How does a man's love manifest itself? A man's view from a psychologist

In this article we will tell you:
  1. Psychology of a man's love for a woman
  2. Differences between a man's love and a woman's love
  3. What is the difference between love between M and F?
  4. Signs of male love
  5. How should a man love a woman so that she is sure that she is truly loved?

The love of a man for a woman is different from the love of a woman for a man. And every woman who strives to love and be loved needs to know what exactly male love is.

In the article we will talk about how a man’s love for a woman is manifested , how it works, and what its essence is.

We will rather talk not about love itself, but about male abilities, manifestations and characteristics.

Psychology of a man's love for a woman

Let's start with the main thing - male love is determined solely by the man's capabilities (opportunities in every sense).

Most often, these possibilities depend on the age of the man, and therefore we can talk about some age-related nature of male love .

After all, a man aged 20 to 30 will not be the same as a man aged 35 to 50. In other words, age does not always play a major role here, although most often it does. You will see this for yourself a little later.

A man’s age is determined not by specific numbers, but by his achievements and life experience. Some men remain children until the end of their days.

It is clear that men change in one direction or another. They acquire some qualities, and lose others. In this regard, there are differences in understanding the concept of “love”. For example, a physically healthy and successful man who occupies a high position in society sees love differently than a sick, poor loser. This example is an extreme.

But in life you rarely have to face extremes. Not all men become strong first. This refers to the physical strength and physical health of a man. Not everyone becomes rich or powerful.

When a man says that all ages are submissive to love, this means that at any age a man is capable of love, but at each age he loves in a special way.

How does a loving man feel?

First, let's look at this.

Your mistake is that you compare the feelings of a loving man with the feelings of a loving woman, and expect these feelings from men!

Moreover, you are not only waiting for them. You also demand them. Ask a man to do what a woman should feel. You get offended if men don’t act the way you want!

You are making a woman out of a real man. And then you yourself suffer from this asshole.

That is. Here, you love. And you think that a man should love you exactly the same way you love him. He should feel the same as you.

But a man feels differently. Hence the misunderstanding, hence all the problems.

So, what does a loving man feel?

A loving man feels only one thing. This is a responsibility. Man's love is responsibility for a woman. No responsibility - no love.

What is the responsibility?

The man is responsible for:

  1. Women's safety.
  2. For her appearance and health.
  3. For continuation of the family.

These are the 3 signs of a man’s true love. This is real male love, true, if you want. Natural! Evolutionary!

This is not the drool that you are used to. These are not words about love, these are not sitting next to each other and holding hands. This is not to blow away specks of dust. This is not constantly thinking about the woman you love. This is not admiring her and giving her fucking false compliments.

This is a woman's responsibility. Responsibility implies love. Love implies responsibility. And such men always take care of their woman! But you still need to become like this...

Now let's make sure. Now everything will become clear to you. Your nature will say: “Yes! That’s how it really is!”

Women's safety.

In a biological sense, any young woman is a future mother. Therefore, nature has built into male love - to protect from danger.

What is dangerous in our biological world?


  • Left without food.
  • Be left without a roof over your head.
  • Other men are dangerous!
  • Well, the predators themselves are already afraid of us)))

How does this manifest itself in relationships?

Left without food

The man feeds, gives money for food (gives him his salary card, poor fellow). At least he's not against a woman managing money. For a loving man, the money he earns is common money. His and hers. And not just him.

Some men may view this as weakness. Like, am I henpecked to give all my money to a woman?

Or the man doesn’t give all the money to the woman (he hides his stash, he’s a bastard). Or this is a problem for him, then this is a reason to think about his true love.

Be left without a roof over your head.

A loving man provides housing for a woman. Provided he can do it. Well, not all men, unfortunately, have their own apartments. But a loving man is able to earn money for an apartment.

Other men are dangerous!

This is jealousy. A loving man will be jealous. He won’t necessarily follow and interrogate, but if you give him a reason, his instinct will kick in and he won’t be able to help but react.


A loving man does not take his woman to zoos. This is damn dangerous! Just kidding, of course))).

Responsibility for appearance and health.

Remember! A man who loves you will invest in your beauty and health. He won’t waste money and say: “Oh no, honey, this blouse is too expensive, let’s go and choose something cheaper.”

He will do the opposite.

You say: “I need new boots.”

He will say: “No problem, buy it!”

You say: “I need a night cream for my face.”

He will say: “Get away from me, buy yourself everything you need.”

The guy will decorate her like a Christmas tree and make her beautiful. The most beautiful. And she won’t lie when she says that she is the most beautiful in the world!

Well, and health. A loving man will not bring bags of gingerbread to his woman. He will say instead: “Stop eating this crap! It is harmful! Do you want to be a fat pig? Hey, you already have a belly! Tomorrow you will go jogging with me!”

A loving man will force, ask, negotiate so that his woman takes care of herself and is attractive. She didn’t overeat, she wasn’t lazy, he would play sports with her, he would make her quit smoking and drinking, he would make her healthy and beautiful. HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL! Because he is responsible for it!

And most men make their girls sick and scary. Because they didn’t care about them. They don't care that they smoke a cigarette and drink beer. They don't care if they overeat. They don’t care that they move little and have forgotten about development as such. When I see a fat girl, I understand that her man did not care about her, otherwise she would not have become like this. He would throw out all the damn mayonnaise, he would feed her porridge and fruit instead of candy and cookies! He would squeeze everything out of her in the gym. And he degrades along with her at the zombie box. What the hell is love? She doesn't even smell here!

Responsibility for procreation.

If a man delays conception, then he does not truly love. Yes, he may be afraid of the unknown, yes, he may be afraid of losing some freedom. But a loving man unconsciously strives to obtain offspring from the object of his love.

Even if the woman is against it, or there are other circumstances. Spit! If he loves, then simply during sex, he will take the girl by the hair and say, “I want children from you.” And he will cum inside her. And he won’t let her have an abortion! Never and never!

So that I can tell the girl I love to have an abortion! But it’s easy for the unloved! Do you smell what it smells like? How much unlove is in the air in our sinful world!

The standard of love is that a man will want more and more children from you. You give birth, and he is already thinking about the next one. Then he will definitely love you, and will be the best father and husband.

The more children, the more he loves. It is a fact!

If your man gave you one child (and that was by accident, it just so happened), and he doesn’t need more children, then this shows that he doesn’t really need you.

According to social laws, he is obliged to be a family man, he has to raise a child, but he has no feelings for you! Just a habit that he will soon get tired of. He submits to society and, perhaps, would have left you long ago if it were not for the morals of society.

From an evolutionary point of view, when you are conceived by one man, you are not a danger to other men. That is, no one will take you away! That's why a man has a burning desire to have children with the woman he really, truly loves!

Differences between a man's love and a woman's love

Globally, love for both men and women is the same thing.

At its core, love is about meeting a specific set of needs for your partner.

Needs are not only different in type:

  • physiological
  • psychological
  • social

But they also differ in priority both for each person and for gender (men and women). And this is where some difference lies. What is more important and self-evident for women is secondary and incomprehensible for men. And vice versa.

That’s why M and F will always not understand each other and enrage each other (unless, of course, they learn to understand each other).

Women's love

The feeling of love consists of two components:

  • In the need to love;
  • To be loved.

"I remember a wonderful moment..."

His gaze settled on the woman and clearly identified the “object” from hundreds of others.
There is a mini-explosion in the head, a release of testosterone in the blood. In a split second, approximately the following pictures flash through a man’s brain: “she and I in a restaurant,” “she and I in bed,” “me and her at the altar,” “our children,” “our happy old age.” It is not a fact that a man is ever going to tie himself with the knot of Hymen - the brain is simply subconsciously scanning possible options for continuing the relationship. There are, of course, individuals for whom, due to a certain upbringing or the complete absence of it, the series of pictures stops at a single one - “she and I in bed.”

But do not think that everyone replaces the concept of “love” with the concept of “desire to possess.” The love of a man (let the cynical persons not grin) is something more than just attraction... So, the “object” is defined.

A sweet state of inexplicable euphoria sets in. The “object” is smoothly placed at the center of life’s needs and interests. The wave of tenderness has not yet rolled in with full force, the feeling has not yet been fully formed. The man’s thoughts continue to work in the right direction, he is able to solve various issues and think about work, but the process has already begun and it cannot be stopped.

What is the difference between love between M and F?

Three differences between the expressions of love between a man and a woman:

  1. For a woman, the emotional state always comes first. Women are always hunting for emotions and therefore pay attention to little things. For a woman, love is the feelings from his actions. For men, facts and comfort are important. Therefore, love for a man is specific actions that satisfy his comfort.
  2. For a woman, love is caring . Taking care of her emotional, financial, sexual, physical well-being. For a man, love is faith in him. When they don’t help, if they don’t ask and just give verbal support – “You can handle it!” You are strong! I'm proud of you!". This is a recognition of his strength.
  3. For a woman, love is not about respect . She may not respect, but she loves (=cares). A man cannot love if he does not respect and cannot love if he is not respected. Respect for a man is even more important than love.

This can be briefly explained by the main messages that M and F want to hear and feel:

  • She wants to receive the message “I will never leave you” from him. Those. I will take care and act for you.
  • He wants to receive the message from her: “I’m following you, wherever you go.” Those. I will give you the right to choose, take risks, make mistakes, draw conclusions and choose again.

Stages of the emergence of feelings in men

  1. First, the man evaluates the girl’s appearance (figure, face, gait, grace), that is, how attractive she is to him.
  2. Next, the intelligence of the fair sex is determined, what she likes to do, her preferences and interests.
  3. At the final stage, unity with the beloved occurs on a spiritual level. Common interests and leisure time are already taken into account here.

After a man goes through all these stages, he determines for himself whether a further future with this girl is possible and what it will be like (friendship, short-term relationship or developing before marriage). If one of these points is missed, then disharmony and misunderstanding will arise between partners, which will lead communication to a dead end.

As soon as a man’s love arises, the relationship goes through the following stages:

  1. First of all, a man feels physical attraction to a girl, sympathy arises. This is what distinguishes the stronger sex from the weaker sex, since women experience intellectual and psychological attraction.
  2. Next comes the fading stage, when the man is in a state of uncertainty and doubt. Here the girl will have to wait a little until this stage passes.
  3. The man comes to the realization that he wants to become the only one for this woman.
  4. Unity emerges, both spiritual and psychological. At this stage, the man completely opens up to his beloved and begins to trust her.
  5. The final stage is engagement, that is, the man wants to enter into a legal marriage with the girl in order to live with her for the rest of his life.

You need to understand that there is no need to rush, everything should take its course. Only after going through all the stages will a man achieve the final goal, namely a happy marriage.

Read our article “10 Secrets of Women’s Psychology in Relationships”

Many representatives of the stronger sex are well aware that in order for a relationship to be happy, it is necessary to be patient, restrained, be able to take responsibility, and also help the woman with the housework and be attentive to detail. However, we must not forget that the understanding of love is different for the stronger and weaker sex. For example, for women, love is family, which is the essence of existence, and for men, it is possession, possession and protection of what he has.

Signs of male love

Have you ever wondered how a man's love manifests itself? .

So, men’s love lies in those very little things that we sometimes don’t even take seriously; men don’t know how to show their love like women do.

Man's love:

  • this is to come up to hug from the back;
  • this is a kiss before leaving home;
  • this is the lunch or dinner he prepared (for which he should be praised and told that he was super-well done, and it turned out very tasty);
  • this is an “I love you” SMS when he leaves somewhere for a long time;
  • these are the words “let's go together”;
  • when he brings his salary home.

Armed and very dangerous

At first, the corrosive power of the magic acid called “love” is not so noticeable. And the appearance of a man, in whose soul the strongest of feelings blossoms, may not be at all “romantic”.

Such a seemingly strong, purposeful and completely devoid of any lyrical touch behaves like a boy. He wants to see the object of his adoration as often as possible.

He strives to be as close as possible to the one he has a crush on. Meeting eyes, crossing paths in company (in the corridor, on the street - underline what is necessary).

His jokes are incredibly successful, his puns are spot-on and juicy. At a time when love has already captured him, and love is on the way, he tries to present himself in the most favorable light. Like a peacock attracting a female with its bright plumage, a man tries with all his might to impress his chosen one.

He is witty like Maxim Galkin, smart like Tsiolkovsky, wise like Spinoza. The full potential of the past years has been used, all the sayings and interesting facts that have ever been read have been brought to light from the far corners of memory.

The man desperately wants to be liked. It should be noted that the techniques used by the stronger sex during the period of “initial self-presentation” are quite diverse...

Technique 1. Laughing. This male specimen completely defeats the woman he likes with his inexhaustible gaiety. Jokes pour in like from a cornucopia, there is no end to the anecdotes.

A woman laughing at yet another successful joke would be quite surprised if she learned that in everyday life, so to speak in everyday life, this gentleman may not be a merry fellow at all. As we know from world history, those whose sparkling humor was sometimes admired by millions turned out to be very, very ordinary personalities in life, and often despots and tyrants.

What this “fun guy” is doing now was not easy - cramming jokes around the clock and “hanging out” on joke sites. However, if his body were not so stimulated by hormones, if his receptors were not now tense, it is not at all a fact that he would have succeeded in everything so easily and naturally.

But he did it! Do you think that with such a person you will never be bored? If so, then the man's goal has been achieved. He chalks up a point.

Technique 2. Romantic. He surprises with his subtle nature and desire for beauty. In a conversation with you, he may suddenly get distracted and say, looking outside the office window: “How beautiful winter is!” Moreover, say it with such love for this very slushy winter that you involuntarily also look outside the window and admire the finely drizzling rain.

The man’s phrase will sound quite organic, as if spoken to himself. But this phrase is for you. In the same way, a man will tell one of his friends (so that you can hear) that he is going to visit the theater.

I haven't been there for a long time. Yes, it’s quite possible he’s never been there. But we need to surprise and attract you...

Technique 3. Cynic. It may very well be the other way around. Not a cynic, but an insecure and shy person. But, embarrassed by his insecurity, he will try with all his might to add points to himself with his feigned cynicism and cold “pragmatism”...

In fact, most men are wonderful psychologists when it comes to determining the type of woman. They clearly distinguish who might like what and what, and offer the woman exactly what she wants. They show themselves from exactly the angle from which, in their opinion, a woman will see them in the most favorable light.

Who needs the power of male energy more?

A woman who has been married for a long time secretly dreams of returning the former qualities and enthusiasm in her chosen one. So that, as before, he suddenly returned from work, picked her up in his arms and carried her into the abyss of passion. And so that he could gently, but at the same time decisively and confidently extinguish the emotions raging in her during a quarrel.

Masculinity is, of course, good, but we must not forget that next to such a person you need to control your own emotions and in vain not provoke him, adding fuel to the fire. A woman’s wisdom lies in the ability to remain silent once again and not argue, especially if a man is excited about something.

The situation in a relationship with the stronger sex is somewhat reminiscent of working at a chemical plant, when you need to monitor the amount of ingredients and mix them with caution. If an irritated man receives an additional portion of aggression and reproaches from his wife, this can lead to disaster.

A woman’s task is to give a man harmony, to be able to balance him, to give him energy and calmness. But many neglect this, starting to compete with their lover in emotional strength. Forgetting that she must cool down this aggressive ardor that her husband brought from work. I want to be soft, gentle and somewhere submissive. No, this does not mean that you need to constantly remain silent and not express your dissatisfaction, but when a man is stressed, he should be cooled down with affection and care. This will only give him strength.

Through such “cooperation” with her lover, the woman herself will gain strength and open her chakras, and such a union will benefit her. The weaker sex is created for love, both for receiving it and giving it.

Always be feminine

Women's sophistication physically and psychologically always attracts men, so work on yourself. Be interested in different areas, develop your personality.

If you are involved in a scandal and want to use strong language, replace it with strict speech that does not contain profanity.

Take care of your natural beauty. Avoid wearing bright cosmetics and experimenting with hair coloring. Everything should be in moderation.

Be confident in your attractiveness and grace. A woman should exude sexuality, but not show it off.

Support his endeavors, even the most idiotic ones

When he takes away your wedding rings to play the slot machines a little more, that's one thing. But when he is interested in ice fishing, playing the trombone, cross-stitching, biathlon, collecting garden gnomes, and selling his own adjika over the Internet - that’s completely different. The desire to meet new initiatives with hostility is inherent in the nature of every person, because any system strives to maintain balance, but here you will have to be smarter than nature.

Start from a realistic assessment of the maximum possible damage to you personally and to the well-being of your family. Do you feel sorry for a couple of thousand dollars for the happiness of your loved one with Pisces, and after that you are surprised how fiercely he hates your trips to shoe stores? Well, the gnomes have cluttered up the hallway and two loggias, and is this really so terrible?

And again: if you don’t appreciate and support, someone else will, and at that moment you will move away.

Talk about important things directly, without hints

Men understand hints, but more often these are hints from other men or those hints that are beneficial for them to understand. It is not customary for them (with the possible exception of the Japanese) to talk about the essence of the matter in Aesopian language.

When your husband wants to sell a batch of motorcycles to a client, he says: “We have a well-known brand, the warranty period is average in the market, and for wholesale we will discount you 7%,” and not: “The autumn leaf has withered on the lonely elm that grew on the sad hill , and it’s time to harness the iron horse to intelligent creatures and quickly run to the south from these places.”

Therefore, state it simply, but not globally, not “tell me straight, you stopped loving me, right?”, but “I’m tired of collecting your worms for ice fishing all over the house, this is not what my mother raised me for, hire a housekeeper.”

What is love

This is one of the deepest feelings encountered in life. In the dictionary you can read that this is a heartfelt affection characterized by selflessness. And it can manifest itself both to children, a man, relatives, and to the homeland, profession, nature.

Truly loving is not given to everyone, because it is a gift from special people. Those who can boast of a rich inner world and wonderful character. People who are selfish, selfish and arrogant are simply not capable of real feelings towards others.

There is an opinion that external manifestations (attachment, attraction, passion, experiences) are only a reflection of what is happening in the soul. Love is not only feelings, but also behavior, an established way of life with certain values, worldview, focus, and even intonation and breathing.

In the article we will dwell in more detail on relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. And let’s look at the manifestations that are most often understood as true love.

The most stunning look is for him, not for a meeting of classmates

The syndrome of a victorious hunter losing interest in the game he has caught is no less common in women than in men. The fact that you got him into cohabitation or tied the knot does not mean that now he is forever in love with you. Yes, it’s vulgar, mean and banal, but about half of my male patients complained about facts of a girl’s neglect of her appearance after the relationship had become stable.

If he fell in love with a physicist with gray hair, a brown checkered vest and worn-out boots, he knew what he was getting into.

But since in your wedding photos you are a blonde in curls and roses, and now you are a cropped woman in a comfortable jumpsuit, then don’t blame me if they stop perceiving you as an attractive female. Moreover, when at corporate events you put on makeup and buy a new dress, and at home you walk around a la naturel in the same delicate pastel things (which the male eye perceives as faded and asexual). It's very simple, but women don't stop making this mistake. You are not obligated to be loved for who you are (moreover, you are not obligated to be loved a priori at all).

Appreciate him

While the relationship is emerging, you simply adore him: the actions he does, the way he treats you - all this causes admiration!

Then the shortcomings slowly emerge. A few more years pass, and to the delight of your friends, “How wonderful he is!”, you feel sad about.

Never forget its merits. Our relationships with people have a funny property: people turn to us with the side that we consider.

If you want to see the best in him, cultivate the best in yourself. According to the law of energy exchange, you both will move forward and develop.

Especially appreciate his masculine qualities. For him, this will be the most striking manifestation of love.

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