Five main mistakes men make in relationships with women

In relationships within a couple, difficulties and misunderstandings sometimes arise. As a rule, partners themselves make some mistakes, which contribute to the emergence of persistent dissatisfaction with each other. Men's mistakes indicate where they need to change. After all, in order to build a sincere and harmonious relationship with a girl, it is necessary to show not only personal charm, but also to be gallant and polite. How to survive a crisis in a relationship? Let's look at the typical mistakes that representatives of the stronger sex make.


The point is that sometimes young people forget that they need to behave delicately with a girl. Many guys, in an attempt to attract their partner's attention, begin to demonstrate excessive self-confidence. They think that from the outside they look brave and decisive, but in reality all this does not make a very good impression. The main mistakes, as a rule, are associated with the inability to show your strengths without going too far. In relationships, it is extremely important to observe a certain measure: to know when to stop the story in time so as not to seem boring, where you need to remain silent delicately so as not to offend.

Ignoring standards of decency

In order to be successful with ladies, you need to know the appropriate rules of decency. If a young man openly neglects them for the sake of his own selfishness, then he will have to face severe disappointment. Ignoring accepted norms is a gross mistake of a man.
For example, if a guy doesn’t want to court a girl according to all the rules of etiquette, he can hardly count on success. Women feel such moments very subtly; it is important for them to feel needed, to catch interested glances, to attract attention. You cannot demonstrate your stinginess and greed in relation to money. If the gentleman does not want to spend money on cinema, cafes and other entertainment, then his prospects in the future will be very vague. Even very young ladies who do not yet understand life want to see a worthy young man next to them.

Quarrels over trifles

If lovers quarrel over trifles, then their relationship is under threat. Most men don't pay attention to little things, but women are very attentive to details. Because of this, domestic quarrels and disputes may arise. Think about whether it makes sense to quarrel with your loved one over little things. It is best to openly discuss the problem with your partner and try to solve it. Always try to remain calm and control your emotions.

Quarrels over little things can ruin any relationship.

Immersion in feelings

Excessive affection for a girl at the very beginning of courtship can play a cruel joke. The fact is that representatives of the fair sex do not like it when their society begins to be imposed on them. If a guy strives to please his chosen one in everything, then he also makes a mistake. A certain balance must be maintained in a relationship.
Only then will they develop and eventually turn into a harmonious union. If you immediately make it clear to the girl that you cannot live on without her, then she simply will not be able to appreciate such a rapid sacrifice. Most likely, such an approach will immediately push her away and make her begin to doubt the correctness of the step she has taken. Immersion in feelings should occur gradually. You should not rush, because it is much more important to get to know each other better beforehand than to make a bunch of mistakes and then try to solve them.

Avoiding quarrels

No matter how strong your love is, you cannot completely avoid quarrels. Partners inevitably have some disagreements. Disputes do not always lead to serious conflicts. They are part of a healthy relationship. This is why hushing up problems and accumulating negativity is a big mistake. Ultimately, this can lead to a break between lovers. If you and your partner have a disagreement, try to calmly discuss the problem and reach a compromise.

Silencing and accumulating negativity in yourself will inevitably affect your feelings

Excessive selfishness

If a serious relationship is really planned with a girl, then the man must give up bad habits. Excessive selfishness also creates significant obstacles to building a happy union. When a guy primarily seeks to satisfy his own whims, he cannot fully care for the girl. Left unattended, the lady may begin to get bored, which will push her to quite natural thoughts. Modern girls evaluate guys on many parameters, and, first of all, they relate to intelligence, personal charm, and the ability to take responsibility. If a man thinks only about himself, perhaps it is too early for him to build a serious relationship. Such readiness must come from within and become the reason for fruitful work on oneself.

How to save a relationship

You need to follow several recommendations to maintain a good relationship with your partner:

  • Try to avoid quarrels, and if you cannot avoid them, learn to find a way out of conflict situations;
  • A man needs to take responsibility not only for himself, but also for his beloved;
  • You need to believe in yourself, and not hope that your partner will help in your endeavors;
  • Take care of her, support her, take an interest in her life;
  • Be gentle and affectionate. A woman should feel loved and desired;
  • Accept her as she is, don't try to change her;
  • Don't control her every move for fear that she will make mistakes. You learn from mistakes, and they will become your invaluable experience;
  • During times of worry, stay close to your loved one;
  • Protect your relationship, do not try to find someone on the side;
  • Show a sense of humor, always be in a good mood;
  • Don't lie, be honest.

Denial of responsibility

In some cases, young people make the mistake of refusing responsibility. This means that they are not just afraid to take decisive steps, but do not even try to achieve their goal. When you really like a girl, a confident man strives to begin to slowly conquer her. When such confidence is lacking or a guy doubts whether it is worth spending a lot of effort, it means he lacks the willingness to take responsibility for the result. Of course, some misunderstandings often happen in life, but minor mistakes should not become a reason to give up your own happiness. Indecisiveness on the personal front can really ruin a person’s whole life, making him withdrawn and apathetic. A young man must act independently, develop determination in himself, and not cling to his own fears and destructive patterns of behavior. Previous failures need to be left in the past if you start courting a new girl.

Woman is the keeper of the hearth

She is a housewife, a mother who notices the slightest changes in the behavior of children. They can inform about illnesses, injuries, hunger, aggressive or depressed states of the offspring. A woman knows everything: who her child is friends with, what he dreams about, romances and secret fears, she feels what tricks he is up to. The wife's claims - the husband does not take part in raising the children.

The man, on the other hand, blames everything on his busy work schedule, he works a lot, he tries to provide for his family in terms of financial situation.

Recommendations: Since ancient times, a man has been endowed with the functions of a breadwinner and a protector; it is impossible to change his thinking. If he regularly fulfills his obligations, it is necessary to adjust the issue of the distribution of roles in the family.

Ignoring a girl's wishes

Some mistakes of men cause downright indignation among people who are accustomed to always and in everything taking responsibility on their own shoulders. If a young man does not notice the desires of his companion, he can hardly be called a worthy gentleman. It is likely that he suffers from severe shortsightedness or simply does not value warm relationships. Then there is no need to be surprised that women will not consider his personality as a candidate for married life. It is worth understanding in advance that girls are very sensitive to issues of their future. They want to feel protected and confident in the future. They can hardly be blamed for this approach, since it is dictated by nature itself.

Unbridled jealousy.

Being jealous of someone at the age of 17 and having Italian passions - then it seemed romantic to you.

But when an adult, self-sufficient man throws hysterics and creates scenes of jealousy by checking her mobile phone, it smacks of some kind of infantilism and lack of self-confidence.

Of course, any woman enjoys being jealous. But there must be a measure and a limit in everything. When you become paranoid, follow her on social networks, check your contact list and browsing history on your laptop, then you evoke nothing but pity.

Just sit there and feel sorry for yourself while she's with someone who doesn't look like a little hysterical girl.

Lack of tact

For some reason, some young people, when communicating with a representative of the fair sex, allow themselves strong expressions. This is also a gross mistake of men. If a young man does not skimp on ugly words, then he should know that by doing so he is pushing a woman away from him. In most cases, girls do not want to date rude people. This is a completely normal desire, which is supported by natural aspirations. If you want to really win a girl's affection, you need to watch your words. No rudeness should be tolerated. Otherwise, you can easily spoil the emerging sympathy and end up alone.

Female look

The mistake men make is wrong actions when a girl is offended by something

  1. “The man doesn’t listen to me.” It is very important for women that their partner is a good conversationalist and can carry on a conversation. In addition, do not forget about the need for emotional conversations.
  2. "He doesn't want to help me." A man should not wait for a girl to ask him for help. If he sees that she is having a hard time, he should take the initiative and help. A common situation is when a woman does everything herself, all the housework, copes with everyday difficulties, and the man simply rests and relaxes. Even if your partner doesn't ask for help, that doesn't mean she doesn't want it. It is important to ask how you could contribute to the care of the home.
  3. “A man doesn’t understand what silent communication is.” And this means that the girl is offended by something and does not want to talk. In such a situation, it is important that the man asks what exactly happened, if it is his fault, and asks for forgiveness for his action.
  4. “The man doesn’t want to communicate.” A woman is upset by her partner’s taciturnity. It is important for a girl that a man can talk to her and express his opinion.

Lack of loyalty

For some reason, some representatives of the stronger sex do not consider it necessary to remain faithful to their chosen one. They continue to behave as if they are not bound by any obligations. Some, however, quite seriously believe that until the marriage union is concluded, then there are simply no limits or prohibitions. Girls who are looking for a serious relationship and do not want to waste their time on trifles prefer not to linger around such “gentlemen.” Every woman wants a feeling of stability, warmth, and building strong family ties. Lack of fidelity even at the first stages of communication is already a serious mistake of a man. It may happen that later there will simply be no opportunity to correct such an oversight.

Don't talk to your partner

If you have any problem, you are irritated or offended by your significant other, then do not start playing the silent game. People have not yet learned to read minds, so don’t wait for your partner to figure it out on his own. Calm down and explain to your loved one what exactly offended or angered you. This is the only way to solve the pressing problem. And the game of silence will only become a source of stress for two.

Couples experience less stress when they discuss their problems than when they bottle up their feelings

Impossible Promises

A common mistake that is made regardless of a man’s age. The fact is that representatives of the stronger sex quite often want to demonstrate their advantages and at the same time completely forget about a sense of proportion. In an effort to look better in the eyes of a woman, they greatly embellish reality. Sometimes the difference becomes so obvious that it begins to look like outright deception. If a man promises too much and does not know whether he will be able to fulfill at least part of what was agreed upon, then he is putting himself in an extremely difficult position. When a girl is convinced that this is just a braggart and a hypocrite, she is unlikely to want to continue dating.

Thus, the main mistakes of guys in relationships with girls are mainly based on the inability to accept true responsibility, to really become a reliable and faithful companion for her. Sometimes it may be necessary to work on yourself for a long time in order to correct mistakes that have already been made. In cases where you cannot cope with the problem on your own, it is recommended to seek advice from the Irakli Pozharisky Psychology Center . Working with a psychologist will help you understand the situation and outline constructive ways out of the difficult situation.


It's no secret that every second woman likes to “go too far” in everything. Many female representatives think: why don’t their relationships work out, or why do they constantly quarrel with their partner? As it turns out, the answer lies on the surface, because almost all problems are built from 7 mistakes that 99% of women make:

A lot of moralizing

Instead of calmly explaining something or listening to her partner, the woman begins to talk incessantly. And not only talk, she begins to teach what is right and what is not. A woman can read moral teachings all day long, and it doesn’t matter whether she is cleaning at that moment or driving with a man in the car. She talks and talks even when her partner has long left the room. And this is one of the most important mistakes women make.

From one extreme to another

Another common mistake. For women, everything is divided into black and white. They are thrown first in one direction, then in the other. Moreover, you can never predict where she will be thrown. Now she is cheerful, gentle and smiling at all her 32, and in minutes she turns into a fury who is ready to sweep away everything in her path.

Constant complaints

Most women can never be pleased with anything. And this is another important mistake. Almost every representative of the fairer sex scolds her man, constantly expressing her grievances no matter what he does. And he can not only say, but also throw something at him or attack him with fists, which does not have a very good effect on the relationship.

No feeling of happiness

This problem is for the most part every woman. They raise their daughters with the mindset that a man will bring her happiness. And not from high feelings, but from something material. As a result, the girl, even at a young age, gets the impression that the man owes her everything. And when she meets her partner, she begins to “ride” him and use his wallet as if he were just an ATM with money. From all this, a woman, naturally, does not feel the promised happiness, receiving only disappointment.

Lack of affection

Basically, this mistake comes with age. After all, in childhood, almost every girl is full of tenderness and affection. But what happens when they grow up? Why does it take so long to get a kind word or a gentle hug from her? The answer lies in mistrust and isolation. After all, when a woman is deceived by another man, she closes down for a long time. And before she can open up again and trust another, she needs to spend a lot of time and effort. But this is no one's fault. Have you been abandoned? So find the strength to move on and open up to something new. This will make it easier for you, believe me. After all, you need to forgive and let go of the past, without harboring resentment, disappointments and fears.

You don't let a man talk

One of the important mistakes of almost every female representative is not allowing a man to speak out. Women tend to constantly and tirelessly talk about business or not. And the man at this moment only listens, opening his mouth, trying to insert a word, but nothing comes out. As a result, understatement accumulates inside your partner, which then results in a huge quarrel, or the words remain hanging in the air, gradually distancing you from each other, which ultimately leads to an unpleasant separation.

You don't consider yourself beautiful

A common mistake women make is that they don’t feel their beauty. Girls are always dissatisfied with something about themselves: either they are too fat, or their nose is big, or their teeth are not white enough, or their hairstyle is not the same. And everyone has something that they don’t like. Due to a minor flaw, she considers herself ugly and unattractive. And as soon as you change something about yourself, say, lose weight, something else comes to replace it. And so on ad infinitum.

Yes, no one is perfect. And we all make mistakes. But, dear ladies, try to be a little more vigilant, and at least eliminate these 7 mistakes in your life, and then you will certainly make sure that your life and relationships have become more joyful and happy. Good luck in everything,

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02.02.2018 05:28

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