwhelm you every day? To be a good mother and hospitable housewife, to keep the house clean? But you also want to look good, without bags under your eyes due to lack of sleep! Have time to relax and stay in a good mood.

In order to enjoy life every day, you must first of all change your attitude towards certain circumstances. Accept them for who they are and turn them in your direction. Move the negative vision away from yourself, get rid of anxiety and dissatisfaction and tune in to the positive.

Many people don’t think about “how our word will resonate.” Our brain does not perceive the particle “not” and interprets the meaning of such a sentence as if the particle “not” is not in it. In such cases, synonyms should be used.

It is also better not to use such negative words, but, while maintaining the meaning of the phrases, replace them with positive ones.

I do not workResting
I don't go for walksI'm seating at home
I don't talkI'm silent

Watch the construction of phrases when talking about yourself:

  • I'm afraid to make a mistake;
  • I won't succeed;
  • I don't know how I can.

Replace them with:

  • in case of error, I will draw conclusions and gain experience and gain wisdom;
  • I will try;
  • I will begin to act.

In such a situation, the perception of the phrase changes, and the program embedded in the words acquires a different meaning. So gradually a person begins to see the positive and enjoy life every day.

These are the recommendations of psychologists. They lead to positive results: the acquisition of balance and tranquility. A calm mother gives confidence and security to the baby and shapes his character. And this strengthens the immune system and removes the child’s nervousness.

From childhood, a child absorbs an atmosphere of joy and comfort, learns to enjoy life every day.

In addition, special exercises and various puzzles that develop flexibility of thinking, attention and memory can be a great help in reformatting consciousness and turning it towards a positive attitude.

Why is the feeling of lightness and joy lost?

In 70% of cases of depression , the cause is the person’s way of thinking. It prevents you from finding joy every day. Do you want to change your way of thinking? Pay attention to the typical problems of such people.

  • accepting failures at work as personal problems;
  • viewing family conflicts as a full-scale tragedy;
  • reluctance to look for a way out of difficult situations;
  • ignoring simple things that bring joy;
  • lack of desire to change life for the better.

What prevents you from changing your unloved job? Find joy in the smiles of family and even strangers? To be happy thanks to sunny weather or the good health of loved ones? The way out of any situation often lies in changing your daily thought process.

Learn 6 rules from the famous psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, the implementation of which is guaranteed to make you happy.

Tip #10: Set realistic goals and achieve them

Start setting realistic goals for yourself and achieving them. After all, it is the implementation of your goals in life that will give you joy and bring a lot of pleasure. Also, by achieving your goals, you will significantly raise your own self-esteem and become much more confident in yourself, which will help in the future not only improve your life, but also enjoy it. In other words, by bringing your plans to life, you will begin to receive only pleasure from it, and also learn to enjoy absolutely every day.

In conclusion of the article, it is worth adding that do not forget to develop and improve, and also constantly work on yourself in order to change your life for the better and get only pleasure from it.




In order to put your thoughts in order, the first thing you need to do is calm down. In the confusion, in the chaotic chaos of thoughts, it is impossible to find the truth, understand something and relax. Serene peace and relaxation are not a luxury, but a vital necessity.

Think about how many reckless things a person can do in the heat of the moment, out of emotion, in a state of anger or despair. How many wrong decisions can be made under the “hot hand”, and a chain of negative consequences begins to spin, leaving its dark mark on the entire trajectory of life. Sometimes all it takes is 15 minutes of absolute silence. Relaxation. Breathe deeply, calm down, throwing away all negative thoughts. “Meditation” is how scientists define this state. Yes, so be it. Meditation. Even just slowly pronouncing and repeating this word, you become somehow calmer. A dream in reality. You can imagine the high mountains of Tibet or the endless ocean... The sound of its waves... And its endless distance...

Tip No. 3. Focus only on the positive moments in your life

Try to always focus all your attention only on the positive moments happening in your life. You should not constantly focus only on mistakes and failures. Remember that no one is immune from mistakes and failures. After all, the only person who makes no mistakes is the one who does absolutely nothing. Therefore, you need to focus your attention only on the positive and positive aspects. And if you made any mistake or suffered any failure, then analyze it in detail, analyze it and find out what exactly you did wrong in order to prevent a similar mistake or failure in the future.

Get creative

Another simple way to learn to enjoy life is through creativity. Not only are creative activities a great way to relieve stress, but contemplation of the results of your work gives you a feeling of joy and pride in yourself.

Find something that inspires you and fills you with positive emotions. Perhaps you will find a source of inspiration in painting, music, or handicrafts. Nowadays it’s easy to find a creative hobby option from scratch, even if you have no experience. You just have to want it, and you will succeed.

Everyone can learn to enjoy life, despite problems. This is a very useful skill that makes life simpler, clearer, and more interesting. We invite you to the course “I am happy, and every day brings me joy.” On it you will receive a tool for working with your own thinking that will forever change your life for the better.

Release your control

There is no need to rush somewhere with all your might, constantly control something and take responsibility. Man is not a workhorse. Don't push yourself as hard as you can and don't let others push you to death. Don't take on too much. Try to take responsibility for your life, your thoughts, your mood. No one will solve your internal problems for you.

And all problems are internal, they begin from the head, from thinking. Reason is not always a person’s friend; on the contrary, it often leads him into a dead end, complicates everything, controls it, exaggerating, rushing, reminding, complicating. Sometimes the answer is simple and lies on the surface, but the stubbornness of the mind does not allow us to see the obvious. And sometimes you just need to look at the situation from the outside.

Tip #8: Stop Wasting All Your Time

Start valuing all your time and stop wasting it completely. After all, if you waste your time, you will completely stop noticing any changes in your life. Of course, over time, you begin to realize that life is not getting better and that is why you cannot please and enjoy it. If, on the contrary, you begin to properly distribute all your time, you will gradually begin to notice that your life is only changing for the better. Thus, you begin to not only value your time, but also enjoy your life, which is only changing for the better.

What is a broadcast in Reality Transurfing?

Broadcast is our energy, mood and emotions that we radiate to the outside world and which we share with other people.

Vadim Zeland in his first book, “Reality Transurfing,” advises developing the habit of paying attention to everything good that happens to you during the day, down to the smallest detail: a beautiful flower in a flowerbed, the smile of a passerby, a ray of sunshine in the window, and so on.
And the more you let in the positive and joyful, the more good signs, good news and favorable opportunities you encounter. This is exactly how broadcasting works: what you emit into the world around you is what you attract.

Yes, sometimes it is really difficult to remember the correct translation and be happy by default if problems appear as if out of nowhere one after another, and there is no way out of the current impasse. But even from a purely practical point of view, as Vadim Zeland writes, expressing dissatisfaction is not beneficial for you. After all, in order to solve problems and get to that line of life where everything is going well for you, you must first change your internal state. And if you only radiate dissatisfaction, anxiety, resentment and anger, then you will be “thrown” to those lines where there are more and more gloomy colors and clouds gathering overhead. And, on the contrary, a positive attitude always leads to success and creation.

How to learn to enjoy life every day and not forget about broadcasting in your daily routine?

It is necessary to consciously maintain this light within yourself, this state of celebration.

Remind yourself again and again that there are many reasons for joy in life, notice and carefully cherish each of them. Make it a rule every evening to write down 10, or better yet 20 points, what good happened to you over the past day, and what you are grateful to the Universe for. This practice may seem difficult to you at first, but very soon you will easily find and mark 20-30 points. And then the inner state of joy and drive will be with you all the time, as it happened during the holidays as a child, remember? And then you will constantly be on the crest of a wave of luck, and for every favorable event a new, even more colorful one will enter your life.

10 tips on how to learn to enjoy life

1. Every evening, write down 20 positive things in a notebook.

events over the past day.
2. Ignore bad news,
do not watch on TV or read information about disasters, wars, disasters and economic crises on the Internet.
3. Be open to good news,
hunt for it, savor all the favorable information.
4. Adjust the parameters of your mental radiation to the frequency of the wave of luck:
send joy and smiles into the world, feel like a successful person.
5. Consciously choose a good mood every morning.
This is easy to do with the help of amalgams - short positive thought forms.
How to work with them is described in the effective “Glass of Water” technique. 6. Look not for problems, but for their solutions.
Shift your focus from obstacles to your goals.
From the very process of the path - to what you want to achieve in the end. 7. Try to minimize communication with people who have the habit of complaining
, gossiping, sharing their problems with you and constantly whining.
8. Rejoice at every failure out of spite, look for the benefit in everything.
Take everything that happens to you as a lesson that makes you stronger.
Whatever is done is for the better. 9. Indifferently walk past pendulums that are trying their best to hook you
Don't give them your energy by throwing out negative emotions - just shrug your shoulders and move on with your business. 10. Treat everything that happens in life easier.
Don’t chase the standards of success and the so-called bird of happiness, don’t try to catch it - and then it will fly into your hands. And the bait for it will be your broadcast of positive energy around you.

Positive slides

The basis of a positive broadcast is your attitude towards yourself, self-acceptance, harmony with yourself. It cannot be achieved if you do not love yourself, do not accept your strengths and are actively trying to hide your shortcomings. What to do? To begin with, just give up on everything that you have been trying to get rid of for a long time. Stop fighting with yourself. Take a break from your shortcomings for a while and turn your attention to your talents and strengths. For those you already have, as well as for those you would like to purchase.

Make a list of your strengths, and then add those that you feel are missing. Draw a portrait of your “ideal self” mentally or in writing on paper.

This is a conscious game, the basis for your positive slide about yourself.
You can be in it the way you want: with a confident gait, charm and charisma, refined manners and sparkling humor. As soon as your slide is ready, “insert” it into your head, like a flash drive into a computer, “download” the data from it into your subconscious - and carry it with you all the time.
So you will unconsciously begin to adapt to this image and transmit energy of a certain quality, day after day turning into the person you want to be. And all this - gently, in a playful way, without breaking yourself or overcoming obstacles.

Using exactly the same principle, you can create positive slides in relation to the entire world around you. Fill them with good, rosy events, pleasant surprises and generous gifts from the world. And these are not rose-colored glasses at all. This is your personal mindset for success. And the energy of external intention will slowly but surely begin to translate your positive slides into reality.

Broadcasting and achieving goals

If you want to achieve your goal, then the most significant and effective step after setting an intention is to broadcast your state. You need to start living, acting, feeling and behaving as if your goal has already been realized.

If your goal is wealth, try on the role of a rich and successful person who always gets what he wants. You can start small: have a cup of coffee in an expensive restaurant, go for a test drive of a luxury car, buy a luxury accessory from a famous brand, such as a wallet. All these actions will help you consciously enter the state of a rich person and begin to broadcast the energy of abundance and success.

How to increase your efficiency, read the article “3 secrets on how to become a successful person with the help of Transurfing.”

Broadcast and inner harmony

A person who always radiates positivity and treats everything in the world lightly and with a smile has a strong “immunity” to stress, depression and emotional burnout.

He perceives life as an exciting game, and it actually becomes that way for him. While someone constantly breaks himself, overcomes obstacles, fights against closed doors, such a person calmly goes and takes his own. Positive broadcasting is a guarantee of internal harmony, agreement between Soul and mind, balance and good “emotional health.”

Broadcast and relationships

Broadcasting is a universal tool for Reality Transurfing that works equally well in different areas of life, especially in relationships. By emitting energy of a certain nature, you can achieve mutual understanding and create harmonious and effective relationships with any people, be it your spouse, colleagues and business partners, parents and children.

After all, the quality of your relationship depends on how you feel and express yourself. So, you choose what to fill your family relationships with: love, care, tenderness, warmth - or criticism, conflicts and resentment.

Remember: the world, like a mirror, constantly reflects your attitude towards it. And, if you want to get something from another person, first ask yourself - what am I ready to give him? If you want love, start radiating it yourself. If you want understanding, learn to understand others. If you want harmony, become harmonious yourself, bring your mind and Soul, your thoughts and feelings, emotions and desires into balance.

Inner smile

Whatever you dream about and whatever pictures you draw in your head, one important condition must be observed here: your dreams and ideas should evoke only positive emotions in you and in your body, warming you from the inside, as if illuminating and shining with warm sunlight caressing every cell of your body and your soul. “And even if your liver smiles,” if you remember, this is what the spiritual teacher said to the heroine of the film “Eat. Pray. Love”, played by Julia Roberts. Yes, let even your liver smile. Wait for this state of warmth, serenity and inner harmony. Keep that inner smile inside you. And only then return to people.

What is broadcasting in Transurfing? Or how our condition shapes our reality

In this video, Tatyana Samarina explains what broadcasting is and how to learn to enjoy life with the help of such a Transurfing tool.

New program!

“From Goal to Intention!”, 2-day online meeting (see recording!)

Goals that inspire us are what fill every day with new meaning! This is what makes our eyes burn brighter, regardless of external circumstances, age, well-being and mood at the moment. This is what helps us wake up easily and joyfully in the morning. True goals are our guiding beacons that lead us forward through all difficulties!

However, most people spend their entire lives chasing other people's goals or spend years searching for their own to no avail. They grab at one goal or another, and when they achieve them, they realize that it did not bring them happiness!

Moving towards goals in harmony between Soul and Mind is the path on which you find true happiness.

With the help of Transurfing and Tufte techniques, you can find your true goals in different areas of life and realize them!

The program will help you learn to distinguish “yours” from someone else’s and move forward only along your unique path!
Find out more! >>>

All events are lessons

Sometimes negative events happen in life. These happen to everyone, but people see them as disasters rather than lessons. But every moment like this allows you to learn something. For example, conflicts with loved ones provide an opportunity to see your mistakes and form an idea of ​​patience and acceptance. And if you see what is behind these adventures, understand all the lessons, then such circumstances will no longer happen.

Start looking for not only the cons, but also the pros in each event. For example, quitting your job is not a disaster, it is an opportunity to find a better place. Family discord is a reason to reach a new level of understanding, refresh feelings and move forward in acceptance and harmony. Every situation always has two sides: bad and good. If you look at the light, then all circumstances will be joyful. You will turn challenges into opportunities, and this can only be done by changing your thoughts.

Train your brain, teach it to see only the good and positive. Observe life every day, analyze all events, trying to find lessons. Ask yourself the question: “What good is this situation teaching me?” And look for answers. If you do this regularly, you will learn to think in a new mode, and the negativity from life will simply begin to disappear, everything will become a reason for development and prosperity.

Tip #1: Become a positive and optimistic person

To start enjoying every day of your life, you need to become an optimist and completely reconsider your life. Start to notice, first of all, the positive moments in your life, without focusing only on one continuous negative. Remember, if you become a positive person, you will be able to generate only positive energy around you, which, in turn, will be reflected in your perception of the entire world around you. Also, by becoming an optimist, you will be able to attract only positive energy, which will help you improve your life.

Be grateful

To love life, you need to be grateful for it. To do this, it is important to thank the Universe, God, and yourself every day for everything that happened to you. Even if the day was not an easy one, you should be grateful that this happened to you, because what happened is an invaluable experience.

Make it a habit to mentally make a gratitude list every night. Human psychology is designed in such a way that everything he thinks about happens to him. If you remember only bad events before going to bed, be sure that life will not continue to pamper you with joyful moments. It works the other way around: if you remember only pleasant moments, there will be even more of them in your life.

In Spiritual Economics there are these words: “Rejoice always <…> and give thanks in everything” (BTI, 1 Thess. 5:16-18). This is the best thing you can do for yourself - go through life with joy in your heart and gratitude. Once you learn this, your life will immediately become better.

“Old age will not find me at home - I’m on the road, I’m on the way...”

5. You and Alexey travel a lot around Crimea. Judging by the photographs, we have already visited all corners of the peninsula, more than once. Name your three favorite places in Crimea.

Every year I change, and the places that attract me change. Today I really love the surroundings of Bakhchisarai (Kyz-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon, Anykhsyrt), they are especially beautiful in the spring. I will also mention the Uch-Kosh gorge (it is located above Massandra and is very similar to a real canyon), the coast from Cape Aya to Balaklava.

6. How do you choose routes for your Weekend Trips?

Most often, depending on the weather and “wherever anyone wants.” Crimea is small. If it rains in our Simferopol, then the main thing is to go in the right direction, where it will be sunny :). Each place has its own mood, character and gives you something special.

It is convenient to choose new places using several sources. For example, Tatyana Golovina has a very good “Guide for Friends.”

But in general, a warm, friendly company is more important to me than a specific place. If you go with like-minded people, any place will bring joy.

7. Do you have any rituals when traveling?

Thank the spirits of the place, leave something edible. Keep quiet. At the cliff, lie down on the mat and look down. Toot your horn. Drink tea in a beautiful place.

8. In June 2021, you met St. Petersburg. What struck you most about this city?

Space, people, the Kazan Cathedral and paintings from the Russian Museum, which I knew from reproductions since childhood. It so happened that at some point the bloggers I read turned out to be from St. Petersburg. And I realized that the city was waiting for me to visit

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