Why does a person need a person and what is the meaning of connections between people

3 7871 July 31, 2021 at 08:47 pm Author of the publication: Dalia Konysheva

A question that puzzles everyone at first. It’s as if no one had thought about this before. And then everyone answers based on their own beliefs and values. Why does a person live?

  • to love and be loved;
  • give birth and raise children, continue your family line;
  • for myself;
  • to be happy.

What if none of the items on this list apply?

I have everything: a family - children and a husband, healthy parents, a favorite job, a hobby. Everything is fine. However, the joy of this ends exactly at the moment when I begin to think: “Why? What is the point?" I will reach heights in my career, raise children and grandchildren, travel around the world, and then what? After all, everything will pass and be forgotten. Everything will end someday.

Which generation is already born, lives and dies, but no one still knows what the essence of the process is. Is it really necessary to just pass the time until you die?


Dawkins did not find out the origin of the Universe: this question was of little interest to him. In principle, he has nothing against the Big Bang theory, because it is no worse than any other. He believes that the Universe can be viewed as a pulsating object, either expanding or contracting into a microscopic point, or as a spiral closed on itself. These are all secondary issues. The bottom line is that the Universe initially looks like a children's construction set, where the role of cubes is played by atoms that are very similar to each other, which, interlocking with each other, create more and more complex shapes such as stars, planets or, for example, a protein.

Why does man live on earth?

The question is not why here and not on Mars. Wherever a person goes to live, he cannot escape from himself and his nature. And his nature is a variety of desires: from purely biological to spiritual.

"Will live!" — the nurse exclaims joyfully when a seriously ill patient asks her for a glass of water. The tiniest wish is what keeps a person alive, now on Earth and on Alpha Centauri in the future. And he lives to realize his “want”.

Each person’s desires are individual and determined by a set of mental properties. That’s why the answers you hear to the question why a person lives are so different.

“The meaning of life is only in love!” - the most emotional and sensual natures will inspire you. Not because they are hopeless romantics and like to make a show out of everything just on their whim. It is their natural desire to express their feelings, the strongest of which is love. People desire love and perceive it as the highest value because they are given certain mental properties. At the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan, these properties are called in one word - vector. Thus, people with a visual vector will confidently tell you about love as the meaning and great purpose of life.

“The most important thing in life is family and children.” If you hear such an answer, then it is better not to argue. People who say that aren't lying. Nature has entrusted the preservation of the social unit to the reliable hands of the best wives and husbands, fathers and mothers. Only they want to have a house - a full cup, and only they have the necessary properties to make such a desire come true. To convey experience and teach are the natural abilities of these people, conditioned by a special psyche, their own vector. They can teach you how and why to live, so that later you have something to remember. However, not everyone will find such lessons useful.

For example, those who have a skin vector in their psyche do not set themselves the goal of life to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. Only if it gives them a feeling of success, social and material superiority over others. Yes, such people strive to be first in their careers and in personal relationships. They know how to save for a prosperous old age, so that they can spend it traveling and not complaining about their health. From the outside it may seem that such a person lives only for himself.

Is this even possible?

Feeding the demonic hordes

The second hypothesis about our “need and usefulness” in this world, from the point of view of human ambitions, is even worse. If in the first one people act as draft animals, then in the second one they act as “meat animals”. This is how other space aliens used us. The Russian philosopher Daniil Andreev describes them in his famous book “The Rose of the World”. He claims that the system of human ideas about good and evil, about greed, complacency, inertia, isolation, cowardice and the like was given to humanity by demonic hordes rushing through space. They found shelter in the space surrounding the Earth and replaced the mind originally given to us, capable of an unusually complete awareness of the world, with a surrogate of low depth and power. These predators, according to D. Andreev, feed on the energy of human suffering, and they appeared on Earth not from star systems, but from other dimensions. Do we have any reason? There are other views on this problem. For example, in Eastern philosophical and religious teachings, seven states of cosmic matter are distinguished. Each of them forms its own cosmic sphere. And only the seventh, the lowest and roughest - our physical world is visible to the human eye, the rest are not. The six higher states are inaccessible to us. The sixth sphere adjacent to us is called the subtle world, or the world of feelings, emotions, desires. The creatures of this world, inaccessible to human organs of perception, are nevertheless material. The connecting element of gross organic life with these entities is the human soul, or astral body. In Eastern religions, it is the organizer of behavior and the entire life of an individual. - moving from body to body, accumulates experience and, having achieved perfection, retires to heaven. Consequently, our soul is nothing more than a representative of the entities of the subtle world. It temporarily lives in us and pursues the same goal as, say, a person sitting in the cab of a tractor - to obtain the maximum amount of the product he needs. What kind of products are these? By answering this question, we will automatically understand the purpose of humanity.

So what is the meaning of human life? Answer.

Awareness of the moment of life
What is the meaning of human life on Earth?

“Go therefore, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a joyful heart, when God is well pleased with thy works.” Book of Ecclesiastes

What is happiness on earth, son? To live! The words above contain the greatest wisdom.

The true meaning of life is to live with awareness of the moment of life, with a feeling of the flow, the passage of life through you. As it is written, eat your bread with joy, rejoice in this moment, feel it, enjoy it. Let the moment pass through you. Everything is actually very simple.

Be yourself to the fullest, using all your senses and perceptions. Breathe not automatically, but feeling the freshness and humidity of the inhaled air. Breathe with your whole body, catch, grab all the smells of the air after the rain.

In the morning, feel how the world wakes up with you, how the first rays of the sun timidly penetrate the room. Notice this. Notice how you feel about everything that happens. Catch the smiles of people, catch the sound of the wind, its cold or warmth, hear the noise of the trees, the rustling of the leaves, because it’s all always near you.

This can only be understood by accepting and realizing oneself as a soul, as one with God, with the Universe, when there is an understanding of the infinity of life, its indivisibility and unity. When you realize that you are everything you feel and hear.

Once again the answer to the question, what is the meaning of life. To live, living the moment, being aware of it, passing it through, dissolving in it. Read this in continuation of what I am writing about.

Reveal yourself to the fullest in the role you have chosen in this life. Each person has his own dharma, his own destiny, his own path. And you need to walk along it, feeling and CONSCIOUS of every step. Not automatically, as most people live their lives, only hiding from themselves, from their fate and from the question of what is the meaning of our life.

Denial of the meaning of life

Following Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche explained the features of the inner world of man in the aspect of the nihilistic theory itself. He said that religion is slave morality, that it does not give, but rather takes away from people the meaning of life. Christianity is the greatest deception and must be overcome, and only then can the purpose of human existence be understood. He believes that most people live to prepare the world for the emergence of a superman. The philosopher called for abandoning humility and relying on an external force that would bring salvation. A person must create his own life, following his nature, and this is the main meaning of existence.

How to calm down

According to the creator of the doctrine of stress, G. Selye, stress is the aroma and taste of life. It should not be avoided because complete freedom from stress means death.

In order to calm down, you need to learn how to properly organize your rest. Changing activities helps a lot. If a person is engaged in intellectual work, then on the weekend he should go in for sports or go out into nature.

You can also resort to auto-training: “I am completely relaxed, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body. My pulse slows down and becomes even. I relax, my pulse is slow.”

You should also get a massage. It helps improve blood circulation and increase muscle tone.

Meditation also helps you calm down

Arthur Schopenhauer's concept

The 19th century saw a surge in thinking about the purpose of human existence. Arthur Schopenhauer's irrational concept offers a new approach to solving this problem. The philosopher believes that the meaning of human life is just an illusion, with the help of which people are saved from the terrible thought of the purposelessness of their existence. In his opinion, the world is governed by absolute will, which is indifferent to the fate of individual people. A person acts under the pressure of circumstances and the will of others, so his existence is a real hell, a chain of continuous suffering, replaced by each other. And in search of meaning in this endless series of suffering, people come up with religion, philosophy, the meaning of life in order to justify their existence and make it at least relatively bearable.

Biological purpose of man

Finding the meaning of human life is a spiritual and philosophical problem. Ideas about the purpose of existence depend on the following factors:

  • Lifestyle;
  • social status;
  • worldview.

If a person’s living conditions are favorable, he sees the meaning of his existence in achieving his own well-being. If he is in a hostile environment, then life loses both value and meaning for him.

When searching for the purpose of existence, one must understand that what is supposed to happen will happen anyway. The most important thing is to learn to interact with reality in the “here and now” program.

Otherwise, there is a great risk of conflict with society and with oneself. Against the background of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict, problems usually arise, which in 90% of cases are laid in the foundation of subconscious fears.

The problem of the meaning of life in philosophy

Unlike other creatures inhabiting the earth, human life is a set of values. In order to master them, you must:

  • decide on the goal;
  • decide on funds;
  • build life routes;
  • start.

The meaning and purpose of a person's life depend on his priorities. For some, the meaning of existence lies in conquering a mountain peak. Some people dream of buying a luxury car. It is vital for someone to become a first-class doctor or scientist and find a cure for cancer.

For some people, the meaning of life is to create a family. In this case, they justify the biological purpose of man, which is to procreate.


According to Dawkins, each of us represents a giant communal apartment in which genes live. As you may know, each cell of our body (and there are about 10 to the 15th power) contains a double set of all genes (except for germ cells, which have one set). So you are a very big communal apartment. How did genes, so small, manage to create such a huge thing? They achieved this thanks to a valuable quality acquired by the DNA replicator during the process of evolution - the ability to influence protein synthesis. You can learn about the details of this titanic work by reading, for example, a textbook on organic chemistry. In this article we consider more philosophical matters.

Bottom line

Returning to our question: “What is the meaning of human existence?” - the answer is the following: a person must grow as much spiritually as possible during his current life, that is, compact the body of the spirit, for example, with good deeds, deeds, emotions and adjust its surface so that it becomes smooth without holes and depressions.

It is the Spirit that is the invisible observer who accompanies a person throughout his life. All our ups and downs depend on it, since everything we sow is ultimately reaped, and we begin to think and, accordingly, change for the better only when illnesses or problems begin to completely overcome us.

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