20 quotes from famous psychologists that will help you understand yourself

Psychologists are extremely interesting people by nature. They choose such a profession not out of necessity, but rather at the call of their heart. In addition, once you start studying psychology, it’s difficult not to analyze the people around you on a subconscious level. Do they have problems with their family, are they happy, in love, and what secrets does their personality hide - all this is clear to them.

That’s why famous psychologists often speak out about all these aspects. They can give unobtrusive advice, or simply voice their opinion, but any information from their side is quite useful for ordinary people. The best quotes are listed below.

About love

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price.
Evgeny Ilyin. Love begins to manifest itself only when we love those whom we cannot use for our own purposes. Erich Fromm.

Anyone who wants to be loved must know that love is attracted only by love. Luule Viilma.

Love exists when the satisfaction and security of another person becomes as important as one's own satisfaction and security. Harry Sullivan.

Love inevitably enriches the one who loves. Victor Frankl.

Where love reigns, there is no will to power. Carl Jung.

Love is an internal state that allows you to see life in a more attractive light. Laura Day.

Love penetrates far beyond the physical essence of a loved one. Victor Frankl.

Love is the fullest and most noble of all relationships and includes the best of all other relationships: respect, admiration, passion, friendship and intimacy. E. Bern.

Love is the only way to understand another human being in the full depth of his personality. Victor Frankl.

A huge number of people suffer from unrequited self-love. Karl Menninger.

If an individual loves only one person and is indifferent to others, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment or an overgrown narcissism. Erich Fromm.

If one of the partners refuses his share of pressure and aggressiveness, the other is forced to take on a double burden. Robin Skinner.

Love is the most proven way to overcome shame. Sigmund Freud.

About life

A satisfied person solves the task, but he does not turn the task into a problem. Max Luscher.

Anyone who has only a hammer as a tool tends to look at any problem as if it were a nail. Abraham Maslow.

Joy comes into our lives when we have something to do; have someone to love; and there is something to hope for. Victor Frankl.

Every normal person is actually only partly normal. Sigmund Freud.

Each accusation is autobiographical. Carl Whitaker.

By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. Victor Frankl.

Everything that irritates others can lead to understanding oneself. Carl Jung.

You can only truly understand what you try to change. Erich Fromm.

The presence of anxiety indicates vitality. Rollo May.

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world. Sigmund Freud.

Every person is a creator, for he creates something from various innate factors and capabilities. Alfred Adler.

The essence of the world is not comprehended from the first onslaught, as naive realism thinks; Only through endless work do we get closer to this goal. Oswald Külpe.

Most of what is real within us is not realized, and most of what is realized is unreal. Sigmund Freud.

If you wear a mask long enough, it will become a face. Stephen Fry.

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Quotes from psychologists: All the experience of world psychologists in 21 quotes

Quotes from psychologists: The entire experience of world psychologists in 21 quotes. These quotes are the quintessence of all the experience accumulated by humanity - they change the way of thinking and help you live on even in the most difficult times.

Once upon a time her life was a real nightmare. She was raped at age 5, became pregnant at 15 and dropped out of school, and abandoned her child at 16. However, her life was radically changed by the theory that thoughts can heal the body. Louise Hay began to study this theory and conduct seminars, after which her own life changed: even when Hay discovered that she had cancer, she found the reason in disgust for her childhood, resentment of her mistreatment and rape.

She gave up medicine and completely changed her lifestyle: she began to forgive loved ones, took up treatment, began to eat right, relax and cleanse herself. Louise claims that this is how she cured herself of cancer. In addition, prosperity and harmony came into her life.

We have selected quotes from Louise Hay's book Heal Your Life that change the way you think and help psychologists around the world help people believe in themselves again and change their lives.

The people who caused us suffering were just as scared as you are now.

2. We form our beliefs in childhood, and then move through life, recreating situations that would fit our beliefs.

3. The past is gone forever. This is a fact, and there is nothing to be done about it. However, it is possible to change our thoughts about the past. How stupid, however, to punish yourself at the present moment just because someone offended you a long time ago.

4. We must make a choice for ourselves: to release and forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves. We may not know how to forgive, but we must really want it.

5. As soon as a person gets sick, he needs to look in his heart for whom he needs to forgive.

Oh happiness

Comprehension of oneself is not only an interesting process, but also one that gives happiness. Luule Viilma.

Happiness is an ideal not of reason, but of imagination. Immanuel Kant.

Happiness is the experience of being full of being, not an emptiness that needs to be filled. E. Fromm.

Learning to find joy in life is the best way to attract happiness. Hong Zichen.

There is no happiness equal to peace. Buddha.

There is only one path to happiness: overcoming worry about what we cannot change. Epictetus.

Only making your childhood dreams come true can bring happiness. Sigmund Freud.

Choose a friend for yourself, you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two. Pythagoras.

A man’s happiness is called “I want.” A woman’s happiness is “He wants.” Friedrich Nietzsche.

Where there is no desire for happiness, there is no desire at all. The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of aspirations. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach.

The desire for happiness is innate to man, so it should be the basis of all morality. Friedrich Engels.

Happiness strives to be “legitimate.” Max Weber.

To enjoy happiness is the greatest good; to be able to give it to others is even greater. Francis Bacon.

Happiness is not an easy thing: it is difficult to find within yourself and it is not easy to find outside of yourself. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort.

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you shift your attention to other things, happiness will come and sit quietly on your shoulder. Victor Frankl.

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About personality

People sometimes say about a person, “He hasn’t found himself yet.” But they don’t find themselves, they create them. Thomas Sass.

The desire to always be good turns a person not into an ethical giant, but into a self-satisfied pedant. Rollo May.

To know people, you need to forgive them the prejudices of their time. Charles Louis Montesquieu.

Having a specific goal, a person feels able to overcome any problems, since his future success lives within him. Alfred Adler.

We are what we ourselves have instilled about ourselves and what others have instilled in us about us. Erich Fromm.

Meeting yourself is one of the most unpleasant. Carl Gustav Jung.

To be at peace with oneself, a person must be what he can be. Abraham Maslow.

Brilliant thinkers are even rarer than somnambulists. Franz Brentano.

You can protect yourself from grief only by completely removing yourself from life, and therefore from the ability to experience joy. Erich Fromm.

Inside every person there continues to be a frightened, apprehensive child who fervently desires to be loved. Sandor Ferenczi.

Our psyche often uses depression to get our attention and indicate to us that there is a lie hidden somewhere deep within us. James Hollis.

You can decorate yourself with other people's feathers, but you cannot fly with them. Lucian Blaga.

USEFUL: Quotes in German with translation.

Quotes about psychology (100 quotes)

In the past, many people believed that psychology was a science that people invented solely out of boredom. After all, their grandparents did not know about this, and lived peacefully from birth until the end of their days. But it’s worth asking yourself: was their life so happy? Psychology helps people decide what they really want, understand themselves and stop piling problems on top of other problems, because the human psyche is stable, but sooner or later even the strongest steel breaks. This collection contains quotes about psychology that will help someone find themselves.

We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be.

Paradoxical reinforcement is when you first reassure a person and then deprive him of hope. And then - again hope, again disappointment. And so on. In this way a person can be tied to you. Formula: happiness - death - happiness - death.

Treating others the way you would like to be treated is the surest way to please people.

A woman must show her man that she appreciates everything he does for her. This, however, does not mean that she needs to be delighted after he takes out the trash. But this fact should not be ignored.

If you want to change people, start with yourself - it’s both more useful and safer.

When a man does not feel that his presence in someone's life is changing it for the better, it becomes difficult for him to maintain his interest in life and relationships with a woman. What kind of motivation is there when you are not needed...

Each person is different from each other and every day is different from himself.

The best way to help a man achieve more is to not try to change him.

The secret of the human soul lies in the mental dramas of childhood. Get to the bottom of these dramas and healing will come.

You know, in psychology there is such a concept that very accurately characterizes your behavior - “Fool”!

In psychosis, the world of fantasy plays the role of a storehouse, from which psychosis draws material or patterns for constructing a new reality.

Stop making meaningless, weak excuses and accept the truth: you are either stupid, lazy, or don't care.

Stop worrying and start living!

A man in love needs, first of all, to be accepted for who he is, to be valued, to be trusted - and so that he himself can trust his partner. For a woman, the most important thing is care, understanding, and respect.

The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more.

To remain ourselves, we must possess ourselves: own the story of our life, remember our inner drama, our narrative. To preserve personality, a person needs continuity of inner life.

Every normal person is actually only partly normal.

— Many people told me that psychology is my thing. “They meant that your place is in a mental hospital.”

There is only one way to truly understand people: it is to live near them, to allow them to express themselves day after day and to imprint their image on us.

You don't get what you want, but what you work for.

As long as a person depends on the opinions of others and on the events of the outside world, he is extremely vulnerable and certainly unhappy.

You know, you're a great liar. Most people subconsciously give off signals of dishonesty. And you have nothing. No internal conflict. These are usually signs of a phenomenon that psychoanalysts like to call psychopathy.

The surest way to a person’s heart is to talk with him about what he values ​​above all else.

Giving a man unsolicited advice is the same as questioning his ability to decide and act for himself. That is why they perceive interference so painfully: it is very important for them to realize that they can always cope with everything themselves.

An idealist is a person who, having noticed that a rose smells better than cabbage, concludes that the soup made from it tastes better.

A psychiatrist is someone who, for a considerable fee, asks you the same questions that your wife asks you for free.

Unfortunately, psychoanalysis must lay down its arms before the problem of creative writing.

The nineteenth century was the century of biology, the twentieth - the century of physics, the twenty-first - the century of psychology.

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is who you are now.

Psychotherapy is an attempt to screw screws into square holes.

The good and even the best quickly become boring if it becomes everyday.

A true masochist will always turn his cheek where he has the prospect of getting hit.

Neurosis represents a partial victory over the ego, after the ego has failed in its attempt to suppress sexuality.

Make your way to a person's mind through his heart.

Anxiety is a fundamental phenomenon and a central problem of neurosis.

Neurosis is characterized by the fact that it puts mental reality above factual reality and reacts to people's thoughts as seriously as normal people react to reality.

The ability to fly in a dream means nothing more than the desire to be capable of sexual activity.

The hardest thing is to write a positive recommendation for a person you know very well.

When someone in my family complains that they bit their tongue, pinched their finger, etc. then instead of showing the expected participation, I ask: why did you do this?

People talk about money issues with the same deceit as they talk about sexual problems. In psychoanalysis, both need to be discussed with equal frankness.

To know people, you need to forgive them the prejudices of their time.

Personally, I love strawberries and cream, but for some reason fish prefer worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I like, but about what the fish like.

Fantasy, like every creation of the psyche, such as a dream, a vision, a delirium, must have some meaning.

He who grovels before his superiors tramples on those who are lower than him.

Those who are very lean willingly wear a sweatshirt, those who have little substance inflate it with words.

One has only to believe in a person more than is usually the case in order to bring out all the best sides of his character.

The art of putting the right people in the right places is the beginning of the science of management, but finding places for the dissatisfied is the most difficult thing.

It's hard to be effective and not obnoxious.

A person with an open soul and an open face.

The meaning of small signs of attention is that they show the person you love that you are thinking about him, want to please him and that his happiness and well-being are very dear and close to your heart.

There is something in a person's soul that he knows about without knowing that he knows about it.

It’s better to do bad things to yourself than to talk bad about yourself, and it’s better to talk bad about yourself than to think bad about yourself.

We are tied to life by those to whom we serve as support.

You can make anything out of a person, you just have to approach him from the weak side.

We know the effects of many causes, but we do not know the causes of many effects.

Unlike Freud, I do not believe that sex is the determining factor in the complex of human behavior. It seems to me that cold, hunger and the shame of poverty determine his psychology much more deeply.

Understanding life and understanding people are not the same thing. Great wisdom is to comprehend characters and capture moods.

By humbly and openly admitting that you are wrong, you will achieve so much, my son!

Too fine a sensitivity is a true misfortune.

Men... cannot know what women need - they need to be told about it.

Don't imagine that your case is unusually difficult. Even those who eventually became the most eloquent representatives of their generation suffered from such unconscious fear and shyness at the beginning of their careers.

The question of the mission of psychotherapy is, first of all, a question of its comprehension of itself and its purpose.

Everyone is firmly convinced of his own objectivity, and no one believes in someone else’s.

Any definition of psychotherapy in one way or another limits it itself, becomes a limit for development

In psychosis, the world of fantasy plays the role of a storehouse, from which psychosis draws material or patterns for constructing a new reality.

One of the “paradoxes” of psychotherapy is that there is nothing in it that cannot be seen in the rest of life.

In our dreams we always have one foot in childhood.

Romance occurs when a woman has feminine power over a man and, to the pleasure of both, becomes more important to him than anything else.

A dream is the guardian of sleep, not its violator.

Freud knew the answers. If you don't understand something about sex, don't say it's scary or mysterious. Look at Freud.

If there is any secret to success here (in the art of relationships between people), then it lies in the ability to understand the point of view of another person and look at things from both his and your points of view.

If you don’t know which girl to choose, let someone else choose, and you choose the same one.

A person has two motives for behavior - one real and the second, which sounds beautiful.

His mind was full of hatred and sex because he had no love.

A psychologist is a person who looks at everyone else when a beautiful girl walks into the room.

Wish someone lucky to meet you and you will be lucky to meet someone.

The only normal people are those you don't know well.

You are the task. Not a single student around.

Separate the incident from the underlying problem. The problem is not behavior, but the inability to change the situation, having tears and mixed feelings.

We do not believe well what is unpleasant to believe.

If a child experiencing irritation could not change the situation and could not cry tears of futility, could not go through the path from anger to grief, then the energy of frustration goes further, to the last mechanism of defense against aggression.

Man's greatest friend and greatest enemy is his imagination.

Inviting an older child to depend on us means convincing the child that he can rely on us, count on us, can trust us with his problems and we will solve them, he expects our help. We seem to be telling the child that we are here for him and that it is okay if he needs us.

Man is a herd animal, and much more so in the mental sense than in the physical sense. He can go for a walk alone, but he cannot stand being alone in his opinions.

The invitation to depend and the consent to depend is the choreography of two people who love and trust each other.

On the psychology of sleep. What is primary here is relaxation of ideas, escaping in all directions, thinking as you perceive it in half sleep. It is under certain circumstances that an affective tendency takes possession of it - and makes history out of this material.

The accusation that psychotherapy is missionary does not seem justified to me. It is strange to talk about the development of psychotherapy, while excluding expansion as a property of life. Psychotherapy in its current understanding arose as a proposal in response to a socio-cultural demand. But, having arisen, it - like any other area of ​​​​activity - cannot help but create demand. The logic within which the formation of demand for medicine is called education, and for psychotherapy - missionary, is the logic of biased subjectivity, a double standard.

A person is driven and controlled by affects and ideas.

My task as a therapist is not to penetrate into the patient’s meanings and the reasons for their occurrence, but to create conditions in which the patient has the opportunity to live and experience these meanings himself more fully and differently, to change them so that, in some In cases, they ceased to generate or maintain symptoms, and in others they led to the optimization of coping strategies and the maintenance of quality of life with persistent symptoms.

You must forgive silently - otherwise what kind of forgiveness is it?

I have great doubts about the thesis about the need to subject psychotherapeutic techniques to “serious scientific analysis” - at least as long as this analysis is associated with a “scientific worldview”, on the basis of which psychotherapeutic techniques allegedly do not want to act, and for now it is not defined what constitutes “serious scientific analysis”, which they allegedly do not want to undergo. Here it is appropriate to recall an anecdote: a private driver drives up to a person standing in a long line for a taxi: “Would you like a lift?” - “But you’re not a taxi” - “What do you need – checkers or driving?” The already catchphrase: “I don’t know why it works, but it works” reflects the situation in psychotherapy much more accurately than the supposedly scientific “checkers”.

All your life you will meet people about whom you will say in surprise: “Why did he dislike me? I didn’t do anything to him.” You are wrong! You have dealt him the gravest insult: you are a living denial of his nature.

Psychotherapy is often reproached for the fact that it is represented by many closed sects with their own beliefs, their own “bird language”. Indeed, each of its directions forms its own theories, from which methods supposedly follow, although upon impartial examination it turns out that these theories themselves are mythologies, built on individual perceptions and empirical findings.

Don't imagine that your case is unusually difficult. Even those who eventually became the most eloquent representatives of their generation suffered from such unconscious fear and shyness at the beginning of their careers.

In relation to psychotherapy, we can say that a person today lives in a culture of changes, not canons. This culture itself is devoid of previous psychoregulatory traditions that helped to cope with changes. And if the scientific and industrial revolutions of the 19th century, changing ways of life, naturally relied on “scientific psychotherapy” with its laboratory nature and medicalization, today the emphasis is increasingly shifting from sciences to humanities.

Everyone is firmly convinced of his own objectivity, and no one believes in someone else’s.

Psychotherapy is, first of all, a hypostasis of culture. I especially want to emphasize the non-replication of psychotherapy: just as in the theater each performance of the same play is unique - the same but not the same, in psychotherapy each session is unique even when using the same method or technique. Dialogue – and psychotherapy is a dialogue, not an influence – cannot be replicated.

In psychosis, the world of fantasy plays the role of a storehouse, from which psychosis draws material or patterns for constructing a new reality.

The term psychotherapy denotes various principles of (secular, that is, secular) ethics and their application in practice. Thus, each method and each school of psychotherapy represents a system of applied ethics expressed in the idiom of treatment. Each of these methods and each of the schools bears the imprint of the personalities of their founders and adherents, their aspirations and values

In our dreams we always have one foot in childhood.

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