Workshop on psychological games with children and adolescents


This is one of the most popular psychological dating games. Any person, finding himself in an unfamiliar environment, gets a little lost and begins to feel shy. This happens especially often in teenagers. To remove this psychological barrier and help people communicate normally, you can play a fun game called “Snowball”. What is its essence? People stand in a circle. The presenter announces his name. The person who stands to the right of the leader repeats the previously heard name and pronounces his own. The next person standing must already say three names. Such a game may not help you quickly remember the names of everyone present, but it will definitely help break the ice, and people will begin to feel more relaxed. And this is precisely what is required from such rapid therapy.

Return questions

Psychological games are an opportunity to gain useful knowledge in a simple form. The technique of reverse questions helps a person gain time before his interlocutor begins to drive his opponent into a dead end. This technique will also help a person avoid questions that are unpleasant to him or jump to more familiar topics. How can such psychological training be transformed into a game? Just. Participants should be divided into two teams. The presenter calls one person. And now all the people on the opposite team start asking questions. They can be on a specific topic or arbitrary. A person’s task is to answer a question with a question. The facilitator records how many answers the participant can give in a minute. When the time is up, a person from the other team comes out, and accordingly, questions are asked to him. The results are summed up when all the people from the teams have spoken. This psychological game is just as suitable for adults as it is for teenagers. It's never too late to improve your speaking and communication skills.

The road of life

It is always difficult for teenagers to talk about themselves. And in order to somehow help them do this, you can play a psychological game. Its name is appropriate: “The Road of Life.” The point of the game is that each participant is given a pencil and a piece of paper. In 10 minutes, a person must draw a road and then put marks on it that will depict the main moments and events in a person’s life. Moreover, here you can include everything - from the very first memory to all the medals and certificates that were received in the last year of study. People on such cards draw the most pleasant and flattering things. And then with this path of life you will need to speak in front of others. You need to tell others about all the notes on the sheet. This is psychologically simple to do, because a person likes to present himself in a pleasant light.

A game like this could have one more level. Here you will need to draw another road on the back of the sheet and make marks again. You should write on them what you want to achieve and in what order. This will be a kind of plan of your life, a route of the area, which may turn out to be inaccurate. But it’s better to have some kind of card than not to have any.

The most popular and effective games and their benefits


Karpman-Bern triangle

The Karpman-Byrne triangle is, to be precise, not even really a game. More precisely a game, but an unconscious one. A game that people play without having the slightest idea that they are participating in it. But, due to the fact that this phenomenon exists, it needs to be mentioned.

This triangle is a simplified model of psychological manipulation that occurs in almost all areas of a person’s life: family, friendship, love, work, business, etc. This interconnection of roles that arise in the process of human relationships was described by the American psychotherapist Stephen Karpman, who continues the ideas of his teacher, the American psychologist Eric Berne. This relationship, provided that it develops according to the “pattern” of a given triangle, is in itself destructive and affects the people participating in this triangle exclusively negatively.

Because This is a triangle, it has three sides: the person acting as the victim (“Victim”), the person applying pressure (“Aggressor”) and the person intervening in the situation and wanting to help (“Savior”).

Usually it turns out like this: a problem or a difficult life situation arises between two people. Thus, “Aggressor” and “Victim” appear. The “victim”, looking for a solution to the problem, turns to a third party - a person who becomes the “Savior”. The “Savior”, due to his kindness, knowledge or some other reasons, decides to help and advises something. The “Victim” follows the advice and behaves according to the advice of the “Savior”. As a result, the advice only leads to a worsening of the situation and the “Savior” turns out to be the last one - he becomes the “Victim”, the “Victim” becomes the “Aggressor”, etc. From time to time, each of us plays the role of one of the sides of the Karpman-Byrne triangle. The triangle itself often becomes the cause of big quarrels, troubles, misfortunes, etc.

To get to know the Karpman-Bern triangle in detail, find out its features and see visual examples that relate to our everyday life, you can look at Wikipedia.

Now we move directly to games that have a very serious psychological aspect. These games are deliberately organized by people both with the goal of winning/winning, and with the goal of having a certain impact on a person’s personality. Organization and participation in these games give a person the opportunity to delve deeper into the essence of his relationships with himself and the people around him. The first game that we should consider as psychological is the game "Mafia"



"Mafia" is a verbal role-playing game created in 1986 by Moscow State University student Dmitry Davydov. It is recommended for people over 13 years of age to play it. Optimal number of players: from 8 to 16. The process simulates the struggle of a smaller organized group with a larger unorganized one. According to the plot, city residents, tired of the activities of the mafia, decide to put all representatives of the criminal world in prison. In response to this, the bandits declare war on the townspeople.

At the beginning, the presenter distributes to the participants one card each, which determines their affiliation with the mafia or townspeople. The game takes place “day” and “night”. The mafia is active at night, the townspeople are active during the day. In the process of alternating the time of day, the mafiosi and city residents each conduct their own activities, during which there are fewer and fewer players on each team. Information about events guides all further actions of participants. The game is considered over when one of the teams wins completely, i.e. when either all the townspeople are “killed” or all the bandits are “imprisoned”. If there are very few players, then the game turns out to be too short, but if there are more players than necessary, turmoil and confusion arises, and the game loses its meaning.

The Mafia game is, first of all, based on communication: discussions, arguments, establishing contacts, etc., which brings it as close as possible to real life. After all, in the game all the traits and properties of the human personality are used and manifested. The psychological aspect of the game is such that in order to successfully interact with others, a person must try to use and develop his acting abilities, the gift of persuasion, leadership, and deduction. “Mafia” perfectly develops analytical thinking, intuition, logic, memory, intelligence, theatricality, social influence, team interaction and many other important qualities in life. The main psychology of this game is which team will win. After all, one team is mafiosi who know each other, but are in no way inclined to play at a loss and, moreover, have the opportunity to eliminate the townspeople. And the second team is civilians, unfamiliar with each other, who can act most effectively only by interacting with the mafia. "Mafia" contains enormous potential and brings great pleasure intellectually and aesthetically.

Details of the game “Mafia”, its rules, strategic and tactical features and many other detailed and interesting information related to it can be found on Wikipedia.



Poker is a world famous card game. Its goal is to win bets by collecting the most profitable combination of four or five cards or by making all participants stop participating. All cards in the game are either completely or partially covered. The specifics of the rules may vary depending on the type of poker. But all types have in common the presence of trading and gaming combinations.

To play poker, decks of 32, 36 or 54 cards are used. Optimal number of players: from 2 to 10 at one table. The highest card is the Ace, then the King, Queen, etc. Sometimes the low card may be an ace, depending on the card combination. Different types of poker consist of different numbers of streets - betting rounds. Each street begins with a new distribution. Once the cards are dealt, any player can place a bet or leave the game. The winner is the one whose combination of five cards turns out to be the best, or the one who can displace other players and remain alone until the cards are revealed.

The psychological aspect of poker is very important because... plays a serious role in the tactics and strategy of the game. The moves players make are based largely on their skills, habits and perceptions. Thus, player styles are based on a certain psychological basis and are a reflection of the desires and fears of people, the understanding of which gives some players an advantage over others. Also, a player's style is an excellent reflection of his character traits. After all, any personal characteristic, as is known, influences a person’s behavior and, consequently, his behavior in the game and the decisions he makes in certain game conditions. Of course, poker is a game of chance played for money. And without gaming skills, a person risks finding himself in an unenviable situation. But if you play poker without bets for the sake of training, for example, with friends, then it will be an excellent way to develop and hone such qualities as intuition, logical thinking, the ability to “read” people and mask your intentions, psychological stability, endurance, cunning, attentiveness , memory and many others. It should be noted that playing poker, among other things, develops self-control, tactical and strategic thinking, as well as the ability to understand the motives of other people. And we so often need these qualities in our everyday life.

Details of the Poker game, rules, strategies and other interesting details can be found on Wikipedia.



Dixit is an association board game. Consists of 84 illustrated cards. It can be played by 3 to 6 people. At the beginning, each player receives 6 cards. Everyone takes turns. One of the game participants is declared the Storyteller. He takes one card and places it in front of him so that the picture is not visible. Then he must describe it with a word, phrase, sound, facial expression or gesture that he associates with the picture. Others do not see the card, but among their cards they look for the one that most matches the Storyteller’s description, and also lay it out on the table face down. After that, all these cards are shuffled and laid out in a row, and the players, using tokens with numbers, must guess the card that the Storyteller originally described. Next, the players reveal all the cards and count the points. The player who guessed the card moves his chip forward. When all the cards are gone, the game is over. The one with the most points wins.

The game “Dixit” has a number of features, one of which is that the associations should not be very simple, not very complex, because then the card will be very easy or very difficult to guess. The game itself is an excellent means for developing analytical and associative thinking, intuition, imagination, intelligence and other qualities. During the game, participants learn to feel other people, understand them without words and explain them in the same way. We can say that, among other things, effective nonverbal communication skills are also formed. The game is very interesting and always takes place in a positive, friendly atmosphere.

You can find out more about the game “Dixit” and some of its features on Wikipedia.



“Imaginarium” is an analogue of the game “Dixit”. It also requires selecting associations for pictures with different meanings. The rules of the game are the same as in “Dixit”: one player (Storyteller) chooses a card and describes it using associations. The remaining players choose one of the most suitable cards from among their own and place them face down on the table. Afterwards, all the cards are shuffled and the players begin to guess them one by one.

The game “Imaginarium” is in no way inferior to its prototype and has an extremely beneficial effect on the development of many qualities of the human personality, namely: it develops intelligence, analytical thinking, intuition, imagination, and fantasy. The game activates creativity, the ability to intuitively understand others, and in every possible way helps to improve communication abilities and increase the effectiveness of communication.

You can get acquainted with a more detailed description of the game “Imaginarium” on the Mosigra website.



"Activity" is a collective associative game in which you need to explain the words written on cards. There are a total of 440 cards in the game with six tasks on each. The standard set is designed for people over 12 years old. But there are options “For children” and “For kids”. The minimum number of players is two. The maximum is practically unlimited. You can explain words using facial expressions, drawings or synonymous words. To explain what is hidden, you have only one minute. There are individual tasks, and there are general ones. Players must move pieces around the game map. The team that reaches the finish line first wins. You can also choose more complex or simpler tasks during the process. More points are awarded for a more difficult task.

The game "Activity" is perfect for relaxing and having fun and is a great mood lifter. "Activity" develops strategic thinking, intelligence, imagination, teamwork, intuition, and analytical skills. The game helps to unlock potential and gives each person the opportunity to express themselves from completely different sides. And many tactical options and behavioral options contribute to this even more. Both children and adults will get a lot of pleasure and positive emotions from this game.

You can read a more detailed description of the game “Activity” on the Mosigra website.



Monopoly is one of the most famous educational board games in the world. Game genre: economic strategy. Minimum number of players: two. The essence of the game is to achieve economic stability for yourself and bankruptcy for other players using starting capital. The starting amount is the same for each player. Players take turns making moves around the playing field by rolling the dice. The one who earns the most money wins. The game ends when someone goes completely broke or when the ATM stops dispensing cash notes and luck cards.

The game "Monopoly" has remained popular among a huge number of people for many years. Firstly, it perfectly lifts your spirits and gives you a lot of positive emotions. Secondly, the game forms a culture of communication, thanks to the close interaction of participants with each other. Thirdly, during the game the inclinations of entrepreneurship and financial literacy are developed, mathematical knowledge, logical and strategic thinking, and a sense of tactics are improved. It is also important that the game “Monopoly” trains memory, develops attention, and also reveals leadership abilities, independence, responsibility and a person’s desire to be the master of his own life. In addition to this, qualities such as the ability to wait, patience, perseverance, and calm are developed.

You can find out more information about the game Monopoly on Wikipedia.

What happens if…

Psychological games for teenagers come in different forms. Some of them help to meet peers, others help to establish communication, and others develop a person as a person. The game “What will happen if...” is exactly one of those philosophical ones. It forces teenagers to think about life issues that they have not yet thought about due to their age. But you still have to make a decision, and it’s better to do it thoughtfully than to resolve problems later in a hurry and on the fly. So what are the rules of the game? The guys are divided into two teams. The facilitator takes turns asking the teams difficult questions, and each participant takes turns giving answers. Accordingly, the winning team is the one that collects the most points. What questions can you ask here? Here are the samples:

  • What will you do if there is a flood?
  • What will happen if people stop working at jobs they don't like?
  • What will happen if a person always tells the truth?
  • What will you do if your parents get divorced?
  • What will happen if people learn to read minds?
  • What will happen if people can fly?
  • What will happen if animals learn to talk?

What is the point of psychological games?

Games aimed at mental activity provide many opportunities to improve yourself and your environment. But even putting aside the abstract benefits, they are simply interesting and allow you to have fun in the company, without requiring special skills or materials.

Close attention to such events should be paid to parents and teachers whose employment is related to the development of higher mental processes in children and adolescents. Yes, the human brain is capable of developing throughout life, but at a younger age, training is much easier, which promises future success in solving multidisciplinary problems.

So, what benefits can you get from playing psychological games?

Develop social skills and organizational abilities: you will have to constantly interact with team members - this is an integral part of the gameplay.

The correlation here is direct - the positive and active manifestation of each of the participants will bring not only pleasant emotions, but also quite measurable results.

And if there is a real opportunity to take on the role of an organizer, then you should not neglect such a chance; abandoning useful practice is detrimental to personal growth. Even if you lack the proper experience, you will make some mistakes: slow down or get confused. Don’t worry, it’s not scary at all, because all the actions take place in a playful way, the group will always try to understand you and support you in difficult situations.

Train your brain . First of all, this concerns memory, speech, thinking, perception, will, attention, feelings and emotions.

Have a nice time: adults, after a day full of events and projects, do not necessarily have to sit in the lotus position and immerse themselves in endless meditation. Psychological games are an effective means of relaxation; they are a wonderful alternative to inactive recreation.

An opportunity to understand your social circle and get closer to pleasant people: throughout the game you can observe the splitting of masks on the faces of acquaintances, colleagues, and friends. This can manifest itself in different ways: some will demonstrate incredible will, desire, leadership and the ability to work in a team, while others can turn their negative qualities outward, such as embarrassment, fear, idleness and self-centeredness. That is why it is recommended to introduce psychological games into the life of a team (family, work, friend) - this is a fun and effective way to promote group cohesion.


One of the most popular psychological games for children is “Mafia”. Its rules are very simple. There are civilians, and there is the mafia. The task of the mafia is to kill civilians, the task of civilians is to identify the mafia. This game has various variations. It can include other roles if the number of players allows. For example, the commissioner and the doctor are the characters who create additional dynamics in the mafia. This psychological board game has long become an integral part of almost any party. And this is very good. Children learn to be observant, begin to get to know each other better, and watch their friends lie. This will help in life. The guys will be able to recognize a lie and quickly expose a person to clean water. And most importantly, they will learn to express their thoughts beautifully and clearly, and will also be able to better understand the people around them, even strangers.

Hide and seek in the dark

All people love games. And even when growing up, not every person loses the child in themselves. Therefore, psychological games for teenagers can be formed from well-known fun. For example, you can upgrade hide and seek and make it hide and seek in the dark. How to play such a game? All children are blindfolded and spun around. And now teenagers have to walk around the room, bump into each other and guess by touch who is standing in front of them. Moreover, the voice can only be used when the name is announced. The person who was guessed correctly is eliminated. Therefore, if a teenager has a very specific appearance, it will be easier for him to run away, and this is not prohibited by the rules. The game helps children relax, improve their imaginative thinking and become more open.

Training exercises for preschool children

To prevent children's attention from wandering, games for training preschoolers should be short-lived. It is better to play 3-4 different games in one lesson. Each of them should be aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Training game “Dragon biting its tail”

This game helps children get rid of existing fears, relieve tension and neurotic states.

It is advisable to turn on cheerful music during the game. Children, lined up in a chain behind each other and holding the shoulders of the comrade in front, depict the body of a dragon. The child standing first, who represents the head of the monster, tries to catch the “tail” - the last child in the chain, whose task is to deftly dodge.

Training game “I am your friend”

A very good exercise for training preschool children - it helps develop a sense of empathy - the ability to empathize, make friends, help, and also teaches group work.

During the game, children get acquainted with a certain hero (for example, it could be a toy parrot) who is in trouble and in need of help. Having invited the kids to stand in a circle, the teacher can tell how a parrot flew into their group: “He probably accidentally got out of the cage, doesn’t know how to get back to his owners, he’s scared and lonely.” Children are offered a toy parrot, with whom they must make friends, stroke it, talk affectionately, let it understand: no one will hurt him, they will help him, he is among friends.

Training “What are you, Blob?”

Very often, children's trainings contain elements of artistic creativity. For example, by making blots on paper, you can not only develop children’s imagination, but also relieve aggression and fears.

For this exercise you only need paper and gouache paints. The kid chooses the paint he wants. (By the way, psychologists can often draw conclusions about the child’s psycho-emotional state based on this choice: the choice of dark colors indicates his depression).

And then, having collected it on a brush, you need to spray it on the prepared paper. If you fold a sheet of paper in half so that a spot of ink is imprinted on the other half of the paper, you get a kind of image. You can invite children to fantasize: what or who do they see in the resulting “composition”, is it scary or funny, evil or good?

Psychological exercise for self-control

Psychological training for children is very important, teaching them to restrain negative emotions. Preschoolers need to be reminded more often that when they are angry, and even more so want to hit someone, they need to pause, take a deep breath and exhale several times, and then stand up straight, close their eyes, count to ten and, smiling, open their eyes. Anger and irritation are afraid of calm and a smile.

It is important to emphasize that when children learn to manage their emotions, they can be considered truly adults.


Psychological games for children are aimed not only at improving communication abilities or liberating the individual. With the help of entertainment, you can improve your child's intellectual abilities. You can also develop vigilance, intuition and attentiveness. But this will only happen if the teenager makes contact and invests in the game with enthusiasm. This kind of entertainment will be beneficial even if the child sits indifferently on a chair and watches carefully. But it’s one thing to understand with your head, and another thing to participate, communicate directly with peers and learn to find a common language with everyone.

Psychological games and exercises can improve memory. And the easiest way to do this is to involve the children and turn boring exercises into an exciting game. Two people are selected: one will be the host and the other will be the participant. The participant leaves the room, and at this time his comrades build a composition from their bodies. Then the man enters. His task is to remember the location of all people in two minutes. Now the participant leaves, and the presenter swaps the three members of the composition. The task of the person whose memory is tested in this sophisticated way is to determine what changes have occurred and to return all people to their original places.

Collection of role-playing games

SCRIPT of a role-playing game for high school students “Career +”

Leading. Good afternoon, dear participants, guests and spectators of our unusual meeting! Why unusual - you ask. Yes, because today our leaders will try to try on unusual roles - the roles of successful leaders.

Host: Every person strives to become successful in life. But success comes only to those who have found themselves, found exactly the area where they can achieve success. The path to success in life begins at school.

Host: It is in high school that the first bricks are laid in the foundation of a person’s professional career. Why not now set yourself the goal of becoming a high-class professional in your chosen profession and the head of an enterprise, firm, or agency?

Host: And even though today we only have a game called “Career +”, but it can teach us a lot, teach us to work on ourselves, set goals and look for ways to achieve them.

Presenter: The game is a role-playing game, which means that each participant will play his role and enter into the image of a modern leader. The plots of the game will be very diverse and will allow both participants and spectators to show their abilities and creativity. Host: So, we begin. I ask the participants to take their places. The goal of becoming a leader today was set by:

Participant No. 1 – Dmitry Artemyev - leading surgeon

Participant No. 2 - Victoria Pelkina - chief director of the film studio

Participant No. 3 - Anastasia Kurmaeva - top HR manager Participant No. 4 - Ksenia Kravets - director of the gymnasium

Participant No. 5 - Victoria Belyakova - head of the pediatric department

Participant No. 6 – Dmitry Strelnikov – Chairman of the Board of Directors of a commercial bank

Leading. And now I am pleased to introduce you to our expert group that will analyze the progress of the game, mark the most interesting answers and actions of the players. Each participant is an example of a modern leader, a professional in his field.

So, as part of our expert group: 1. Svetlana Nikolaevna Kirpicheva - methodologist of the municipal institution "Methodological Office" 2. Svetlana Vladimirovna Biryukova - director of the House of Children's Creativity "Harmony", 3. Lyubov Viktorovna Nazarova - director of the Center for Children's Creativity "Firefly" 4. Oksana Aleksandrovna Abapova is the director of the Station for Young Technicians.

Presenter: Well, we’ve met our esteemed expert group, and now let’s get to know our participants better. We will call the first stage of our game (homework) this way: “Participant’s business card” Word to the participant No. 1 - Dmitry Artemyev, No. 2 - Victoria Pelkina, No. 3 - Anastasia Kurmaeva, No. 4 - Ksenia Kravets, No. 5 - Victoria Belyakova, No. 6 - Dmitry Strelnikov (participant speeches 3-5 minutes) Presenter. All participants added touches to their portrait of a leader, the expert group tried to evaluate this, and we move on to the first task. Leading. Imagine that you were invited to a television studio for the program “What is a modern leader like?” You will have to take part in a discussion on a given topic. You need to demonstrate general culture and erudition and take an active part in discussing the problem.

Question to Dmitry Artemyev: What, in your opinion, are the main qualities of a modern leader?

Question to Dmitry Strelnikov: Do you agree with the statement that a male leader is more effective than a female leader?

Question from Victoria Pelkina: Do you think the leader should be appointed or elected?

Question from Anastasia Kurmaeva: At what age can a person be promoted to a leadership position?

Question from Kravets to Ksenia: What leadership style do you follow?

Question from Victoria Belyakova: what are the pros and cons of a leadership position?

Now let's listen to our experts and how they assess the discussion that took place. Whose answers were the most original? Please, you have the floor_______

Presenter: It is believed that people judge us by the external impression that we make in the first minutes of meeting and conversation. It is personality traits such as appearance, voice and ability to communicate that can play a decisive role in your career and throughout your life.

Presenter: Next task for the players. Show your imagination and try to imagine a manager’s working day. Make a work schedule for the day.

Host: While our participants are drawing up a “Daily Work Schedule,” we will try to formulate the basic rules of business etiquette. First, let's find out what business etiquette is. I suggest answering the audience___________

Leading. Business etiquette is the rules of communication, interaction and behavior of people in the process of professional activity, as well as forms of dealing with others, types of addresses and greetings, manners and the accepted form of business clothing.

Host: So, in order to formulate the first rule, I will ask you to answer the question: What do you think business relationships should be based on? Presenter: From all of the above, Rule 1 follows: Honesty and reliability in business relationships. The desire of business people to be honest and reliable in business contacts is a manifestation of their internal orientation towards stability and maintaining long-term relationships with partners.

Presenter: Imagine that a partner agreed to supply some equipment, but did not deliver it on time, because he decided to look for more favorable conditions. Host: What rule of business etiquette did he violate?

Leading. Absolutely right, this is our second rule: Obligation. The phone number of a partner who has shown non-obligation, committed forgery or deception is crossed out from the business person’s address book or marked with a special sign. The characteristics of such a partner in the business sphere are transmitted through personal channels, and it can be difficult for him to form a positive attitude towards himself. Business reputation takes years to build, but it can be lost in a matter of minutes without the right to rehabilitation.

Leading. Let's move on to the third rule: Compliance with the norms of official subordination. How do you understand this? What is the essence of this rule?

(viewers respond) Clear subordination presupposes: power and subordination, executive discipline, control, coordination of one’s actions with the actions of other employees, a ban on the actions of a subordinate over the head of his immediate supervisor, knowledge and performance of official duties. Host: And now this is the situation: a person came to a prestigious company to get a job. Having opened his work book, the manager sees that this person changes jobs very often. Do you think this person will be hired?

Host: What rule follows from this?

Leading. So the next rule is - Devotion of employees to their institution.

Host: Now imagine, in a reputable institution a person comes to work in jeans. What does this mean?

Host: As a result, from all of the above, we can formulate the fifth rule - Compliance with norms of behavior and appearance.

Presenter: In reputable organizations you will not meet noisy and demonstratively relaxed people. They value self-esteem, efficiency, composure, and the ability to control their own emotions. Communicate in a discreet manner, professionally and informatively.

Host: And the next question for discussion. Each of you knows that in our time competition plays a major role in the economy of any enterprise and the country as a whole.

Host: There is such a modern concept: destructive competitiveness. What do you think it means?

Host: In order to understand, let’s define what competition is - it is a relationship, active competition, a struggle for existence.

Host: The concept of destructive is a violation, destruction of the normal structures of something. What should be the basis of competition?

Presenter.Rule 6. Compliance with moral standards in competition. A person should move towards a goal not through deception or betrayal, but through intellectual effort and a creative approach to business.

Host: Now let's listen to how our managers planned their working day.

Host: And again our participants will have to complete a practical task.


1. Surgeon Dmitry Artemyev visit the patient.

2. Director Victoria Pelkina – casting for the main role

3. Interview with Gasprom top manager Anastasia Kurmaeva to Channel 1

4. To the director of the gymnasium Kravets Ksenia, write a letter of gratitude to the sponsor.

5. The head of the pediatric department, Victoria Belyakova, dismisses an employee due to staff reduction.

6. Reception of a foreign guest at a commercial bank by the chairman of the board of directors, Dmitry Strelnikov, without an interpreter.

Presenter: We ask the participants to complete the task

A word from our experts.

Question for participants and spectators. Leading. Can anyone explain the meaning of the expression “corporate culture”?

The corporate, or organizational, culture of an institution is the interrelation of the following components: moral values; labor goals; features of business relations; psychological climate in the team; employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their work; availability of growth prospects for employees and a reward system; level of stability - staff turnover. Host: I invite our participants to create 5 rules that reflect the corporate culture of your institution. You have 5 minutes. Host: While our participants are drawing up a set of rules, we will continue the conversation about the features of business etiquette.

Presenter: Any leader must know the rules of business negotiations. Let's start with external attributes.

Host: What shape do you think the negotiation table should be?

Host: Do you know why business meetings are most often held at a round table?

Presenter: The round table is a symbol of union and unification. When seated in a circle, status differences are removed. If it is necessary to emphasize status differences, use square or rectangular tables. At business meetings and negotiations, business breakfasts, lunches and dinners are often organized, at which not only professional qualities are demonstrated, but also the level of a person’s culture.

Host: What are the rules of behavior during a business lunch or dinner?

Presenter: Table behavior skills need to be specially studied, since it is by how a person behaves at the table that one can give him an unmistakable assessment. You can determine his temperament, the level of development of self-control, and evaluate his attitude towards life and his partners. Presenter: Particular importance is attached to the male partner’s ability to drink alcoholic beverages. A positive impression is created about a person if he behaves calmly, freely and naturally, and maintains small talk.

Presenter. And if you find yourself at such an event and are not sure how to properly use all the variety of cutlery and how to eat this or that dish, then you should not rush, calmly observe the manners of other people or ask the waiter to cut up some exotic dish, or refuse it.

Host: Business etiquette allows you to maintain decency and not violate the “boundaries of reason” even in the presence of a business conflict.

Leading Business Etiquette is a culture to which we should all strive, because it is truly beneficial and because this is how the entire civilized business world works and lives.

Host: Now let's listen to our participants.

Presenter: What rules that make up the corporate culture did our participants choose for their establishment?

Artemyev Dmitry, Pelkina Victoria, Kurmaeva Anastasia, Kravets Ksenia, Belyakova Victoria, Strelnikov Dmitry Presenter: Let's give the floor to the experts.

Leading. Well, the last test. Every day, a manager has to find himself in a non-standard situation, in which resourcefulness, quick wits and a sense of humor save him. And we invite you to answer questions from guests and viewers. (questions and answers) Maybe the audience has questions for the guests? (questions and answers) Presenter. Well, let's summarize. “You are heavy, Monomakh’s hat,” our players, who took on the roles of leaders, probably thought today. Heavy, but not overwhelming. And today you all showed us your abilities and creativity. Therefore, I give the floor to our experts for a pleasant mission - summing up. (awarding)

Presenter: Our meeting has come to an end, and with it the role-playing game “Career +” ends. In memory of our meeting, allow me to present business folders to our participants. Let our game become the first step in the career growth of future leaders. Host: Goodbye, see you again!

Can you trust

Psychological games and exercises can be aimed at improving relationships in a team. Teenagers will communicate better if they can trust each other. But trust is a valuable gift, and a person will not give it away to just anyone. Therefore, we need to make sure that children can trust. And as you know, trust is only possible in conjunction with periodic checks. So, you can conduct a kind of psychological horror game. What do children need to do? Group members should be divided into pairs. Now you can line up the children in two lines, some should stand behind the others. And now, one by one, the teenagers standing in the first row should fall on the hands of those standing behind. It is very difficult psychologically to do this. Therefore, the leader must watch carefully so that neither the first nor the second cheat. The person falling should be completely relaxed and should be told not to bend their knees. But the second person must be focused and ready to catch the one in front. When the first line has all fallen, the teenagers change places. Now those who caught fall, and those who fall catch.

Children's psychological trainings: some rules

Of course, you can develop your own laws and rules for each specific group of children, but we recommend that you definitely include the following points:

  • confidentiality;
  • the right to personal opinion;
  • sincere communication;
  • listening = respect for the speaker.

We hope that these simple and interesting training exercises will help you realize your educational and training goals and achieve high results in the personal development of your students.

Conflict situation

Thinking about doing a psychological role play? Pay attention to conflict issues. What is the benefit of these tasks? It is very rare that a person can quickly navigate an unusual situation. Thoughts become confused, people begin to panic and, as a result, commit rash actions. But if a person can play out strange and incomprehensible situations in his head, it will be easier for him to navigate life. This is precisely why transformational psychological games were invented. Don't be afraid to do them with teenagers. Let’s look at the example of “Conflict Situations”. This game is quite simple. Two volunteers come out. The presenter asks any situation, for example, how you will behave if your classmate hits you on the head with a backpack. One of the volunteers will become the victim, and the other the attacker. Now the players’ task is to get out of this situation without quarrels and insults. But such games can be played not only with teenagers. Adults are no less likely to face difficult life situations. By anticipating and deciding them in advance, a person will feel more confident.

Equilateral triangle

Interesting children's psychological games can be played to unite the team and teach children to work as a team. The fact is that most children are selfish. They are used to being the center of the universe. And it is very difficult for them to realize that this is not so. Therefore, the sooner you teach your child to share and cooperate with peers, the better. And the easiest way to do this is in the form of a game. A game called “Equilateral Triangle” is perfect for this purpose. How to play it? The children are blindfolded and allowed into the room. The room is empty except for the tape lying on the floor. The ribbon is quite long, and its ends are tied to each other. It turns out to be such a large closed ring. The children's task is to stretch the ribbon into a triangle. Each of the guys must walk around the room and find material lying on the floor. Once all the children have picked up the ribbon, they will need to cooperate and line up to form an equilateral triangle. How to do this? Guys should focus on their voice. Or you can appoint one person who must measure the distance from one corner of the triangle to the other in steps. But you can’t suggest this idea to children. They have to figure it out for themselves.

Karpman triangle

It is also important to say a few words about the Karpman triangle, which was a continuator of the ideas of Eric Berne. He also talks about a game, only a subconscious one, which describes the connection between three main problems in relationships between people.

According to this point of view, all the roles that underlie human games can be reduced to three main ones - Rescuer, Victim of Persecution and Persecutor of the Guilty. These roles are combined into a triangle, which symbolizes their inextricable connection and replacement of each other.

“The three roles in this game - victim, pursuer and rescuer - are actually a simplification of real life. Each person sees himself as a generous rescuer of an ungrateful or grateful victim, a persecutor of infidels and a victim of evil persecutors. Immersion in any of these roles causes a person to begin to ignore reality, like an actor who knows that he is living a fictional life, but continues to “believe” in its authenticity in order to create a good performance.”

How much do we know about each other?

This psychological game of unity should be played with guys who already know something about each other. This is a great activity to do during class at school. Teenagers often break into small groups and communicate with 4-5 people. And to make these small groups cohesive, you can hold a quiz. The teacher, who will act as a facilitator, must prepare 5 questions for each student. And then you should divide the children into teams. The guys should be divided according to the principle: whoever does not communicate with whom ends up on the same team. Now we should take a quiz. The team comes up with an answer to each question together. This way, children will have a chance to bond and learn more about their classmates. Moreover, the information that will be learned in this way will be stored in memory much better than if each person simply made a brief overview about himself. This quiz can be held not only to get acquainted. Questions can be asked from various areas of knowledge. The main thing is to mix the guys in teams for each such quiz. Thanks to this, teenagers will have the opportunity to get to know their classmates better.

Psychological trainings for primary schoolchildren

Psychological exercises for training children of primary school age should work through their main internal problems and teach them to cope with them independently in the future.

Psychological training for children 7-9 years old should include:

  • acting techniques;
  • relaxation exercises;
  • various diagnostic techniques;
  • art therapy;
  • role-playing games.

They will help you simulate different situations and play out possible behavior options.

"Mood Barometer"

To begin with, the game leader must show the children a real barometer and tell them what it is and what it is used for. After this, the guys must use their hands to “measure” their mood. For example, tightly clenched palms indicate a bad mood, and widely spread hands indicate a good mood.

"What I Love to Do"

This game allows children to learn something new about each other. One of the participants should, using gestures and movements, “tell” the children about any activity that he likes: reading, drawing, dancing. The rest look carefully and try to guess what activity is meant. After the showing participant finishes his “story,” everyone begins to guess. It is necessary to say at the end whether any of the guys guessed it. Next comes the next player.

"I like…"

The guys stand in a circle. The person starting the game should turn to the person sitting on the left and start talking with the phrase: “Kolya (Misha, Sonya, etc.), I like...” Then comes any compliment to the participant: “... your eyes / how you draw / how you dance.” And so on in a circle until it reaches the one who started.


We need to put the children in one column. From this moment on, they become a large river, which can spill into two so-called branches - two small rivers. To show how this river overflows, the presenter places two guys - leaders - at the beginning of the river and takes them in different directions. The guys behind them should stand behind one of the leaders, then behind the other - in turn. It is important to take into account the desire of each leader. This is how children learn to form subgroups.

"Princess Nesmeyana"

One of them sits on a chair placed in front of the children. Now he becomes “Princess Nesmeyana”, who needs to cheer up and make her smile. To do this, the guys take turns telling the “princess” about her merits - the beauty of her eyes, her ability to sing well, and so on.


Children stand in the so-called magic circle. One of them ends up in its center. You need to keep your back straight and your legs together. The guys around him raise their hands to about chest level. The distance between them and the one standing in the center should not be large, because he begins to fall in any direction, and the guys must catch him. This game is based on trust - the ability to show it (falling) and justify it (children must have time to catch it and carefully put it in place).

"Good warmth"

Children stand in a circle and take each other's hands. This game exercise is to transfer spiritual “warmth” to each other. This is done with a gentle handshake. The first player passes to the player on the right, who passes to the other, and so on until the chain ends with the one who started. At first the game is played with open eyes, and then, at the beginning of the second round, the guys close their eyes.


Everyone loves pantomimes. Yes, many people prefer to guess them than to show them. The socio-psychological game “Crocodile” helps teenagers relax and also have fun while away their free time. Due to the fact that you have to perform in front of a large crowd of unfamiliar people, the child will acquire skills in working with the public, as well as acting skills. After all, showing pantomime is quite difficult. Moreover, teenagers are no longer children, and they can tell their friends such complex words as nuclear power plant. It is simply impossible to show this concept without using imagination. Crocodile can be played in different ways. For example, everyone present can split into two teams and guess pantomimes against the clock. But you can play when each person is responsible for himself. In the second case, there is no need to count points. In the first option, it will be more interesting to play when the presenter counts the points. Be sure to read the rules before starting the game. When showing pantomimes, you cannot use your voice, and you cannot point your finger at objects in the room.

Rewriting fairy tales

This psychological training game can be played with teenagers to awaken their creativity, as well as to develop their imagination. We all know the classic fairy tales. But few people think that most folk tales and legends do not have a happy ending. But it’s always more pleasant to read a story that ends with a happy ending. Especially if it is non-trivial. Here you can play an interesting game of writing such stories. At the same time, it can be combined with self-determination training. For example, children should be given an assignment to write down the profession that a person chooses for himself in the future. Set a task for the children: write a story about Little Red Riding Hood, but at the same time make sure that the main character is a firefighter, doctor or engineer. Moreover, the profession should not be directly mentioned. After all, the written fairy tale will still need to be read in front of your peers, and they will have to guess about the profession of your dreams. You can make special branches, for example, if the child has not decided what he wants to become - a cook or a technologist. This will only make the fairy tale more colorful.

Codependents in Karpman's triangle

It is important to clarify the terminology here. When a person is in the position of a victim, he understands that absolutely nothing depends on him, and that he cannot choose his behavior depending on the situation. “Well, what can I do? It's all of them! In this interpretation, it becomes obvious that all the roles in the Karpman triangle are three types of victim position.

If a friend complains to you about life, then everything is clear - she is in the position of a victim. The persecutor is also a type of victim. But why? If you see someone who demands, harasses, screams and calls the victim names, and ask him why he is doing this, then the answer, as a rule, in this case you will get something like this: “He calls himself names, what should I do?” (“He always lets us all down”, “He is always late”, “He doesn’t cook the porridge”, etc.). When the Persecutor does not understand that he can act differently, he takes the position of the victim.

Here it is very appropriate to recall Perls’ expression “dog above and dog below.” “Dog on top” implies a situation when a person swears loudly, yells, that is, he bites. “Dog from below” is a situation when a suffering victim bites people with his sadness, longing, he howls with such force that everyone becomes very painful from it.

If you try to talk with the Rescuer about why and why he is doing this and whether it is worth doing it at all, then hatred may pour out on you: “The person is being persecuted, offended, he feels bad, he suffers!” The Rescuer is also a hostage; he, being in the role of the Rescuer, turned into a victim.

Danetok solution

Probably everyone would like to feel like a detective. But not everyone chooses this difficult profession. But anyone can occupy their leisure time by solving a fictitious murder. There are also such psychological problems. They test a person's mentality, logic and temperament. They are called Danetki. What is the essence of such riddles? A person tells you about a fictitious crime or, in general, about any situation. Now your task is to find the answer. But the questions should be structured in such a way that the presenter can answer them only “yes” or “no.” Such games are interesting to play both for two teenagers and for a large group. In the second case, the presenter’s task will be not only to answer questions, but also to pacify the noisy audience.

Here is an example of one of the riddles: a man was found in the desert with a broken match in his hands. What happened? What will the game look like? Approximately the following questions arise in your head: was a person killed? Is the match relevant? The deceased could not find a way out of the desert? Was only one body found in the desert? The answer to this riddle is this: people were flying in a hot air balloon, its dome burst, and those flying threw off all the ballast, but this was not enough. People drew lots on matches, and the one who pulled out the broken one jumped out of the ball.

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