Harmonious relationships between a man and a woman: understanding and characteristics of relationships, important points, nuances, features of communication and the manifestation of sincere love, care and respect

The relationship between two people is a combination of a huge number of different aspects of their interaction and the nuances of a particular couple. Only they themselves can achieve harmony between a man and a woman through a long journey of rubbing in, getting to know each other, filled with mutual respect and maximum trust.

Very often people fight among themselves, trying to prove something, to somehow express themselves, to define their “I”, trying to manipulate their partner and convincing him that he is wrong, subjugating his own opinion. This is where the destructive power of human egoism manifests itself. Unfortunately, about fifty percent of modern families are built on it. It is much more difficult and difficult to achieve a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman, in which each of them will respect each other’s opinions.

The key to harmony in relationships

Every man wants to be in charge in everything: in work, in friendship, in family. It is important for a results-oriented careerist to achieve success and occupy a high position in the company where he works. As an adventurer and the life of the party, it is important to maintain leadership among your friends. And an exemplary family man simply needs to be the head and support of the family. Just like women: not everyone is ready to humbly submit to the will of their opponent.

Modern society loves and is accustomed to seeing purposeful, strong-willed, strong-willed ladies. It is precisely on the basis of this desire for primacy, the desire to be better and stronger than others, attempts to surpass not only their rival, but also their neighbor, that people come to a complete lack of harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman.

When everyone pulls the blanket over themselves, when no one in a couple is able to give up their principles. Then it is impossible to talk about established contact and a favorable microclimate in relations between the two. Only mutual efforts to achieve a common denominator can lead to coherence and positive dynamics in the chemistry of young people with each other. The key to a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman is their understanding of the weight and significance of not only their own self, but also the role of their partner in their life.


Translated from Latin, the word harmonia means “connection, correspondence, consonance.” It is also in the ancient Greek language: ἁρμονία is translated as “order, coherence.” This term first appeared in philosophy and denoted the harmonization of heterogeneous or contradictory elements.

The concept of harmony is found in many areas. For example:

  • in music it is a pleasant coherence of sounds or a combination of different voices;
  • in art and aesthetics, harmony means proportionality, integrity and aesthetic coherence of all elements of the composition, which evokes sensual positive reactions.

The word “harmony” is found in the works of the ancient Greek poet Homer and philosopher Heraclitus. In the treatise “On the World,” created in the 1st century BC, harmony is mentioned as the agreement of opposites in all natural entities, in human activity and the Universe itself.

Much later, in a somewhat transformed form, the idea of ​​harmony was used in new philosophy by the English Enlightenment figure Anthony Shaftesbury, the German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, the Italian monk Giordano Bruno, and the German scientist Wilhelm Leibniz.

The writer and thinker Goethe was convinced that the most important thing is to educate a harmonious, free person, whose abilities develop in balance. He called nature a large organism, where harmony of boundaries and forces, freedom and measure, advantages and disadvantages prevails.

Characteristics of harmonious relationships

We can talk a lot about individual units of society and their interpersonal connections. After all, every couple has its own moments and nuances: someone welcomes freedom in relationships, the opportunity to have sexual relations with other partners on the side, but does not at all accept lies and insincerity in their couple. For some, even a partner’s flirting with someone else is a fierce taboo, but respect and respect for each other come first. For some, the priority aspect of the financial situation in the family is the common budget, while others prefer to have a separate treasury and spend their funds at their own discretion. In short, each couple has its own characteristics in communicating and building a communication process with each other. But there is a certain general average set of factors that are connecting links in a chain called “harmony of happy relationships.” What can be included in the list of these same factors?

  • Mutual understanding is the primary factor of mutual agreement and harmonious coexistence.
  • Love is the beginning of the sensual and emotional microclimate in the family.
  • Trust is the basis of a strong partnership.
  • Loyalty is a guarantee of a worthy life together.
  • Respect is a strong argument in the relationship of a strong couple.
  • Caring is the ability to appreciate each other and cherish our relationships.
  • Compromise is a lever for managing discussions.
  • Conflict-free – as the ability to give in to each other and not provoke scandalous situations.

Here it is - a short list of those aspects that characterize harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman, and are also the foundation of a healthy and strong family. This is the set of priority areas that every couple needs to work on to achieve happiness in their life together.


Perhaps the last question to consider. In any relationship, it is very important to be able to make sure that one person does not feel undue pressure from the other. And this pressure can manifest itself at different levels: from reading SMS or letters received on his/her phone or computer, to inclining towards an unacceptable point of view or even physical violence. Any such manifestation has a strong impact on a person’s mental and emotional state, and a relationship that initially seemed heavenly can in the blink of an eye develop into real torment, from which one wants to get rid of as soon as possible.

Be tolerant and patient with your loved one and your loved one. Strive to understand any of his manifestations, desires and emotions, listen, communicate, give in, sacrifice your interests, because for a person experiencing real and sincere feelings, this is never self-abuse or something unacceptable. Try to make the person feel comfortable with you - when there is no pressure, there is no resistance. And equal relationships are precisely harmonious. Here we are not talking about passion or emotions caused by relationships, but specifically about an adequate attitude not only towards yourself, but also towards your partner.

By honing these facets day after day, you can make your relationship a true diamond, of great value and priceless at the same time. But for this it is important that efforts are made by both people, otherwise it will be a “single-goal game,” and this is already a violation of balance and harmony. Be attentive to yourself and your partner, respect, love and appreciate both yourself and him. We are all people and we are all individuals, individuals, each with their own characteristics, desires, interests, manifestations, qualities, advantages and disadvantages. Understanding this is the key to success in building harmonious and truly strong relationships.

Love, happiness and harmony to you!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Healthy relationships: what they are and how to build them
  • Conflicts in relationships: a selection of useful materials
  • Training by Tony Robbins. Day 3. Relationships: the ability to take and give
  • Negotiation Matrix
  • Why does a person need a relationship: answers from psychologists
  • Sue Johnson, The Feeling of Love. A New Scientific Approach to Romantic Relationships"
  • Principles for building strong relationships. Can this be learned?
  • Three types of friends
  • Secrets of a happy relationship: a selection of useful materials
  • Maintaining personal space in family and relationships

Key words:1Relationships


The first thing that motivates people who want to reunite their lives into a single whole is, of course, love. An important role in mutual attraction and further spending time together is played by the sensual aspect of the relationship, mental and sexual attraction. It is no coincidence that sexual intercourse is not separately identified as the most important factor in a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman. Undoubtedly, this is a fairly significant moment in the development of any couple, and much depends on how the intimate life of the two partners works. If passion fades, if erogenous perception and attraction fade away, the relationship begins to lose that fire and that zest that connects them at the physiological level. Many notes and articles by qualified sexologists have been written about how to return sexual harmony to a relationship.

A joint visit to a psychologist, the use of new erotic lingerie by a woman, or the purchase of sexual paraphernalia in the appropriate store for the thrill of sensations - all these methods are effective, and they are not news to anyone. But can sex alone become the limiting factor in a falling apart relationship? Not at all. Only a union that is based on emotional and sensual attraction, a passionate perception of each other by a couple, can lead to truly harmonious contact between people. And the basis is love, not sex.

How long will it take to wait for the result?

The effect of the ritual will begin to appear in a few weeks. Sometimes you need to wait for 1 lunar month to pass. The time depends on the magnitude of internal problems between loved ones and on how correctly the magical actions were carried out.

Harmonization of relationships will give lovers exactly the kind of union they see in their dreams.


But even strong affection and a feeling of love are not capable of, in their unity, ensuring the most calm and balanced climate in the relationship of two opposites. You can love ardently and selflessly, passionately and selflessly, but it is difficult to achieve constancy and coherence if there is no mutual understanding.

Harmonious relationships between a man and a woman take place only when each of them is able to participate in each other’s lives, understand and accept the actions and actions of the partner, and reach consensus. Very often, what men look for in a woman is not good looks or sexual attractiveness. They consider these feminine qualities only as a reason for a relationship for one or several nights.

In search of a lifelong friend, the powers that be are often guided by a sense of self-preservation, the need for a feeling of comfort and the presence of a partner nearby who could listen, support, and help with advice in a given situation. Just as a woman strives to find a man for her husband who would be able to understand her nature and reveal the full range of components of her femininity. This is mutual understanding. Behind it lies the answer to the question of how to achieve harmony in relationships.

Identify the main criteria4

If you are still a single person, but are thinking about building a harmonious relationship, clearly define your search criteria. You must highlight for yourself certain aspects and character traits that your chosen one should have. You should be comfortable with him.

Remember that there are no perfect people, just make your loved one ideal for you. Once you realize that your partner has the qualities you were looking for, you can come to terms with other shortcomings. No matter how good you both are, there will still be something that will irritate you about each other. Don’t try to change a person, as this is the key mistake of all relationships, which will end sooner or later anyway.

It is important to accept a person as he is. And if something doesn’t suit you, either leave or start making changes with yourself. As soon as you change your attitude towards the situation, you will see that the person in your eyes will begin to change.


Do people often do reckless things? All around. Especially when it comes to love relationships. Couples regularly quarrel, make scandals, have conflicts, and sometimes these conflicts are completely groundless. And it all comes down to the fact that there is no trust between people in these kinds of situations. What kind of harmony can we talk about between a man and a woman if they persistently do not trust each other, control each other, suspect adultery, and are jealous? If a person lives with the subconscious thought that deception awaits him at every step, it will be difficult for him to achieve calmness and balance in his relationship with his other half.

The ability to trust is to some extent a gift. Not everyone is able to feel the sincerity of their partner, having once been previously betrayed by someone. But trust can and should be learned, because without it it is quite difficult to build any kind of relationship at all, be it love, friendship or even a career.

Books about relationships with others

"On the Same Wavelength", Amy Banks, Lee Hirschman

Neuroscience is our key to perfect relationships and achieving your full potential. The authors of the best-selling book, psychiatrist Amy Banks and writer Lee Hirschman, are convinced of this.

They talk about four important neural pathways that directly influence our relationships with other people. The practical recommendations given in the book will help you gain peace of mind and self-confidence.

“It’s okay to manage your boss,” Bruce Tulgan

Bruce Tulgan, an award-winning leadership and management expert, provides a step-by-step plan for improving your relationship with your boss. After all, a leader can and even needs to be managed for effective teamwork.

The book will help solve many typical problems that arise in organizations of any level.

"The Habit of Working Together" by Twyla Tharp

World-famous American choreographer Twyla Tharp shares her own experience of successful communication with people. Using many examples from various fields of activity, he shows how to build relationships and work in different conditions. The author also reveals the secrets of successful interaction with toxic partners.

“Don't growl at the dog! A book about training people, animals and yourself by Karen Pryor

How can you get your kids to do their homework on their own, teach your husband to put his socks in the basket, and get a bonus at work every quarter? Karen Pryor, a scientist and training specialist, has the answers.

The book presents original exercises with which everyone can change their relationships with others. Other advantages of the bestseller include easy language and clear examples.

Buy a book

“The science of communication. How to Read Emotions, Understand Intentions, and Connect with People by Vanessa van Edwards

Vanessa van Edwards writes books, conducts trainings and studies people's actions. She knows exactly what principles of our behavior help or hinder us from feeling confident with others.

The author gives effective advice for every day: how to start a conversation at a party, how to find a common language with colleagues, how to communicate with bosses and loved ones.

Buy a book

“Say no first. Secrets of Professional Negotiators by Jim Camp

Jim Camp created his own system of effective negotiations, which is now successfully used by thousands of people around the world. He knows exactly how to say “no” correctly so that others do what you want them to do.

The author will also tell you how to negotiate in order to achieve your goals and resist the manipulations of your interlocutors.

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How many people - so many opinions. How many couples there are, so many types of relationships with all their nuances and specific moments. There are irrational individuals who prefer acute sensations and passionate impulses. They like to diversify their sex life with various extraordinary elements of behavior in bed, as well as frequent changes of partners, even if they have a permanent one, or swinging. But in any case, such people are a minority. Most of the representatives of an adequate society lead an average lifestyle, while they are characterized by standard human values, among which loyalty plays one of the most important roles.

Many women cannot imagine harmony in their relationship with their husband given the constant reasons for jealousy that the husband gives with his behavior. Just like men: they often have an extremely negative attitude towards their ladies’ communication with the opposite sex. And again, it is important to reach a consensus here: it is one thing when there is a reason, and completely different when jealousy is far-fetched. If you regularly break your vow of fidelity to your partner, even by flirting lightly with someone on the side, if you constantly confuse your other half with this, and sometimes even become furious, then how can you find harmony in your relationship? Only in a couple, the points of contact in which are reflected in mutual respect and mutual fidelity, can one talk about any kind of trust and harmonious coexistence.

Books about relationships with yourself

"Make an Agreement with Yourself... and Other Worthy Opponents" by William Ury

In life, we are often hindered by our own reactions to certain emotions. William Ury, co-founder of the Harvard Negotiation Project, gives working methods for reaching compromises with yourself. Possession of these skills will help eliminate internal conflict and improve interactions with other people.

"Nobody Understands Me" by Heidi Grant Halvorson

Happiness is when you are understood. But often we misinterpret other people's reactions and mistakenly decide that no one is interested in us. Social psychologist and motivational expert Heidi Grant Halvorson shares her secrets to living a successful life and how to change your body's signals to improve the attitudes of others.

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"Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman

The famous American psychologist and scientific journalist Daniel Goleman is sure that our emotions are much more important than we think. The one who knows how to manage them achieves more in life and often becomes more successful than the one who follows the lead of sadness, anger and fear.

The author's practical advice, examples from his life and stories of famous people will help you change yourself.

Buy a book

"How to Talk to Anyone" by Mark Rhodes

Entrepreneur and business coach Mark Rhodes shares his wealth of experience working with a wide variety of people. He is convinced that it is normal to feel afraid of communicating with others. And it turns out that this fear is quite easy to overcome if you know some tricks.

The author of the book will teach you how to cope with difficult situations and talk anywhere with anyone.


Speaking about mutual respect between a man and a woman, it should be noted that this is an equally weighty argument that affects the development of relationships between a couple. Surprisingly, even love, which faded over time and grew into some semblance of affection, cannot keep a fading relationship afloat as much as mutual respect between people.

When a person sacrifices himself, his principles, and acts at the will of his partner, if the situation really requires it, then this certainly deserves praise. When he goes against his beliefs, realizing how important it is for his loved one, this also says a lot.

An invisible thread of respect acts as a powerful connecting link between a young man and his chosen one, since those relationships that are built on the respect of one of them for the other can carry such a union through the years. And it doesn’t matter at what stage their slightly cooled feelings are or how regular their sex life is. What is important is their own respect for each other's principles. Such relationships can be called truly strong and strong.

Why you can't build relationships

It often happens that only one person in a couple tries, most often the woman. A man turns a blind eye to all attempts to build a harmonious union, does not want or does not see the point in working on relationships and developing within them. The woman’s task in this case is to be able to convey to her partner why it is important to work on them together.

Most often, life together does not go well for the following reasons:

  • different views on life;
  • disrespect for the partner's opinion;
  • lack of common goals;
  • opposing views on marriage and relationships in general;
  • lack of trust in a couple;
  • inability to speak;
  • lack of love;
  • selfishness of one of the partners.

It happens that people initially mistook physical attraction for love, but there is nothing in common between them. Even so, warm feelings can be nurtured and a harmonious relationship can be built, but it is necessary to work on it together.

Remember - everything is in your hands. Every woman can build harmonious relationships. If you are confused and don’t understand where to start, we invite you to the course “How to create harmonious relationships.”


It is important not to forget about the attention that should be present in any interpersonal communications in a couple. After all, how to maintain harmony in relationships in which people are indifferent to each other? In which the wife does not care about her husband’s appearance and sends him to work in dirty, unironed clothes, and without food? In which a young man does not cover his frozen lady with a warm blanket on a cold winter evening and does not rush to the pharmacy for medicine when he sees that she has a cold? The manifestation of sincere love, and with it - comprehensive care and immeasurable tenderness - makes relationships incredibly strong and warm. This is the fundamental basis that identifies the warmth and comfort of a family hearth. In a home where attention reigns and caring for each other is encouraged, the apocalypse in the form of divorce is unlikely to ever occur. And all because a reverent attitude towards each other and courteous caring help young people learn the truth about how to create harmony in relationships.

Where does it disappear to?

In this context, we will talk about personal harmony. Why don’t people feel harmonious and cannot call their lives happy?

Let's consider the reasons for our sadness, irritability, resentment, short temper, tearfulness, anger, apathy, depression and other destructive feelings. Most often this happens at certain moments, which can be called turning points, uncomfortable:

  • transitional age - adolescence, midlife crisis, retirement;
  • bereavement - a loved one, property, work;
  • interpersonal conflicts - unrequited love, discord in the family, quarrels with parents, children, colleagues, loss of reputation, unfair attitude of superiors, etc.;
  • difficult life circumstances that do not allow you to freely manage your time or resources;
  • diseases;
  • loneliness;
  • intimate dissatisfaction;
  • social unfulfillment;
  • stress, chronic fatigue, minor accumulating problems, etc.

Compromise coexistence

People should take a closer look at the animal world: these silent creatures never create scandalous scenes or long fights with each other, being in a biological reproductive couple. With the exception, of course, of praying mantises, where the female, after the act of procreation, literally eliminates her partner. In fact, a compromise is that island of land in the endless ocean of everyday troubles, worries and civil strife, which brings people out of a scandalous situation as a lifeline.

If a discussion is brewing between young people in a couple, a compromise can miraculously stop the brewing showdown due to existing disagreements. It will be possible to comprehend the harmony of human relations only if the husband and wife in their active disputes come to a common denominator, without leading to discord or a serious scandal. This skill - to find consensus - can prevent any impending storm.

Who is affected?

The ritual of harmonization does not affect partners individually. It affects relationships within the union and helps restore them when:

  1. The husband and wife experience sincere feelings, love, but at the same time periodically encounter misunderstandings.
  2. It is difficult for partners to find a compromise or come to an agreement.
  3. The loved one does not make any effort to improve and develop the relationship, but does not end it either.
  4. The partner has a tendency to often change his mind.
  5. He or she may disappear, disappear from view for a few days, and then return and continue communication.
  6. Lovers often quarrel. A huge scandal develops because of little things.
  7. One of the partners suffers from misunderstanding and realizes that the connection with a loved one is gradually fading away.
  8. A woman or man spends vital energy, strength and time on a loved one, but does not receive reciprocity.
  9. The couple has broken up or is on the verge of breaking up.
  10. The other half does not end the relationship, but at the same time constantly cheats.

The ritual of harmonization will not immediately eliminate all problems, but it will help you treat them more thoughtfully. It will allow you to calmly discuss the situation, see opportunities for restoring the union and reduce the spiritual distance.


Non-conflict is synonymous with compromise. How to learn to build relationships in such a way as not to succumb to the tricks of life and karma putting spokes in the wheels of a young, budding family? The lessons of fate are presented to humanity in any form, sometimes this is a test of the strength of relationships. In such difficult situations, it is important to withstand the pressure of a coincidence of circumstances, which provokes an imminent conflict to explode at the climax with a storm of emotions and a subsequent loud scandal.

Non-conflict is a significant condition that can nip in the bud demagoguery and any disputes that may arise in the lives of two. This is a rather valuable quality that ideally all young people who are starting to build their relationships should have. By being able to stop the flow of their emotional speeches, thoughtlessly thrown in a fit of argument, offensive words, many people could avoid divorce. But, unfortunately, the generation of chaotic youth and extraordinary individuals with a arrogant, arrogant character in the overwhelming majority dooms themselves to constant clarification of relationships, proof of their rightness and an endless desire to establish their dominance in a couple.

Ask, accept, thank

Not all women know how to ask men for anything. They make hints that men do not understand, and then get offended by them for it. We are not accustomed to asking, we were taught that we can do everything ourselves and should not be weak. How nice it is to be weak, to feel your dependence!

And accept what he gives with faith and love. And be sure to thank him sincerely and looking into his eyes, so that he feels that he has accomplished a feat. Believe me, a man will be drawn to such a woman like a flower to the sun.

Under no circumstances should you try to change your other half.

How often are women guilty of this? It seems to them that they know and understand better what a man wants. They take him on vacation wherever they want, they forbid them to communicate with friends, imposing their useful acquaintances on them. And all this is done for the benefit of the family. But if a person is driven into a dead end, he will explode. A woman should be soft, wise, and then there will be peace and tranquility in the family.

By the way, where are your wings?

Is this the same man? The answer to this question lies in the realm of intuition.

But. He is not yours if, some time after the start of your communication, you begin to feel a loss of strength. Inspiration and vital activity disappear, and quarrels and showdowns suck all the vital juices out of you. If this is grinding in, it’s not scary, because in moments of intimacy, when everything is good, partners fill each other with energy. But if there is no filling, only a constant release, a leak of energy, this is not your relationship.

On the contrary, if you feel that your wings are growing, if they compliment you on how you look younger, how cool you look, this is an indicator that your man is next to you.

I accept you...

At the initial stage of a relationship, it is important to help yourself and the new relationship. How? Agree: “Let’s accept each other as we are. You snore - okay. I'm slurping. We are people..."

Tell yourself: “I accept my partner as a person.”

Difficult? Do one more exercise. Divide a sheet of paper in half. On the left write what annoys you about him, what pisses you off, and on the right - everything that “turns you on”, and likes, and supports, and inspires you in him.

Look - what is actually more. And give an honest assessment - are you ready to accept this minus, looking at this plus? And what else do you need to work with to make this minus less? After all, as soon as a sock forgotten under the bed stops annoying you, it miraculously evaporates somewhere. A man can change.

One hundred percent pleasure

“The most correct state a woman needs to be in is to simply enjoy life, herself, her mood. After all, according to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, all the most beautiful things happen unexpectedly, when we don’t expect it. This state is correct.

Don’t pull yourself with all your mental strength, but enjoy! The same person will come to a woman’s enjoyment of herself and life. As soon as you start devoting enough time to yourself, doing what you love, what you enjoy - going dancing, traveling, reading, listening to music, learning something new, interesting and worthy people appear around you, life gives you gifts and new ones. acquaintances,” our consultants are sure.

And, you must agree, you don’t need large financial resources to stay in such a state. Start doing what you have wanted for a long time, but never had the time.

“It is important for a woman to learn to be happy alone with herself, on her own, then she will be happy with a man. A mistake we often make is tying our happiness to a partner or an event that will happen someday.”

The world's reaction to you reflects your inner state.

Relationships at the start

You met a man. Everything is just beginning for you. Are you tormented by vague doubts? Then read on.

Time magazine, together with CNN, conducted a study. The results revealed that women are more likely than men to reject marriage or intimate relationships in anticipation of meeting the Ideal Man. And men tend to forgive a woman more if they like her appearance. But we women judge harshly and quickly. Are we winning? In fact, there are no ideal ones in nature. The ideal partner for you is the one with whom you feel as good as possible. And the first sign is when partners are comfortable in any situation. Even be silent.

ON TOPIC: How to talk to a man about sex

How to meet the right man

Do you think the first thing you need to do is lose weight? But no! You need to start not with the external attributes of beauty, but with working on yourself.

You are the one and only: realize your own value. When a woman values ​​herself, it’s as if a crown appears on her head. Not arrogance and pride, but the crown of self-love.

The most important recommendation for women who want to meet a man is to ask themselves questions: how much do I respect, value, and love myself?

It is your quality of love and respect for yourself that attracts the corresponding person, who, by his behavior and attitude towards you, shows how you feel about yourself. Therefore, it depends only on you what kind of man will be next to you.

And on Saturdays we have dflop

“The second technique is family rituals. It is designed to help each other experience more states that we like. We recommend that women take the initiative to organize all this,” says Tatiana. “You can arrange a week of some country, a week of wealth: generosity, gratitude (a week of thanking each other for all the little things) or a week of no comments - whatever the husband does.”

This technique is very helpful in getting to know your partner. It seems to us that if we live together for a long time, then our partner knows what we love and what we don’t, just like us, by default, but he may not even know about it!

After all, most people are not telepaths at all! We also recommend going to concerts, movies, attending sporting events together, playing “mafia” with friends, running together, cooking dinner - not spontaneously, but on certain days, so that there are things that will later be called family traditions, couple traditions, something they only do together.

One of the recommendations is to keep a book of funny moments and joint jokes. Some things that make both of them happy. For example, if you pulled out a phrase from a movie you watched together and remembered it, write it down in a book. Or start a game like this: “When we say this phrase, we mean this” - you can play this way, for example, at a party.

In the film “What Men Talk About” - “diflop” - there is such a dish, one word, one phrase, and how much is behind it! For example, a wife is going to cook something unusual for dinner and calls the dish “diflope”. It is exquisite, there is very little of it - hence - diflop. Little things like this turn into family jokes.

You can watch films together, pull out phrases from there and apply them to situations in family life, phrases that will mean something, dilute everyday life and introduce an element of play into it. “We’re approaching the end of the month, we’ll eat diflop - it’s scarce and it’s expensive.”

And if you touch on the sexual relationship in a couple, in order to somehow renew it, you can also use the technique of rituals. For example, every Saturday, take a bath together with candles and music. Or make a silk bed on Saturday, for the whole weekend...

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