Take a moment to imagine the world 50 years from now. You see how you do it
“On the boardwalk terrace, the well-known freckled Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate assessor Apollon Ippolitovich with vinaigrette,
Morality is a conditional concept of rules, principles, assessments, norms based on the paradigm of assessments of evil
Hand in hand, the joy of first meetings - it seems that without each other it’s not the same
Effective communication cannot allow controversial situations to arise. It is impossible to win an argument - this is
A lot depends on our mood. If we woke up in a bad mood in the morning, we say:
I have a friend Inka. The face and figure are worthy of worship, the snow-white teeth betray a remarkable
Borderline Personality Disorder If we focus borderline personality disorder (BPD) into one point, then
For centuries, great researchers have been striving to create a complete scientific picture of man and
04/23/2019 · Blog · No comments yet Panic attack (PA) at least once a