How to begin to develop spiritually and come to harmony with yourself

The article explains:

  1. Concept of spiritual development
  2. Basics of spiritual development
  3. Obstacles to spiritual development
  4. Positive aspects of spiritual development
  5. 13 Tips for Spiritual Development
  6. 9 techniques for spiritual development for every day

Spirituality is an important component of human life. It is directly related to both the psycho-emotional state and the physical one. Manifesting in everyone in its own form, spirituality has amazing energy. It can restore faith in ourselves and others, gives hope, instills a sense of unity, strengthens our goals and gives meaning to life.

It is not so easy to follow this path, because it is incredibly difficult. Sometimes doubts arise: should we leave everything as it is, because our usual life is comfortable, although sometimes we are not satisfied with much in it. But, having chosen growth, you will no longer be able to return to your previous life, you will go up the steps of development. Read our tips on how to begin to develop spiritually, and you will understand that in the modern world this is exactly what many of us lack.

Concept of spiritual development

First, let's figure out what spiritual growth is. It happens only when you establish contact with your soul and begin to hear your inner voice. You may find it difficult to achieve this at first. We advise you to set aside time for yourself every day, find an opportunity to be alone with yourself. Then this process will go faster. Over time, you will feel that you have come to harmony with yourself and the world. You will discover a source of strength within yourself that will allow you to live a fuller and happier life, and become the master of your destiny.

This way you can better know and understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and learn to accept yourself. Spiritual growth means that you will be a harmonious person whose body, mind and soul live in harmony and strive for common goals. You should not think that the desire for spiritual growth will make you a person “not of this world,” a “black sheep,” or that you will have to give up your usual activities and constantly meditate in the lotus position. These are common misconceptions.

It is no less erroneous to believe that in order to resolve the question “How to begin to develop spiritually?” you will have to live according to the rules and commandments of any religion. The process of spiritual development does not mean that you will certainly come to God and become a believer.

Of course, we do not want to say that religion should not have a place in your life. There are people whom it really helps to grow spiritually. But in general, spiritual growth is the process of increasing your awareness and understanding of exactly what kind of person you are. It gives a clue to your inner being, which you may not yet be at all familiar with.


Each person will draw his own conclusion about what spiritual development is. Perhaps someone will not like the article and will say it is nonsense, someone will find something of their own. Because everyone has their own path of spiritual development and this is normal, because we are different, we have different thinking. We can't all think alike. Take it for granted.

What if someone says that your article is bullshit and spiritual development lies elsewhere, is it not EGO, pride and arrogance that speaks to you?

I’ll probably stop there. It was an article on the topic of human spiritual development, what it consists of. Write comments, it will be interesting to hear your experience.

Basics of spiritual development

  1. Acceptance Acceptance means that you do not fight with yourself or with others. You live and let live. You allow the world to be as it is, you accept that other people may not live up to your expectations.

  1. Mindfulness When you are mindful, you live in the here and now. You don't miss the past or worry about the future. For you, only the present moment exists, you live it to the fullest possible extent. You are in touch with your emotions and understand why they are the way they are.
  2. Peace of mind Peace of mind comes when your body, soul and spirit are in harmony and balance. They agree with each other, there is no conflict between them.
  3. Unconditional love Unconditional love means that you love (a person, people or the whole world) without making demands or conditions, without trying to get something. You forget about your ego, your needs and just experience love.
  4. Faith Faith comes to you when you learn a certain truth and accept it.

Lee Carroll and Kryon

This book completely captured my consciousness. Having escaped from reality, I swallowed it literally in one day.

Being strongly impressed by what I read, I decided to find out more about the authors - who are these people who managed to capture my attention so much?

I asked Wikipedia about this, and this is what it told me:

Lee Carroll is an American contactee, metaphysician, and writer. One of the creators and main popularizers of the term “indigo children” and one of the popularizers of channeling.

Kryon is ... a certain astral entity, a higher, or “angelic” being from a “higher dimension”, an incorporeal being that has been present on Earth “from the very beginning”...

This creature is credited with public speaking sessions conducted by Lee Carroll in different countries of the world, and a significant part of the literature (published in print and published on the Internet) written by him. Lee Carroll claims that Kryon communicates with a number of other earthlings at the same time. Kryon, according to Lee Carroll, seeks to promote “the ascension of humanity to a higher energy level.

In other words, it turned out that Lee Carroll is a completely ordinary person, but Kryon is a disembodied spirit!

To believe or not in such a curious co-authorship is a personal matter for everyone. But the book is definitely worth reading. And now I will explain why.

Positive aspects of spiritual development

If you have become interested in the concept of spiritual growth, this is an important time in your life. And if you are wondering how to begin to develop spiritually, then you have taken a big step towards a happy and harmonious existence.

To be a truly spiritual person, you need to work on yourself, train spirituality, like any skill you need to master. How exactly to train? The best approach is to try to solve the problems of people around you, including those that interfere with their development.

When you start doing this, you will immediately “kill several birds with one stone.” You will begin to believe in yourself and your abilities more. You will get closer to people and be able to make new friends. You will begin to become more aware of the reality around you and understand what your place is in it. Of course, there will be difficulties. But if you see them as additional opportunities for spiritual growth, you will benefit from them. After all, difficulties show your weak points, which means you understand where to direct your efforts, where to build up your spiritual armor.

Spiritual growth will help you become an internally calm and holistic person, teach you unconditional love for others, and help you believe in yourself. All this will be very useful on your life path. If your spiritual growth proceeds consistently and steadily, no troubles or problems will break you. You can always draw strength from believing in yourself and loving the world. Where another person breaks down and gives up, you will only become stronger.

From Alcoholic to Millionaire

Usually in the world it is customary to degrade rather than develop. Especially with today's modern gadgets. But there is a real story of a person that Norbekov talked about. As far as I remember back in the 90s. There was one alcoholic working in the assembly hall, I don’t remember who. Well, I worked and worked. It’s just in this hall that Norbekov often held seminars.

The man became interested and began to do this to everyone from his closet. So I finished it and became a millionaire. It’s hard to believe, of course, but such cases do happen. But, unfortunately, they usually tend to deteriorate. But what can you do, such is life.

Opportunities - the beginning of the journey

Entering this door, leaving your comfort zone and starting your progressive transformation, or being afraid of something new and degenerating is everyone’s personal choice. One thing is clear: from now on, changes are inevitable, and only we can decide what they will be.

Opportunities for growth are not always obvious. The Universe selects something different for everyone: someone meets the right people, someone finds themselves in the right place at the right time, and someone, like our hero, has a significant dream in which an angelic essence shows him the future path.

- I died? - he asked. His voice sounded courageous and at the same time respectful.

“Not at all,” the entity replied, “it’s just a dream, Michael Thomas.”

It is from this moment that a global and very important period begins in his life (and in the life of every person), which can be called the journey home.

The journey home has several stages, my Friend. First, you need to show intention. Then comes the preparation. Then invariably comes self-discovery and the understanding that the changes you are undergoing are necessary in order to get home. And finally, you need to know the structure of our world in order to feel comfortable in it. Opening the last door marked "Home" means passing all the exams and receiving graduate status, Michael. An incomparable feeling!

Parable novel

The beginning of the novel is quite standard and, in my opinion, even a little drawn out. But don't be fooled by the first impression! Try reading a few chapters and you will not notice how the narrative will carry you along. Soon, I am sure, you will not be able to tear yourself away from the book.

At the center of the events, the main character is Michael Thomas. At the very beginning of the story, he is at a point in his life that is ideal for the rapid start of a process called “spiritual development” or “self-knowledge.” Only he, like many who are in similar situations, does not yet understand or realize this.

He is disappointed in everything: in people, in love and in work. Having become completely confused and having lost the meaning of his existence, he sees no reason for further stay on this planet.

“Michael,” his employees urged him, “why are you walking around like you’re in a daze?” Find yourself a normal girl, and you will see that life is not such a bad thing!

Loss of taste for life, lack of desires, apathy - all these are signals that something needs to be changed. And if we don’t realize this, then, as a rule, we get a good “headwash” from life in the form of shock and sometimes misfortune, which give us the opportunity to look at the situation from a different angle and see the hidden meaning in it - an important message from the Universe.

Such circumstances force us to rethink a lot and lead us to the realization that we cannot continue to live like this, and we do not want to. It’s like diving to the bottom, starting from which a huge number of people begin their conscious path on Earth - the path of self-knowledge.

On the subject: How to get out of depression on your own in a week

About finding the meaning of life

The spirituality of a person is always determined by the extent to which he thinks about the meaning of life. Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl argued that such reflections are the spiritual core that distinguishes normal people from those who suffer from any pathologies.

A person discovers the problematic nature of his existence and experiences the ambiguity of his life. During certain periods of life, these issues become the most “acute”, which speaks of spiritual quests.

A deep mental shock can lead to a search for the meaning of life. Regardless of the reasons and the chosen path of spiritual development of the individual, such quests are an indicator of the meaningfulness of life and personal development. The existence of a person is not meaningless, and until consciousness leaves him, he must realize his values ​​and bear responsibility.

A person’s “justification” of his true destiny occurs through experience, through trial and error. The conditioning of mental programs is eliminated when certain experiences and emotions and feelings associated with them arise. Until a person curbs his mind and learns to be aware of the games of the mind, unity with the spirit will be incomplete.

It is equally important to establish a connection with your own body, learn to hear it, develop feeling and purposefully use the mind. These skills will help you get rid of dissonance in feelings and self-perception, and will help you achieve complete spiritual harmony.

Intention - determining the direction of movement

The direction of the path along which this journey takes place is determined by the intention - the desire that drives us.

- I want to go home!

- I want to be loved... so that there is love everywhere. I want my life to be filled with peace,” Michael paused. “I don’t want to fuss and participate in banal relationships.” I don't want to worry about money. I want to be FREE! Tired of being alone. I want to mean at least something to other entities in the Universe. I want to know that there is meaning in my life, and to fulfill my task in heaven - or whatever you call it. I want to be part of God's plan. I don't want to be human anymore. I want to be like you! “He was silent again. “That’s what it means to me to come home.”

On topic: How my intention came true last Thursday

Signs - preparing for travel

When the path vector is designated, everything helps us find the treasured evolutionary path. We begin to listen to ourselves, intuition sharpens, fear goes away and faith appears.

On the fifth day after returning from the hospital, Michael realized that preparations for the trip were nearing completion. He didn't know exactly what to do next and where to go. It was a quiet evening. Michael was sure that the angel knew that he was ready to set out on his journey, and that tomorrow would bring something new. Michael had no doubt that the upcoming journey was completely real. And he firmly believed that they would tell him what to do next.

We fully tune in to the desired wave frequency that will lead us to a new life and begin to see more.

- Look ahead, you are standing at the very gate.

Michael stood in front of a tall hedge, beyond which a small canyon began.

- I can not see anything.

- Take a closer look, Michael Thomas.

Michael peered into the thicket and actually saw the outline of a gate. He didn’t notice them right away, because they seemed to merge with the bushes, as if woven from branches and leaves. Now Michael couldn't NOT see the gate even if he wanted to. They have become something obvious! He turned away for a moment, and then looked at the bushes again with new eyes. Now the gate was visible even more clearly than a second ago.

- What's happening? Michael asked, realizing his perception was changing.

“When the invisible becomes obvious,” said a gentle voice, “you can no longer return to ignorance.” From now on you will clearly see all the gates, since you have revealed the intention to see these.

Very soon I will continue my story.

And right now I suggest you download one small book, with which my journey to the land of fulfilled desires began. I'm sure you will find it useful too >>>

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