Peace is... How to achieve harmony and peace

Inner peace is considered to be a state of serenity and peace. Happiness of spirit and mental peace help to overcome all difficulties and adversity without despair. This does not mean that all experiences and worries are completely absent, just that a person is able to solve problems calmly and balancedly. Peace is a force that everyone should strive for.

Is peace a pleasure?

When a person receives pleasure, his senses experience satisfaction. But it should be remembered that the reasons that give this feeling can be both good and bad. Sun, light, food, laughter, music and relaxation - these can be classified as benefits that are useful. Material values ​​and luxury may please the senses, but will they bring peace and tranquility?

Sinful pleasures never lead to good. They destroy not only the body, but also the spirit, so you should abandon them and avoid any temptations in every possible way.

Achieving high goals can make a person happy and peaceful. Despite the fact that obstacles are overcome through struggle and trials, they bring the joy of victory and self-confidence. It is very difficult to describe what happiness is; it needs to be felt.

Guarding your peace

It’s one thing to reach a state of inner peace, quite another to be able to preserve it. Psychologists recommend adopting a few tips to help maintain peace of mind. First on the list is the timely resolution of urgent issues, which can subsequently create an unpleasant stressful situation. Further, it is strongly recommended to give the body enough time to rest and recover, especially during periods of excessive workload. Another famous French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal noted that all mental misfortunes begin when a person ceases to remain in silence.

One of the most important points in maintaining spiritual harmony is the ability to refuse people when what is offered goes against the principles or is simply not to their liking. This useful skill enables a person to determine his place in society and at the same time helps society to recognize this place for him.

How to achieve peace and tranquility?

There is an opinion that people are as happy as they want them to be. Of course, there is some truth in this statement, but it is difficult to call it the truth. Inner peace is a feeling, and to achieve it, you need to try very hard.

Eternal laws will lead to happiness and harmony if you follow them. You cannot argue with the Universe; violation of certain fundamentals leads to self-destruction and psychological problems.

No masks

Another step on the path to inner peace is the rejection of imposed patterns of behavior (masks). It is difficult for a person to remain calm and happy when he is forced to play some roles: to be insincere, to pretend, to dodge, and sometimes to deceive. When leaving the threshold of the house, people put on peculiar guises and are no longer who they really are. They laugh when it’s not fun at all, or communicate with those who are uninteresting and unpleasant to them. These games unbalance and deprive you of mental strength.

Often masks are worn to please people or to be accepted in a certain society. Natural desire forces you to demonstrate the best models of behavior and hide your true attitude and real emotions in every possible way. In this position, a person often experiences strong internal conflict, and harmony is out of the question. Therefore, as much as possible, you need to allow yourself to be sincere with others.

Household duties and daily routine

In order not to be disappointed in yourself, you must first perform basic actions and realize yourself in the family. Achieving happiness within the confines of your own home is not easy; it requires effort and doing a little more than is required.

Failures in marriage upset not only women, but also men. The spouse must realize herself as a wife, mother and housewife, and the husband - as a breadwinner, protector and father. Only then can you count on rewards and find peace of mind.

Develop and train character

In the process of self-development, a feeling of happiness always arises. People who live by high moral standards do not waste their time on anger and self-interest. They care about others and are also responsible and disciplined. Such people practically never experience depression or internal disagreements; they always know what they need and systematically move towards their goals.

Calming music helps fight weaknesses; it gives a person strength to fight sinful thoughts.

Time in nature

Through medical observations, it has been repeatedly established that being in nature also has a very beneficial effect on the state of mind. This is a place where a person, feeling like a part of the universe, reveals his soul and is freed from destructive emotions and feelings. Contemplating beautiful virgin landscapes, walks in the forest, mountains, and even in a simple park help you better cope with stress and sometimes see solutions to the most difficult problems.

With longer communication with nature, it is possible to restore personality at the deepest level: wounds of the past are healed, grievances are released and eyes are opened to truly significant values. Wildlife is a good source of inner peace; it will give you strength to stay afloat in the most difficult times.

Creative work

Working with your own hands and creating things that make you want to admire them is very good therapy. By being creative, a person can realize the wildest desires and dreams that were hidden deep inside. When something beautiful is created, a person experiences spiritual satisfaction.

You can show your capabilities not only in creating paintings or crafts. It would be good to bring creativity into everyday life. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems: you can diversify the recipes, come up with your own plan for cleaning, which will turn the routine into a pleasant experience. Every problem in life needs to be approached creatively, then it will not seem so complicated and confusing.

What to do?

You need to balance your mind. Simple meditation techniques will help with this.

Read one of them below:

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax, unfocus your gaze and give it the opportunity to wander absentmindedly, without fixing it on anything or tying it to anything.
  2. After a few minutes, close your eyes and give your thoughts complete freedom. Let thoughts come and go. Don't get attached to any of them. Don't set your mind to anything specific. Don't give yourself any instructions. Let go of your mind. Let him wander as he pleases. You just watch him wander.
  3. Imagine your thoughts and feelings as the surface of the ocean. She is always worried, some waves are always moving over her, the wind somehow outrages her. But you are the ocean itself. Its vastness and depth. Picture yourself this way. The surface of the ocean is forever in turbulence, but its depths preserve this endless equanimity and peace.
  4. Stay in this state for a while (5-10 minutes), then return. You may notice how you calm down and relax.

Do this technique before bed. And thus disconnect from all your emotions and experiences that happened during the day.

Also, do this simple meditation technique in the middle of the day to relieve inner anxiety and restore your strength.

Dear friends, we wish you a calm and fulfilling state!

The post was prepared based on materials from lectures by Oleg Gadetsky.

Self acceptance

Answer the question: “Pacification - what is it?” impossible without complete acceptance of yourself as you are. You need to allow yourself to make mistakes and admit that there are no perfect people. Naturally, one should work on weaknesses, but one should not condemn them for them. You cannot punish yourself for every stupidity, otherwise you will not be able to achieve peace. You need to forgive not only other people, but also yourself.

It is necessary to learn from your own mistakes and draw the right conclusions so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation again. You can't be too hard on yourself. If you forgive other people, learn to forgive yourself.


Meditation disciplines and teaches emotional self-control . The human psyche is designed in such a way that we are rarely in the present. Thoughts go into failed dialogues, anxiety about the future and worries about the past. This causes an increase in already critical stress levels. Meditation can calm the mind and bring thoughts back to the present moment.


The surest way to find inner peace and feel peace is to enjoy life. You need to be able to live and appreciate every moment. Any achievement of a goal is followed by new tasks.

For more information on how to find peace of mind, watch the video:

Affirmations are powerful

Self-love should be at the core of everything. This is the only way to achieve emotional balance. For best results, you should use affirmations - these are positive statements that contain the essence of your basic desires and needs. They need to be repeated daily, and this must be done in such a way that the subconscious mind believes every word. The affirmation must be affirmative and clearly formulated, only then will it be useful. You need to do the exercises in such a way that your emotions are sincere and vivid.

Hatred leads to emptiness...

A person who has anger and hatred inside him will never be happy. Peace cannot be the result of violence and troubles. Internal war leads to disruption of psychological balance. For harmony and peace to come, it is necessary to create, not destroy. To get rid of hatred, you can seek help from specialists.

The first step is to forgive and bless those who have hurt you. When this happens, a person’s inner world will be filled with light and calming music will begin to play in his soul.

Presentation for the lesson Self-knowledge Inner peace

Slide description: How to find Inner Peace? Harmony is order, Peace is peace and balance. By putting yourself in order and harmony, you will experience inner peace. Express gratitude. Express gratitude for all the “good” and all the “bad”, for all that you experience, learn and adopt. Listen, trust and follow your intuition. Tune into the feelings that arise in your body when you make a decision. If you experience a warm, confident feeling of “everything will be fine,” then you have followed your intuition. If you experience anxiety or doubt, it means that you have gone against it. Let go of your usual way of looking at things, look at the world from a different angle. Your point of view is not “the law”, but only one of many points of view. Look at the world with an unlimited gaze that says: “I can.” Know that “this too shall pass.” Change is part of life. Be calm and patient - let everything happen naturally and organically. Develop the courage that allows you to focus on the results you want rather than the problem. Smile. A smile can open doors, turn “no” into “yes” and instantly change the mood (both yours and those around you). Smile at yourself in the mirror. Smile at family members, co-workers, and everyone you see. A smile radiates the energy of love - and what you send is what you receive. Bring what you start to its logical conclusion. Complete the circle. Unfinished business (unforgiveness, unspoken words, unfinished projects and tasks) is a heavy burden on your mind, whether you feel it or not. Every unfinished task takes energy from the present. Be true to yourself. Love yourself. Make your dreams come true and express yourself. Live in the present. You cannot return the past, and the future depends on what you think and do at the moment. Don't let life pass you by because you live in the past or the future. Don't worry. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Take care of your health. Take care of your body by exercising, playing sports, eating right and getting enough sleep. Increase your energy with daily exercise and monitor your well-being. The morning is wiser than the evening. In your speech, adhere to the principles of Sufism. This ancient tradition stipulates that you should only say something if: 1) it is true, 2) it is necessary and 3) it is kind words. If anything you have to say doesn't meet these criteria, don't say it. Use the off button. Avoid information and sensory overload. Use your imagination. Building the life of your dreams begins in your imagination. Start with the hardest thing. Don't put things off until later. A lot of mental and emotional energy is wasted due to fear of doing things we don't want to do. Maintain balance. Promote success and inner peace by maintaining balance in your life. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Enjoy this journey called life. Everything will happen when the time comes. Pay attention to every moment of life and appreciate it. What's the hurry? Once you achieve your goal, new tasks and problems will certainly appear. Know how to say no. Don't let the resentment of a mistaken "yes" disturb your inner peace.

Relaxation and relaxation

When a person is calm, he radiates a wave of security. The world around us responds to this message and does not even try to enter into conflict. Tension drops, fears fade into the background, and a person finds peace.

You can develop your potential every moment, because thought is material. You need to make sure that your thoughts are correct and only positive. It is very important to sincerely believe in what you dream about. This is the only way to receive a response from the Universe.

Words give rise to images, it is important to follow everything said out loud. Any action returns like a boomerang over time, so the images sent must be positive and kind. They will appear in the aura and attract others like themselves.

The value of peace of mind

In modern realities, it is quite difficult to remain a balanced person who calmly reacts to life’s troubles. Only a few are able, no matter what, to maintain peace within themselves. Peace of mind can be equated in value to works of art. Psychologists characterize it as a state of absolute harmony between a person and the world around him.

Not everyone understands that inner peace is not the lot of a select few, but the choice of the individual himself, how he will look at this or that situation and how he will prefer to resolve it. Based on what is going on inside, in the face of troubles, either negative emotions and panic, or a rational approach usually prevail in a person. In any case, a person has the power to influence his reactions by changing his attitude to what is happening.

It is also worth noting that the presence of peace of mind has a beneficial effect on external affairs: they proceed and are resolved much easier. More vital energy, creative ideas, efficiency and, most importantly, human virtue (patience, kindness, forgiveness) are released.

Getting up early - time for yourself

Not everyone can enjoy getting up early, but once you try, you will want to repeat this feat constantly. The morning hours are conducive to reflection and provide an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and be alone with yourself. Meeting the dawn with a cup of coffee, tea or freshly squeezed juice is the best start to the day. Overcoming bad habits always brings a feeling of peace.

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