How to understand that you can grow old with this person

In 2009, the series “Lie to Me” was released, the main character of which solves crimes by observing the behavior of suspects. Essentially, in each episode, he tries to recognize lies by studying other people's facial expressions, movements and voices. After watching the series, many people also started trying to use his methods. But psychologists have long believed that there is no 100% effective way to detect lies. Nevertheless, there are behavioral features that can reveal a liar. A major contribution to identifying these features was made by psychologist Paul Ekman, who advised the creators of the series mentioned above. In this article, I propose to find out what features in the movements of another person may hint that he is telling you a lie. But let's be clear that you shouldn't immediately accuse others of lying, because accusations cannot be based on guesswork alone.

The main character of the series "Lie to Me"

In the course of his scientific work, psychologist Paul Ekman came to the conclusion that a person’s lie can be revealed by 3 factors. Firstly, these are the movements of the muscles of the face and eyes. Secondly, it's body language. Thirdly, it is the voice and conversational manners. That is, when a person tells a lie, it can directly affect his face, body and voice. But there are often exceptions, so you should always be skeptical about the method of detecting lies and in no case should you blame people just because “it seemed to you.”

Psychologist Paul Ekman

Fate or your own decision?

One can argue endlessly about the existence of fate. Some are sure that it is impossible to escape fate, and you will certainly meet a person with whom you will walk hand in hand throughout your entire life. Others believe that everyone is the architect of their own happiness. Who is right?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. But it’s important to remember that when you meet a man with whom you really feel good, you can’t let everything take its course. By relying on only one fate, you can miss out on a huge number of opportunities. Passive behavior and irresponsibility can be intimidating. Don't be afraid to show your feelings and take care of the chosen one with whom you want to live your whole life. Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

How to develop empathy

By nature we are selfish. Almost all. In the case of the millennial generation, a self-oriented worldview has actually become the norm. Add to this the replacement of real communication with correspondence on social networks, and the forecasts of fatalistic writers who claim that people have forgotten how to understand each other will no longer seem like fiction. When we see the experiences, emotions, and suffering of another person, we usually become embarrassed and don’t know what to do, although we want to help somehow. In such situations, our consciousness turns to empathy - the ability to understand and respond appropriately to the emotional states of others. Read more…


How to understand that he is your destiny: signs

  1. The clearest indicator that your partner is destined for you is the feeling that you have known each other all your life. You feel a kinship of souls, you understand why your loved one acted in one way or another, you are completely confident in him. And the most important thing is that your beloved experiences similar feelings towards you.
  2. Next to your beloved, you feel calm and easy; communicating with him is as easy as breathing. You don't constantly analyze your relationships.
  3. Your life partner gives no reason for doubt, since he does not even allow the thought of hurting you with his rash act.
  4. If your chosen one is not around, everything falls out of your hands, nothing works out, even ordinary and familiar things become difficult. And only next to him are you ready to move mountains. When your lover is nearby, everything works out. At these moments you realize that you can breathe deeply and live fruitfully.

  1. With a person destined by fate, there will always be topics for conversation, and at the same time it is even comfortable to remain silent next to him. The mental connection is never interrupted.
  2. How to understand that a man is destined for fate? You will definitely have common interests. Do you both like to watch comedies or go fishing? Do you enjoy playing football or cross-stitching together? There is no doubt - this person is destined for you.
  3. You are attracted to each other sexually. In the process of making love, you intuitively adapt to each other and both receive true pleasure.
  4. You both want to spend as much time together as possible. You call each other every free minute, and spend your free time alone.

  1. You forgot about past unsuccessful romances and stopped worrying about the failures that happened, because without them you would not have met your lover.
  2. You do not feel anxious that you will be alone: ​​you are completely confident in your spouse and his feelings for you.
  3. In the company of your beloved, you lose the sense of time: while walking, you do not notice that evening has come, but you can talk on the phone for hours on end.
  4. On a subconscious level, you imagine your future life together. This indicates that your intuition is telling you that you are making the right choice.
  5. You feel confident that in any situation you can lean on the strong shoulder of your lover, and he will indeed always come to the rescue and do everything possible to solve your problem.

Detecting lies by movements

Not always, but a lie can be indicated by the fact that a person is sweating a lot . But this may simply be a consequence of excitement, so conclusions must be drawn with caution. But if a person fusses and stands in an unnatural position , it means that he is nervous and may be hiding something. rapid breathing can signal a lie , because if a person is nervous, his brain needs more oxygen to work faster. At least that's what psychologists think.

Sweating is another sign of lying

During conversations, you may have noticed that the other person is leaning towards you. In most cases, this is a good sign and the person trusts you. But if the interlocutor is trying to distance himself , he clearly needs to be kept an eye on. Previously, it was believed that with great trust, people also try to repeat the movements of their interlocutor. But recently, in the scientific journal Royal Society Open Science, the opposite was proven - repetition of movements is more characteristic of liars, rather than close friends. But these results should also be taken with skepticism, because it would be stupid to quarrel with friends over the results of some research.

7 signs this is your man

If you cannot understand whether a person is destined for you, and your intuition does not give any clues, pay attention to the signs that will help you know that you have met your soulmate. The following signs indicate that your lover is your destiny:

  • he tries in every possible way to improve your life: he greets you from work, corrects minor breakdowns, worries whether you are dressed warmly. He doesn't need a hint to help you;
  • the chosen one is trying to make you laugh. A sense of humor indicates high intelligence and a desire to cheer you up;
  • he spends all his free time with you and does not look for excuses if you yourself suggested meeting him;
  • the guy is interested in how you are doing, asks about your work, hobbies. He wants to get to know you better;
  • the man often gives compliments and gives small gifts;
  • Next to him you feel comfortable and calm.

Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

Lie detection by voice

According to psychologists, when lying, people can dramatically change the pitch of their voice and the speed of their speech . If at the same time there are long pauses and stuttering , these are even more obvious signs. But even in these cases, one should not rush to conclusions, because these may be individual characteristics of a person. In addition to all this, potential liars often avoid awkward questions , break off phrases in the middle and speak in phrases that they have clearly memorized in advance.

The harsh truth of life - everyone lies

Perhaps these are the most important factors that can help in recognizing lies. But the bitter truth of life is that all people lie from time to time. And, perhaps, there are no exceptions - everyone can lie, at least a little. The funny thing is that with all this, no one wants to be deceived. Surely this is why viewers of the series “Lie to Me” began to try to use the “detective” methods from the series?

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Even the creators of films and TV series themselves are called deception. We have a great article on our website about how they do this. For example, in some films we are shown how spies put their enemies to sleep by applying a handkerchief with some substance to their nose. This trick really works, but there is one caveat. Which? Read by following this link.

How do you understand that this is your destiny?

To understand whether a person is destined for you, you can do a simple test:

  1. Go on a hike together. If during your mini-trip you did not quarrel and endured all the trials with dignity, then this is your person.
  2. Ask him to help you. If a person does not have tender feelings for you, he will have a lot of reasons not to help you. If he loves you, he will come to your aid in any case.
  3. Show up to your lover in casual clothes and without makeup. If his attitude towards you has not changed, and he continues to compliment you, then his love is truly strong.

Does not accept other people's opinions

A scoundrel never doubts the correctness of his own convictions. He will believe that his point of view is correct, and other people are mistaken.

He will not silently listen to an interlocutor who holds a position different from his. A scoundrel would prefer to make a scandal and be rude. In some cases, he may even begin to take revenge for the fact that they did not agree with him.

You shouldn't have anything to do with scoundrels. These people only poison life and deprive them of the opportunity to enjoy it.

It is better to refuse to interact with them immediately than to look for ways to break the connection in the future when common things arise.

Author: Sergey Tumanov

Signs of self-deception

Often, when alone for a long time, a woman sees her destiny in every man, trying to be deceived for the sake of future happiness. However, it is impossible to cheat fate, so such relationships are doomed to collapse from the very beginning. Girls want their chosen one so much to be destined that they begin to paint an ideal picture and deliberately turn a blind eye to obvious “inconsistencies.”

Women convince themselves that they will live their whole lives with this person, and therefore they need to do everything possible to prevent him from leaving. Or, on the contrary, they expect a man to independently prove his chosenness, while they themselves do not want to give anything in return.

In order not to be deceived by yourself, you need to know the signs that will help you understand that your hopes for a future together are false and you are behaving incorrectly towards a man. The signs listed below will tell you that this is not the person with whom you are destined to walk your entire life, but just a random “passenger”:

  • first of all, you are interested in the guy’s appearance, his position in society and financial condition;
  • you don’t care what your partner’s life is like, what his hobbies are;
  • you feel great alone with yourself and do not want to start a serious relationship;
  • you are not ready and have no desire to delve into his problems and provide him with all possible help;
  • you have no desire to introduce your partner to your friends, parents and other relatives.
  • you expect sacrifice from your chosen one and that he will give everything you want, while you are not going to reciprocate;
  • you are not interested in what the chosen one is telling you about, but only pretend to listen, while at that moment you are thinking about something else or turning the conversation to yourself;
  • you go on dates with other men and you don’t feel guilty about such dates;
  • you will not follow a person to the ends of the world like the wife of a Decembrist.

These are signs of self-deception regarding your attitude towards the chosen one, whom you want to think is your destiny. Usually women behave this way, pursuing selfish goals. Some representatives of the fair sex need financial help, others simply do not want to be lonely, they need care and tenderness.

But this is how a man behaves who will not stay with you for long or is not able to make you happy:

  • he avoids any responsibility associated with you. He does not want to take on any obligations, and if he makes a promise, he does not fulfill it or does so only after you remind him of it a hundred times;
  • the guy doesn't see the need to let you into his life. You have no mutual friends, and your relatives do not know each other;
  • he doesn't tell you what he did when you weren't around. He stubbornly ignores your sympathy and does not react in any way when you start talking about the future;
  • you yourself offer to meet and organize dates. In this case, most often the lover refuses to come to the meeting, citing the fact that he has urgent matters;
  • the chosen one does not respect your time, he promises to come or call, but he himself disappears for several days. He doesn’t give a damn about you, although in words everything is completely different;
  • You are far from the only one with your loved one.

They say how to know that he is your destiny is quite simple: you feel him with your heart. However, sometimes the heart can also be wrong. Therefore, if you really want to understand whether your spouse is destined for you, be objective and do not deceive yourself. It’s better to wait than to make a mistake and then pay for your mistake. Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

Lie detection by face

According to some psychologists, when a person tells a lie, a feeling of distress arises in his subconscious. On his face this can be expressed by raising the eyebrows, as well as the appearance of asymmetry . That is, folds appear on the forehead of a potential liar, and different emotions are expressed on the left and right sides of the face. Also, potential liars often rub their nose - it is believed that the influx of adrenaline causes their nose to itch. A closed mouth or pursed lips can also give away a liar .

A covered mouth is one of the signs of deception

You should not ignore the eyes, because, as we know, they are the mirror of the soul. Psychologists believe that when lying, people blink more often , and their eyelids remain closed longer. And of course, a person telling a lie can often look away . This could be a sign that he is ashamed. But perhaps he is simply thinking of words with which to hide the truth.

How to “get” a person onto the Internet: we use Google operators and logic

In the next article in our series of publications dedicated to Internet intelligence, we will look at how Google's advanced search operators allow you to quickly find the necessary information about a specific person.

In the comments to our first article, readers asked for more practical examples and screenshots, so in this article we will have a lot of practice and graphics. To demonstrate the capabilities of “advanced” Google search, the author’s personal accounts were selected as targets. This was done so as not to offend anyone with excessive interest in his private life. I want to immediately warn you that I never set out to hide my presence on the Internet, so the methods described are suitable for collecting data about ordinary people, and may not be very effective for de-anonymizing fake accounts created for one-time events. I suggest that interested readers repeat the examples of requests regarding their accounts and evaluate how easy it is to collect information on them.

Before collecting and analyzing information about a specific person, it is necessary to present the whole picture of what data exists about the person.

Such a map needs to be detailed to the level necessary to solve a specific problem. Any search for information begins with some initial set of data. In our case, this will be the last name, first name and place of work. The rest of the data is somewhere, but we cannot yet link it with the existing data. Therefore, we form hypotheses and test them using search queries.

Sources of information about a person can be:

  1. himself: accounts on social networks, blog, etc.;
  2. state: databases of tax authorities, bailiffs, courts, etc. See links in article
  3. someone else (friends, enemies, media, employer, etc.)

In this article we will consider point 1. – we will calculate the author’s accounts on social networks.

Goal number one: usernames

What is a nickname and how do we choose it?

Nick represents our name on the Internet: we choose it when creating our personal mailbox, and then often use it in various services.

We are not limited in any way when choosing nicknames, but there are favorite algorithms for forming our Internet names:

  1. Games with your name: last name, first name+last name, first name+year of birth, first name+date, initials;
  2. Games with the names of your favorite characters (tovbender, napoleon);
  3. A little about yourself: profession, psychology (coolhacker, murmur);
  4. Demonstration of hobbies: footballer, boxer;
  5. “So that no one guesses”: a word in reverse, a Russian word in an English layout, a word in Latin, etc.

If we don't know the nickname, but we know something about the person, we can already make assumptions and check them.

A good way to figure out a user's nickname is to search and analyze his pages on social networks and look for his personal email address.

You can start searching for information about a specific user with a simple query like the following:

john smith chamomile where “daisy” is the name of the company.

At the moment, we must remember that some features of the Google search engine:

  • Google reads the query from left to right.
  • Google does not distinguish case: "Earth" and "earth" are the same thing for it;
  • the length of the request should not exceed 32 words;
  • * represents one word in the query;
  • you can search for an exact phrase by putting it in quotation marks;
  • between the words in the query there is an invisible logical “AND”;
  • Google itself can inflect words;
  • The “-” operator excludes from output results that contain an expression placed immediately after this operator (necessarily without a space).
  • At the top of the results are the pages that Google believes are the most relevant. Nevertheless, this is his guess, since he does not yet know how to read our thoughts;
  • To refine the search parameters, you must be proficient in advanced search operators.

Now you can enter a similar query for the author of the article and get a lot of pages, among which should be the pages you are looking for on social networks:

There is a lot of information in the search engine results, and in order to find pages on social networks we will have to review a large number of pages.


By the way, what should we do if we want to find a person from a certain company, but have forgotten his last name? The asterisk operator can help here:


And if we are looking for a person from Romashka LLC, and there are a million such “Romashka”: JSC Romashka, ANO Romashka, FSUE Romashka, etc.

Option 1. Search for the full phrase “Romashka LLC.”

Option 2. “Minus” unnecessary words: -ANO – JSC –FSUE (but this way you can also “minus” the necessary results, for example, if the page says that our “Romashka” has become friends with the FSUE “Apelsin”.

Now we need to narrow the search results and find the page of the author of the article on the social network VKontakte. This will allow us to determine one of the user's nicknames, and then calculate the email address. To do this, it will be useful to use an operator such as site. It limits the search to a specific domain at any level.

The second link already leads to the page of the author of the article on the VKontakte network. Please note that the author deliberately chose a short nickname: alexdorofeev. Not all Internet resources allow you to set a link to your page yourself; sometimes it is generated automatically, but may contain a nickname taken from an email address.

Using the information and knowledge obtained, we will try to find a similar page on Facebook.

First, for luck, we will enter the following URL in the browser:, but, unfortunately, we will see that the page belongs to someone else. Then we’ll use a proven technique and add to the request.

The search results do not contain a direct link to the profile we are looking for, since the user was vigilant at one time and prohibited “surrendering” his page to search engines

Here it is necessary to make a small digression again and remember how search engines, including Google, work.

What can search engines do and what can’t they do?

Search engines generally work according to the following algorithm:

  1. Search engine bots crawl sites;
  2. page content is indexed;
  3. Based on user requests, links to relevant pages are retrieved.

Search engines cannot:

  • index information that can only be accessed by authorized users;
  • data that is available after filling out forms, for example, results of downloading from various databases;
  • qualitatively extract information from video, photo, audio materials.

Some more nuances:

  • context: the search result depends on the user’s request, the history of his previous requests, and the history of page views by other users;
  • the search is carried out only in the language in which the user entered his request;
  • there is some conflict of interest: search engines make money from advertising that users click on because the pages they need are not at the very top of the search results;
  • Censorship is in effect due to the violation of someone’s rights (copyright, right to be forgotten, etc.).

Facebook belongs to the category of Internet resources that do not really favor indexing their site and this is directly reported in robots.txt:

To detect the page of a secretive user on Facebook, we will need to log in to this network and use the built-in search functionality. A link to a user’s page may “leak” and end up in search engine results, but only if the user deliberately published the material under his authorship for everyone to see.

Using the search, the author's page is easily found:

By analyzing the page URL, we can determine another username: adorofeev.

Thus, we have already obtained two nicknames: alexdorofeev and adorofeev. Since there are a lot of users on popular resources, the nickname may differ from what a person really likes to use, since his “native” identifier is already taken by someone. For this reason, the author of the article has a nickname on Habré: alexdorofeeff, although I like adorofeev more.

Knowing the nickname, we can look for more pages potentially associated with the desired person.

Here we will again digress to Google and remember the following points:

  • By default, Google looks for an expression (a word or phrase enclosed in quotation marks) in all parts of the page: in the URL, in the title, in the text, in the link text. At the same time, special “advanced” operators allow us to specify exactly where we need the text we are looking for to be. To do this, we need to use the operators: inurl:, intext:, intitle:, inanchor:, as well as their brothers with the prefix all.
  • Google understands Boolean expressions and parentheses. AND is a logical “AND”, by default it stands between words separated by spaces in the search line. OR or I – logical “OR”.
  • If we use an operator, then after the colon there must be the desired expression without a space.
  • The all operators allow them to be applied to a series of expressions after a colon, separated by spaces. For the same tasks, you can use operators without all, but with brackets and logical expressions.

Let's play around with the inurl operator, which searches for pages that contain the desired word in the page URL. Since we already know several nicknames of the author, we can make the following request:

inurl:(adorofeev | alexdorofeeff | alexdorofeev)

In the search results, we will immediately find the pages of the corresponding accounts and some of the pages will belong to the author. Thus, if we have assumptions about the nicknames used, we can get a list of potentially interesting pages at the very beginning of our research.

Closing the topic with nicknames, I would like to draw your attention to services that allow you to quickly find out whether a given nickname is used in a number of popular resources. This way we can find additional pages for a specific person. An example of such a service:

How to find out email?

Now, having obtained a set of the user’s favorite nicknames, we can try to find out his personal e-mail. Why is it needed? Sometimes you need to find out whether a particular e-mail belongs to a given person in order to determine the authorship of the letter. E-mail will also be useful for searching for advertisements left by the user on forums, etc.

We know the nicknames, but we don't yet know the domains of the mail services. So let's make some assumptions and check. Since the user is from Russia, it is most likely that he uses one or more of the following services:

  • Yandex Mail
  • Google Gmail
  • Rambler mail

Accordingly, we can generate addresses (our hypotheses at the moment) with the nicknames adorofeev, alexdorofeev and alexdorofeeff.

How can we check whether such addresses actually exist? One option: “talk” a little with the mail servers of each service using the SMTP protocol:

Step 1. Find a mail server for a specific domain.

nslookup -type=mx "domain name"

Step 2. Connect to the mail server and simulate the start of sending a message. If the server responds “OK” to the recipient’s name, then there is such an account.

Option 1: email exists.

telnet 25

Option 2: email does not exist.

Email verification

Having determined whether postal addresses exist, we can try to determine whether a specific address is associated with the person we need.

On, some users create their own pages, which can be accessed as follows:

We “punch” one of the addresses:

You can also view user pages on all projects using a combination of the inurl: and site operators already known to us:

inurl: nickname site:

If we know what a person looks like, know his name, or even already found his page on the social network VKontakte (our case), then the task of checking the ownership of a specific email address is greatly simplified. We can use a mechanism to restore access to the page. We need luck: a user with such an address must exist, and post his photo.

Let's check four options for addresses for the nickname “adorofeev” and see that for two addresses there are no pages at all, for one there is a different name:

But for the corresponding address on we find the author’s page:

So, we have figured out the real personal email address.

How to calculate a corporate email address?

Here the situation is much simpler. The thing is that many organizations have their own rules for forming names for email accounts, which are not very diverse: initials + surname, first letter of name + surname, etc. We just need to understand what rule is used in a particular company in order to use it to form the address of the person we need.

We send the following request to Google:

email @domain

Scrolling through the search results, we find the individual addresses of employees and everything becomes obvious.

How to find an Instagram user using geo tags?

Now let's try to figure out the author's Instagram account. First, we check the most obvious options:, and We see that these are the wrong accounts .

Having determined that a person works for a specific company, we can search for photos with the corresponding geo-tag. In our case it will be “NPO Eshelon”.

We see that publications with this geo-tag were mostly made by company employees. It is logical to assume that among the subscribers of many employees there should be an account of the author, which we can easily find:

How to use a time machine?

Carrying out a similar analysis regarding the Twitter account, you can find that the author ran the website, which is now not available. What to do in this situation? After all, the materials of the disappeared site may be of real interest. In the author’s practice, there was a situation when a similar disappeared site contained published materials from a criminal case, which was interesting to read.

If the site was turned off quite recently, then Google can help us again, offering the cache operator: with which you can retrieve cached pages retrieved by the search engine.

We see that the site was still on on February 5th, but there was nothing interesting about it.

I really want to look into the more distant past - a few years ago. A time machine would be suitable for this and, oddly enough, it exists and is available to any inquisitive user at:

“Punching” the author’s website, you can see that there were some materials there in the past:

Moreover, by selecting certain dates, you can see the site content at a specific moment:

Instead of a conclusion: a few words about process automation and other Google operators

Is it possible to automate the process of finding interesting information using Google? It’s possible, and there are already good attempts: theHarvester script.

It should be noted that Google does not welcome this and is fighting it, so the reliability of the results of using all kinds of scripts will have to be further checked. Even just playing with the completely legal operators that we discussed above, you will constantly see a captcha and will prove that you are not a robot.

The article turned out to be quite lengthy and we did not consider many other Google advanced search operators that can also be useful in Internet intelligence. If the use of operators in a similar vein is interesting, then we will definitely continue this topic in one of the following articles.


  1. What’s in my name for you: how to effectively “break through” a person on the Internet?
  2. Internet intelligence in action: who is Mr./Ms. Habraman?
  3. Social Media in Identifying Threats to Ensure Safe Life in a Modern City Aleksandr Dorofeev, Alexey Markov, Valentin Tsirlov
  4. Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Third Edition 3rd Edition by Johnny Long, Bill Gardner, Justin Brown.

The art of understanding without words: can it be learned?

Probably, in the life of each of us there is at least one person who understands us without words. And if not, then I would certainly like such a person to appear. And not only to you, but also to many of the people around you. Can you yourself become for someone someone who will understand without words, by just a glance or even just silence? We are confident that this can be done, because this is also a skill and, like any other, it can be trained and developed. In this article, we highlight the main nuances of this process and provide useful recommendations. Read more…


Online program "Profiling"

This five-week online program will teach you to analyze people, their facial expressions, gestures, and actions in order to better understand a person’s motives and feelings, identify hidden emotions, lies, attempts to manipulate, and create a psychological portrait. You will gain systematic knowledge about the most effective profiling methods, collected from dozens of different sources, and understand in what situations they are used, and see examples of their use. And with the help of special interactive exercises, you will develop a skill that will help you quickly analyze people and draw reasoned conclusions. Find out more...

We sincerely hope that these materials will help you learn to better understand and analyze the behavior of others. And, of course, we are sure that you will succeed!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Feelings, emotions and sensations: the first step to profiling
  • How to learn to read a person: 7 tips from a former FBI agent
  • How to analyze people
  • How to communicate with anyone, anywhere?
  • Ability to understand emotional state
  • Become a detective without leaving home
  • Effective communication techniques: a selection of useful materials
  • 6 Skills to Develop Emotional Intelligence
  • Everyday magic of communication
  • The art of seeing emotions

Key words:1Profiling

Questions to get to know a person better

You've probably had situations when you wanted to get to know a person better, but didn't know what questions to ask him so as not to seem rude or incorrect. This ultimately led to awkwardness and missed opportunities. We've all been there: when we're interested in someone, it's not always clear how to break the ice. If you really want to get to know someone, you need to learn to ask the right questions. Experienced communicators know that the right question at the right time can work wonders. It will help you start a conversation, get to know a person better, achieve goals and, of course, understand true feelings. Read more…


Method 1. What type of body type does the interlocutor have?

German psychologist E. Kretschmer believes that physique influences character traits. He identifies 3 main types of people.


People with a full physique, according to the psychologist’s method, are called “picnics.” They are open in communication, are optimistic, and can show empathy. They love convenience and delicious food. They are emotionally unstable. If they are in a bad mood, they withdraw into themselves or may even become aggressive.


People with a strong physique are classified into the “athletics” group. They are characterized by patience, calmness, self-confidence, and determination. Not sensitive to other people's experiences. Has a tendency towards aggression.


People with a thin physique are classified as “asthenics.” They are neat, attentive, and do any job well. But they can be irritable and distrustful. They need to feel safe.

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