Why set goals for yourself? 7 compelling reasons

We all need to have a goal in life to know where we are going and what we want to achieve. We need to dream and believe that we will definitely achieve what we want. Naturally, our goals, dreams and desires change over time and become more realistic. As we grow older, we may not have the same dreams we had as children. But for any person it is important to have a goal in life, and to understand what he wants to achieve and how he is going to make his dreams come true. And it doesn’t matter whether this dream is related to a career or personal life. Belief in its achievement brings a certain interest in life and enthusiasm.

Why don't people dream of anything?

When I see young people going down the wrong path, I always ask myself, what happened to their dreams? After all, dreams begin to emerge in childhood, and already at this age it is important to have a goal in life. My five-year-old son told me last week that he wants to become a writer and write children's books. Although a month ago he wanted to become a singer. And after a while, perhaps he will want to become an artist. Of course, the likelihood that he will choose one of these professions is not very high. But the very presence of dreams, albeit fleeting ones, is of great importance at his young age.

What happened to those people who don’t want anything? Perhaps they just don't dream of anything? The thing is that the environment can have a huge impact on how our lives turn out. When we have nothing to spark our dreams, ambitions and hopes, chaos and negativity begin to dominate our lives. We don't understand what we need to work on and don't want to put in significant effort to achieve success.

Who is this person?

Man is more than just a physical body

I'll try in a few words.

Man is a spiritual being. And the path of man on Earth is, first of all, the path of the soul. This is her experience of life in a human body, this is her embodiment here.

I wrote a little about why this is so, here and here. But much will be said in future materials.

This machine, which is called the human body, cannot travel without a driver. Our body is just meat, blood and bones, nothing more. By itself, this entire complex system cannot exist. Unconscious.

What is consciousness? Today, the scientific world cannot clearly answer this question. But it exists and without it the body is dead.

This Consciousness, if we talk about it with a capital C, and not as relating to an individual living being, it is in every organism, in everything that surrounds us. Just as all organs work - harmoniously in one system - this is how absolutely everything works in nature. Everything is one.

What is inside you is also inside everything around you. This awareness has come to people for a very long time. Here are Eastern traditions, religions, and yoga. Everything is one.

To make it clearer, a person has three bodies: external (material, physical), astral and causal. (More about the three human bodies)

Vadim Demchog talks about this very well: the role, the actor and the viewer. To put it very roughly, the role is the body, the actor is the soul, the viewer is God.

And the most important thing is that, existing separately, all this is essentially one whole, indivisible, single. God is the actor in his role, and at the same time he is also the spectator.

Achieving goals increases our confidence

In any case, we need to strive for something and achieve results. After all, when we achieve our goals, it helps strengthen our confidence and increases self-esteem. Our sense of self-worth increases significantly. We experience true happiness and satisfaction in life. As a result, we understand that life does not consist only of problems and failures, but it is filled with various opportunities and interesting events. So dreams and goals in a person's life can change our philosophy and idea of ​​what life is all about.

Why do we need a goal?

Movement is a fundamental principle of the universe.
Everything moves [1] [2]. Chaos differs from order in that the movement of system elements has a target state to which they strive. Order in space is maintained by the laws of the universe. People realized some of the laws and described their special cases in their sciences. I don’t know what the universe is striving for and for what purpose it is expanding, but the constellations and planets know where to go.

The Universe is a highly organized system. Elements that have lost their place in it are quickly destroyed or absorbed by another organized system.

Most people live in a state of decay , so they need an external force to organize their lives. Rules of decency, moral standards, legal laws are created to tame the lowly organized.

If a person is not self-organized, he is quickly absorbed by the organizing system. He does not control his life, which means that this function is taken over by religion, the state, a corporation or an oppressive wife. His freedom of action is limited by the framework of the system in which he is located or in which he believes that he is located.

Goals are needed to increase the level of self-organization . To help a person move to a higher layer, so that his life is limited only by physical laws and his conscience, and not by an artificially created ideology to control and subjugate humanity.

Believe in yourself and in your strengths

Believing in yourself is perhaps more important than achieving the final result. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a figure skater and really loved watching figure skating on TV. After some time, my parents sent me to the figure skating club. There I met guys who had already participated in various competitions and went to the Olympics. I dreamed of becoming just like them. And I was very inspired by their results. My life was filled with bright events. And my goals inspired me to train and achieve results. And although my dream did not come true, I did not become involved in sports professionally. But I carried figure skating into adulthood as a hobby. I still remember the passion and ambition that I had in my youth. They have stayed with me forever and help me in any business I undertake.

After all, having goals and dreams helps us be more positive and optimistic. Especially in those moments when life doesn’t turn out exactly the way we want. Without goals and desires, life becomes darker and we see no way for development. I very often imagine myself achieving my goals. And I mentally transport myself to those places and times when my dreams and plans come true. I call this "mental escape." This exercise gives me a surge of energy and motivation. Basically, it motivates me to keep working and follow my chosen path with self-belief. In addition, such an exercise, combined with small but confident steps towards the goal, may be enough. To change the perception of life, from meaningless to exciting and limitless.

List of human life goals

So, if you want to be happy, you need to have big, inspiring goals in your life. A harmonious personality has goals in all major areas of life: spiritual, intellectual, social and physical.

Remember that you need to strive to be selfless, and your goals should not cause suffering and pain to more than one living being. Yes, yes, a harmonious and reasonable person values ​​not only human life, but also the life of other living beings: an ant, an elephant and even plants.

Physical goals

An approximate list of what goals should be in life at the physical level:

  • Achieving physical health
  • Maintaining body cleanliness
  • Drinking enough clean water
  • Proper and healthy nutrition
  • Development of body flexibility
  • Establishing the correct daily routine (getting up early and going to bed early)
  • Getting rid of any diseases
  • Slowing down the aging process

This list can be continued for a long time. The main thing is that these goals do not limit a person too much to his body, which should be simply a tool for achieving the main goals of life.

Social goals

What you need to pay attention to in this area:

  • Establishing good relationships with parents
  • Harmonious relationship with husband or wife
  • Good relationships with children and grandchildren
  • Respectful and non-violent treatment of all living beings
  • Live according to your nature (male or female)
  • Build harmonious relationships with all people around you (friends, colleagues, etc.)

The sphere of relationships is very important in a person’s life.

Goals in the intellectual sphere

At the intellectual level, there may be the following goals:

The ability to set your own goals Developing your creative abilities Learning languages ​​Working on calming your mind (very important) Being able to distinguish between the eternal from the temporary, the spiritual from the material Gaining the ability to change your destiny Obtaining a scientific degree or something similar Developing willpower

At this level there may be many goals, but they are not and should not be the main goals of life. The most important and main goals in life are set on a spiritual level.

Goals in the spiritual sphere

What goals in life should be in the spiritual sphere:

  • Achieve selfless unconditional love for God
  • The ability to live in the present moment
  • Developing sublime qualities in yourself: selflessness, humility, etc.
  • Eradicating self-interest, selfishness, pride, lust, desire for fame
  • Be able to see the manifestation of God everywhere and in everything
  • Don't be dependent on something or someone in this world
  • Develop inner peace, cheerfulness and tranquility

These goals are an order of magnitude higher than all previous ones, since they are inextricably linked with our true spiritual nature. Be sure to put them in your life.

You need to have a goal in life at any age

I cannot imagine my existence without goals, desires and without working to achieve them. I can’t imagine living on one pension, sitting at home and doing nothing. I like to think of life as a constant journey of learning and growth. It's like a trip from which you don't want to return. And the motivation and inspiration from this helps you feel like a positive person and move through life with dignity. And even as we age, it is important to have a purpose in life. Maybe not as significant as in my youth. But this does not mean that we should completely forget about our dreams and desires. Of course, each person will have their own goals, but their very existence gives a person satisfaction and happiness.


Many famous people, including everyone’s favorite Elon Musk, fully admit that we live in some kind of virtual reality.
Just like the one described in the movie “The Matrix,” but we don’t have any bodies in the real world. We are just virtual programs. And if this is so, then many things fall into place. From fine tuning of physical laws to the inaccessibility of stars. In fact, they simply don't exist. And astronomers are right when, measuring the distances to the nearest worlds, they gloomily mutter to themselves that we will never visit there.

There is no one in this Universe except us. Because it was created just for us. Perhaps we're just some superintelligent high school kid's abandoned lab running on some abandoned server. Until the cleaning lady comes and turns off all the electrical panels...

Or maybe another civilization is developing on a planet near a neighboring star... This is the work of another fifth grader. And interstellar distances are so vast because intelligent beings should not intersect with each other. For the purity of the experiment...

Tell the whole Universe!

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Set meaningful goals and dream big

I always try to have a goal in life and dream big. Now I have set a goal, in addition to creating a happy family, to write 10 fiction books. And although I am still at the beginning of my journey, I am truly inspired by my plans. In addition, I love sharing my experience and knowledge. This is a passion that has always been in me. It connects me with a wider range of people.

My work gives me the opportunity to express my thoughts, opinions, and be creative. Every step I take towards achieving my goal makes me feel like I'm on the right path. In the end, we all want to leave some kind of mark behind us. And I think the worst feeling I can have at the end of my life is realizing that I didn't try hard enough. And she was unable to fully use her potential and did not realize herself.

How to achieve your goal?

What is the most important thing in a person's life? There is no need to reinvent the wheel; everything has already been invented for us a long time ago. Just follow these rules:

  • Write down your goal. Beginners sometimes think that this is a useless job, because at first glance it may seem that you already know what to do. But this is not at all true, each goal should be divided into smaller ones and do not forget to write what is required to achieve each. This is the only way to clearly see the full picture of what is required of you. Even the simplest schedule will show you everything that needs to be done in the near future. This is very convenient, right? This way you will achieve your goal within the required time frame.
  • Don't forget to write it down. Putting it into pieces is one thing, but if you record all the information, you won’t forget what you need in an hour. Experts advise keeping this list before your eyes. Let the piece of paper hang in the most visible place so that there is no chance of being distracted from the goal.

Such simple rules will help you overcome the path to success.

Never give up

Even in bad times, it is important to have a purpose in life. After all, dreams and goals help us stay afloat, fill us with energy and motivation. If we truly believe in our dreams, we imagine that we will achieve them at some point. It brings us a sense of positivity and optimism that helps us when we face obstacles. And instead of looking at failure as a reason to give up on a goal, if we believe in our dreams, we pick ourselves up and keep working.

“Nothing can stop a person with a strong desire and the right approach from achieving his goals.”

— Thomas Jefferson

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What are the benefits of goal setting?

Goal setting makes our life much better and calmer. And if you look at why it’s better, the following picture emerges:

  • We have a meaning in life, we know what we want in the end

And this is the biggest advantage of goal setting. If you wake up every day and know that today you will take another concrete step towards your goal and it will become closer to you.

For example, you are saving money and the next “tranche” in the piggy bank will bring you satisfaction and pleasant thoughts from the fact that your “financial capacity” has grown and increased.

Life does not pass in vain, it definitely takes on meaning and becomes an exciting process.

  • There will always be control over the situation

It is worth noting that the clearer you understand why you need this goal and where you want to go, the clearer it is how you need to move, in what direction, at what speed, and how much time it will take.

But if the goal is not clear, then there will be nothing to control.

  • Confidence and enthusiasm only appear when the goal is clear

“Go there - I don’t know where” often leads nowhere, because there is no confidence and desire to do anything at all. The goal should always be desirable, the end result should please you, only then does the desire and enthusiasm to “go and do” appear, as Richard Branson says.

  • Evaluate your intermediate results

The road to a goal is always divided into small, small steps. But in order to understand what worked and what didn’t, it’s worth periodically auditing what’s been done. I recommend making all entries in your planning and evaluating what has been done and what has not been done, and adjusting the deadlines.

  • The feeling of “victory” and self-realization increases self-esteem

When the final goal is realized, each of us feels that this is a “victory.” Victory over yourself, first of all, you can praise yourself for not being lazy, but doing everything in your power to achieve your goal.

Often, a non-standard approach, the use of some new skills, and the help of other people greatly helps in achieving goals. Therefore, it is worth using all options. “Expand” the horizon of your capabilities and make new useful contacts - this always has a positive effect on the realization of your goal.

If you don't take control of your life, then someone else will control your life.

Tips for writing an essay

First of all, try to achieve a coherent narrative. It should be based on the main idea and logic of reasoning. State the main idea at the beginning, for example, “The purpose of life is important to a person.” Next, provide evidence: what a purposeless existence leads to and, conversely, what the presence of meaningful desires leads to. Support what has been said with examples from literary works and provide quotes.

What is important to consider while writing:

  • Formulate your thoughts clearly – there should be no vague wording in the text.
  • Give reasons and support each thesis with evidence, avoid arguments.
  • Don't go against public opinion, don't use sarcasm.
  • Use at least 2 examples from the literature.
  • Express your position and compare it with the position of the authors of the works.
  • Re-read what you have written - this will help avoid mistakes.
  • Keep track of the length of the essay; it should include about 350 words.
  • Do not use terms whose interpretation you are not entirely sure of.
  • Do not use quotes or works whose names of authors and heroes are in doubt.

It is very important that you can draw on a literary base. Usually the direction in which the final essay will be written is known long before the exam itself.

Don't be lazy, look for as many relevant examples as possible and memorize some quotes. Practice shows that the same example from a literary work can be used in an essay on any topic from a given direction. Therefore, the wider your literary base, the better.

About achieving goals

“Please look at this document and write your comments,” a colleague asked me, sending me a link to 2 pages of text that describes the DevOps culture. The document explains in beautiful language what DevOps is. “Good text,” I thought, “but something is missing.” I could not answer the question: why and for whom was this text written? What did the author want to tell them?

When I sit down to write some text (and this article is no exception), at the beginning of the work I create a list of goals that I want to achieve. These goals act as a filter. You look at the text and ask it a question: how does it correspond to my goals?

It seems trivial, but the biggest mistake in the goal setting process is not setting goals for yourself. "Thanks, Cap!" - you say. - "It is obvious". I thought so too. I had many goals: to become stronger/smarter/richer... (continue the list yourself). How many of your wishes from such a list have you turned into your achievements?

2021 was my first truly conscious year. On January 4, I sat alone in an empty apartment, thought about what I wanted to achieve this year and wrote it down in my annual plan. Do you know what I realized? This really works. In this article I will share my experience about how it works for me.

In this material, I will purposefully not write about how to set SMART goals. The Internet is full of materials on this topic. SMART has some really good techniques, and I use some of them for myself.

For those who do not like to read for a long time - brief instructions

  1. Take a piece of paper.
  2. Write down the answers to the following questions:

    What do I want to achieve?

  3. Why is this important to me?
  4. How will I know that I have achieved this?
  5. What steps will I take to start accomplishing my plans? What can I do today?

Next there will be a more detailed description of the process.


We will start our process with the preparatory stage. Depending on the scale of the goals you plan to consider, its duration may vary. Think about the fact that the time you spend on this work is actually spent on yourself. I regularly find myself thinking that I will waste time setting goals. Why do this when you can get started with the task right away? However, in this case, I quickly lose motivation and quit what I started. At first, you may find it difficult to set aside time to write down your goals.

The secret is this: admit to yourself that in some sense you don’t have free time for this. You won't find it in your busy schedule, you need to make a special time for it.

To write down your goals, you can use whatever is closest to you, no matter what it is. Don’t turn your search for a tool into just another excuse for not doing what you want to do. Personally, I use Apple's native Reminder (which is convenient because it can be quickly called up and synchronized with other devices in the ecosystem) to record short-term goals. Before completing work tasks, I use a notepad in which I write notes by hand.

A Yale University study confirmed the importance of recording your goals on paper. A number of students were asked whether they wrote down their goals on paper upon graduation. Only 3% of respondents wrote down goals; 10% had goals but didn't write them down. The rest had no specific goals. Twenty years later, these people were re-surveyed. According to the survey results, 3% achieved greater success who set and wrote down goals.

What do I want to achieve?

At one of the development trainings, the trainer set us the task of writing down on a piece of paper everything that we would do if we had an unlimited amount of money. What would it be like for you? When you are faced with such a choice, at first it seems that now you don’t have enough A4 sheet to write all your desires. And when you sit down to write the answer to this question, the internal filter turns on. And what seemed inevitably to be present on this list is no longer so obvious. When there are no restrictions, when we are left to our own devices, we begin to think about what is really important. And what was on the surface is no longer worthy of being on our wish list.

Answering the question “What do I want?” you turn on the very filter that lets through only what is really important. At this moment you are left to your own devices. Be honest with yourself.

Writing out the answer to the question “What do I want?” follow simple rules for formulating your goals:

  • Positive goal statement. Psychologist Gabrielle Oettingen has carefully studied the motivational impact of positive goal formulation and came to the following conclusion. The best strategy for setting a goal is to think positively about how things will turn out once you achieve success, but to be realistic about the actions required to achieve it. By considering both what you want and the obstacles to achieving it, you will understand the situation and be able to make an intelligent decision: when the chances of success are high, this will increase your commitment to the goal and the likelihood of achieving it.
  • Your goal is within your personal control. Outcomes that depend on other people are beyond your control. Sometimes the line between what is under your control and what is not is very thin. You can expand your zone of control, thereby increasing the chances of achieving your goal.
  • The goal is defined in time. “Endless” goals will remain unfulfilled desires. Time is the most valuable resource we have. Use it wisely and don’t set yourself “endless” goals. Yes, in the early stages your goal may have a vague time limit. Don't let this bother you. What do you need to do to determine the time frame for you to complete your goal? Let this be your first step towards achieving your goal. In software development, it is very common to hear developers answer the question “When will it be ready?” - the answer is “I don’t know.” What do you need to do to find out? When will we be able to receive data on the timing of the task?
  • Your goal is environmentally friendly. Explore your goal the way ecologists explore how living organisms interact with each other and their environment. This view allows you to look at your goals from the outside, covering the whole picture. How does your goal compare with your other goals? What will happen to you when you achieve this goal? What will change in your life? How will you change yourself? These are just a few questions to ask yourself when setting goals that affect you. Remember that your goals can have an effect on other people. Who else might care that you reach your goal?

Why is this important to me?

In the SMART goal setting method, the most difficult property for me has always been encrypted under the letter R - relevant, important for me. But how do I understand that this particular goal is important to me? If the goal is not important, then do I need to achieve it? In one interview the following thought was voiced: “Laziness is the best indicator that you are doing something wrong.” This is the first bell that tells us that it’s time to think about what we are doing and why we are doing it.

Heidi Grant Halvorson in her book The Psychology of Achievement. How to Achieve Your Goals” says that people prefer to think about their actions either more abstractly or more concretely. Abstract thinkers find meaning in the answer to the question “Why am I doing this?” Other people prefer to think more concretely and think about specific operations when describing their behavior.

Abstract thoughts about behavior help connect ordinary tasks to something meaningful. What previously seemed unimportant can appear in a new light. For example, the goal “Get up at 6 o’clock in the morning instead of 7 o’clock” may not be related to the fact that a person wants to devote this time to exercise or other practices. The real goal is to learn to be disciplined.

Concrete thinking is suitable for setting goals in those tasks in which there is a large amount of uncertainty. It is difficult to connect the meaning of achieving a goal with an uncertain result.

In my practice, I use both of these approaches: I write out for myself the answer to the question “Why is this important to me” and outline the first steps towards implementation.

This approach helps me find motivation to achieve my goals and complete tasks. The main secret when answering the question “Why is this important to me?” - be honest with yourself. In my notebook you can find answers to this question such as:

  • This is important to me because I want to earn praise from my manager
  • This is important to me as it will allow me to maintain relationships with clients and ask for an additional bonus for this
  • and much more, which sometimes we do not voice out loud, but it is in our subcortex.

In 2021, I set myself a clear and specific goal - to save 300,000 rubles into an investment account. This goal truly inspired me. I had a clear plan for how much I needed to save monthly and what sources of income would allow me to do this. I set about accomplishing this goal with enthusiasm. But this year I had some events that forced me to reconsider the conditions for fulfilling my goal as the year progressed. What to do in this situation? For myself, I concluded that long-term goals must have rules for revision. Over the course of a year (or other time period), many unexpected events may occur. Will your goal remain relevant to you throughout the entire period of time? I have set a rule for myself that every month, when I sum up the results of the month, I review how relevant this or that goal from my list is.

How will we understand that we have achieved this?

Visualize the expected result. What exactly will you get when you reach your goal? Will it be a specific document, a list, a signed contract? The answer to this question is often one of the most difficult. Very often we imagine the result very vaguely, and sometimes we don’t imagine it at all. Visualization allows you to think more specifically. An additional bonus from it will be that by starting to specifically imagine the result, we already imagine what steps and efforts we need to take to move in the intended direction.

The goal must be formulated with an exact result (outcome). If we don’t know what we want to achieve, then how will we understand that we have achieved it? A clear statement of the goal gives a clear idea - have we achieved the goal or not? Having set ourselves the goal of earning 1,000,000 money, we will clearly understand that if we earned 999,999, the goal has not been achieved and we need to continue trying to move towards it.

How to determine the limit when the goal will be feasible or not? Should I set myself a “low bar” and be content with achieving it? Or set yourself a difficult goal? Of course, you shouldn’t set yourself an unattainable goal; the goal should be difficult, but realistic. Only achieving such goals gives us a feeling of satisfaction from the work done. Set specific and challenging goals for yourself.

What steps will I take to start fulfilling my plans?

In the movie Forrest Gump, the eponymous hero goes for a run. This run lasted more than 3 years and he covered the entire country from ocean to ocean. “At first I reached the end of the path and thought about running through the whole city? After that I thought about running through Greenbow County. And since I was so far away, why not cross the entire state of Alabama? Any journey begins with small steps. Building a sequence of such steps and creating a plan is probably the surest strategy that will allow you to achieve your goals. A plan is a set of actions that will help you stay focused in situations of uncertainty. Thinking through the steps towards your goal is a way to anticipate risks and stay committed to your goal. I already mentioned in my article that planning is an important attribute of people with a preferred concrete mindset.

  • What steps will you take to move towards your goal?
  • What can I do today to move towards my desired goal?
  • What 3 simple steps can you take today to bring your goal closer?

There are some life hacks that help me and my teams better plan progress towards their goals. Try the practice of backward planning. Its value lies in the fact that it allows you to look at your plan from a different angle and identify previously hidden steps or risks. To do this, try creating a plan of steps in reverse order. Imagine an event that will occur after you achieve your desired goal? What is it for you: a family holiday or a beach holiday? What preceded this event? What and when did you do? Where were they? Take it one step at a time - creating a plan to move towards your goal. This way you will have a detailed plan, compare it with what you got when you first planned? Has anything new been discovered? Valuable?


The method described above for setting goals for ourselves is an approach that helps us clearly formulate them, understand how we will achieve them and how to maintain motivation along the way. To apply this approach, follow simple rules:

  • Set yourself goals
  • Write down your goals wherever it is convenient for you
  • When you set goals, answer 4 questions
  • Regularly review your goals over a long period of time

List of materials used to write this article:

  • Heidi Grant Halvorson, The Psychology of Achievement. How to achieve your goals”
  • Meryl Atkinson, Rae T. Choice “Achieving Goals. Step-by-step system"
  • Mark Williams, Dani Penam "Mindfulness. How to find harmony in our crazy world"

Don't stop halfway

This requires high motivation and internal self-support. Elizaveta Loshkareva recommends using the following techniques:

  1. Back to the past . Pause and see how far you've come. Me yesterday and me today. What changed?
  2. Forward to the future . Ask yourself questions: how will life change when you achieve the result? What kind of person will you become? What feelings will you experience?
  3. Keep a diary of achievements . Record all victories. Collecting information, answering questions, improving skills, making new acquaintances are achievements. Don't forget about them.

See even more useful exercises on Instagram.

Substitution of goals, or I don’t know what I want

Can you say that you know who you are? So, if you really know that you are you, then most likely you fall into the small category of people who were able to develop their own principles, rules, norms, ways of presenting themselves to the world and live their OWN life. Unlike people who were gifted with all this by their parents and who did not have the opportunity in the future to re-realize all these values ​​and understand their real “I”. In contrast to the real “I,” they try to present to the world their idealized psychological image, which has a weak connection with the real ones.

Thus, the question of understanding what a person really wants depends on the need for extremely serious changes, the development of awareness of one’s life and all its aspects, which, of course, does not happen quickly. In this regard, all the “easy and fast” methods of understanding what you want may not work. However, much depends on how strongly a person’s true “I” is replaced by his invented image.

Criteria for evaluation

A good essay must meet the assessment criteria. Your eloquence and strong authorial position will not play a special role if the verification reveals a discrepancy with the criteria. If you think that a goal in life is not only unimportant, but also harmful, you should not write about it. You may be right, many psychologists will agree with you. But you won't get a high rating. Therefore, in this case, be a hypocrite and write the work according to all the rules. And you will still have the opportunity to express your true opinion, believe me.

According to FIPI, the criteria for assessing the final essay are:

  • Relevance to the topic.
  • Argumentation using literary material.
  • Composition and logic of reasoning.
  • Quality of written language.
  • Literacy.

Basic criteria – first and second. Pass or fail is indicated here. Accordingly, the essay should reveal the topic and have a communicative intent. As an argument, it is important to use literature, preferably the one you studied as part of the school curriculum. Quotes and examples from literary works must be given correctly, as if finding confirmation of your arguments in the words of the author.

It is impossible to write an essay without using literary material.

The composition and logic of reasoning is actually the sequence of presentation, as well as the relationship between theses and evidence.

If you have put forward a thesis, provide evidence and support it with examples.

The quality of speech design refers to the variety of vocabulary. Try to avoid cliches and use appropriate terms. If you are not sure about the interpretation, do not use it.

As for literacy, a failure is given when grammatical errors make it difficult to understand the text. Usually no more than 5 errors are allowed per 100 words. We advise you not to use words whose spelling you are not sure of. The Russian language, as you remember, is rich, flexible and picturesque - find synonyms.

Reward for Determination

Having taken an active life position and defined a goal for ourselves, we make conscious and organized efforts to achieve it. We develop, posing and solving increasingly complex problems. We learn to manage ourselves and improve the quality of our experiences.

The reward for efforts towards a new goal is the experience of a “state of flow” or “optimal experience”, described in the book “Flow” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

  • The goal leads into the flow.

Mihai calls the state of flow “the leading edge of evolution,” a powerful incentive that forces you to move forward, grow intellectually and spiritually, and improve your already acquired knowledge and skills.

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